
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DanMachi 3

Hestia's first decision after we joined, was to sit us down and have a talk.

"So, where are you guys from?" she asks, and knowing she can detect lies, I kept most of our info hidden.

"From an island country called England. We just arrived to Orario today." I truthfully tell her.

"I've never heard of it. Where is it?"

"In the Atlantic Ocean, near Europe."

She stops and thinks it through. "You're telling the truth. But I've never heard of them." She says before shaking her head. "Never mind. What I'm mostly shocked about, and why I said we need to talk, is that both of you don't have a single drop of excelia in your system! It's like both of you are newborns! Like blank slates!" she says exclaiming and putting both of her hands up in the air.

"We know the reason, it's nothing dangerous, so you don't have to worry, but we can't tell you, at least not yet." Not accepting my answer, she starts to pout and was about to say something but...

"Anyway," I interrupt her and change the topic quickly. "Why don't we look around and find a nice place to rent? It can't be comfortable to live in a church basement. Something with more than one room, a kitchen, flowing water, and a bathroom." I say. "Because, while I think we could snuggly live in here. If we ever want to get more people into the familia, we'll need a bigger place. Plus, I do want to spend some intimate time with my wife-to-be, and have our goddess next to us and watching, while might appeal to some people, I personally would be against it." I could already see the gears turning in her head for the first part, but the second part made them halt in their motion, as her face burned up in a heavy blush.

'Virgin goddesses are quite easy to tease.' After receiving a complimentary slap on my head, Olivia added her own thoughts to my suggestion.

"I think so too, let's move you to someplace suitable for a goddess." She says with a smile and extends her arm towards the petite one. Hestia grabs onto it and Olivia pulls her up.

"I know a place that rents houses. The rent thou-" Before Hestia could finish, Olive interrupts her.

"Don't worry about rent or living expenses. We have some saved up Valis and we plan on dungeon diving from tomorrow on." She says and Hestia's smile starts mirroring Olivia's.

"Okay, then it's decided! Hestia Familia is MOVING!" she yells the last part.

"Umm... Let's find a place first and then move..." I say but I'm ignored as the two girls start packing all of Hestia's belongings. I sigh and help them out. After an hour, and me accidentally picking up Hestia's dropped-off panties, which made her tug them out of my hands and start hitting me with her twin tails, we successfully packed up everything.

"Okay this is good and all but what if we don't find a place today?" I try to be the voice of reason. But once again no one listens to me... I rise my hands and give up.

Not long after Hestia takes us to the real estate agency, responsible for renting out and selling houses and mansions in Orario. Surprisingly, the place was located not so far away from the church.

"So what kind of place are you looking for?" Asks the middle-aged and overweight agent.

"Well something smaller, as the familia is still in its early stages. We would like a house, with at least three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom with flowing water, and a mid-sized yard."

The agent writes down my request and leaves the room after telling us he will be right back.

"Isn't three bedrooms too much?" Asks Hestia looking at me a bit confused.

"Well, I have at least two targets for recruitment into the familia. One is a supporter currently in the Soma familia, another is in the Ishar familia, but we can't add them yet."

"Don't you think you need to discuss these things with me first?" she states and starts to pout, while still sitting on Olivia's lap. Seems like Olivia has taken a liking to the petite goddess, she's holding her like a little child.

"Don't worry you will love them, and I won't force you to add them, I'll just introduce them to you later on and you can make the decision. Alright?" After receiving a nod, our talks were about to continue, only to be interrupted by the opening of the door and the entrance of the agent.

"Good news! We have two available lots that are to your specifications. Additionally, we have one that's a lot bigger than the one you requested but in the same price range."

"So what's the catch with the last one?" I look at him suspiciously.

"It's a bit far away from the dungeon." He says sadly.

"Far, as in?" Hestia asks.

"About an hour of walking."

"Yea, we won't need that one right now." I say shaking my head. "The familia is newly formed, we won't be going on longer expeditions for a few years. So getting to and from the dungeon faster would be much better. What are the prices of the others and their locations from the dungeon?"

"Yea I was afraid you would say that." He says stowing away the last page. "The first one furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a larger kitchen, a diner, and a medium-sized backyard. About fifteen minutes away from the dungeon entrance 687,000 Valis a month. With three months' worth of down payment." The loli goddess's eyes bulge as she hears the price. But both I and Olive just nod. "The second place is unfurnished about a ten-minute walk from the dungeon, it has a pub on the same street so the price is a bit lower, 529,000 Valis a month and requires 2 months of down payment. Has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a large kitchen with a diner, and a larger backyard."

"Could you show them to us?" I ask.

"Yes, I was about to ask. Which one would you like to see first?" he asks

"The one with the pub, and after that, we can go see the other one." With a nod, he agrees and tells us to wait while he grabs the keys. As he leaves Hestia jumps off Olivia's lap and grabs onto my shirt with both of her hands pulling me down to her level.

"Are you out of your mind!" she practically, whisper-yells at me. "That's a lot of money!" Olivia looks at me to confirm it.

So I shake my head and tell Olive. "The cheaper one would be around 675 Pounds a month the other one would be 900." I look back at Hestia who's right now wondering what a pound is and say "To be honest with you, I could probably make all that Valis alone in a day."

"I don't know where you're getting that confidence from, you just became level 1 for my sake!" she says and both I and Olive hold back a laugh.

"Oh from now on I'll be saying 'for Hestia's sake!' instead of 'for god's sake'" says Olive with a small giggle.

"Don't make fun of the loli goddess." I say looking at her with a fake, stern gaze.

"Loli?!? Who are you calling a loli!?" and thus proceeds my second twin tail whipping of the day.

The agent took us on a 20-minute walk and we arrived to a relatively bad neighborhood. Looking around I could spot multiple people passed out on the street, vomit, and piss could be smelled in the air.

"Is the house in this street?" I asked hoping the answer is a no.

"Yes." He probably already suspected what my next words were.

"Yeaaa... We don't need to see the house, take us to the next place." With a reluctant nod, he turned around. He accepted it quite easily, seemingly we were not the first ones who'd done this.

After another ten-minute walk, we arrived at a wide street. This street was a lot cleaner and even had patrols going around. It had a flower shop on the street and a bakery not so far. Not long after, we arrive at a two-story house. The bottom floor's walls were made out of stone and the top floors were out of wood. It had 4 windows facing the street, two on the main floor with hanging flower pots and two on the second. The windows had blue-colored blinds that could be opened to the side, like a door. Its roof was made out of red tiles and the door had a large metallic knocker.

"From the outside, it looks perfect." Commented Olivia.

"Yea it's nice, but let's check the insides first." I say, still skeptical after the last house we didn't even check.

To my surprise, even the insides looked pretty good. The bottom floor housed a living room, the kitchen, and a smaller diner. The top floor had three bedrooms, one of which had its own bathroom, and one separate bathroom. Both bathrooms had a toilet and a bath. After exiting the building through a kitchen door, you entered the garden. Most of it was empty, except for the top right corner which housed some empty pots.

"Okay, well take it." I say without even talking it out with the girls.

"Great, let's go back and sign the papers." He says happily.

"Are you sure? It's quite a lot of money." Asks Hestia.

"I'm sure, we need a good place to live. And with all the amenities nearby it will be easier for all of us. Additionally, if you want, you and Olivia can start a little garden in the backyard."

Our talks continued till we arrived back at the agency. Where I paid the 3 months of pre-payment, which totaled 2,061,000 Valis or about 60 UC, and we agreed on where and when we would need to pay the rent. After that, we got three sets of keys and we left to pick up Hestia's stuff. That's when the fight started over who gets the room with a bathroom.

"We will take the master bedroom, as we are the ones paying for the place." Makes a good argument, my soon wife-to-be.

"But, but, but I'm the goddess of the familia!" The loli goddess makes a weak counterargument.

"So? Yes, you are important in this familia, but you already have a couple in it!"

"How about this!" I interrupt their senseless argument. "I and Olive get the master bedroom, because we are together, and we tend to share baths quite often. You wouldn't want to accidentally enter a bathroom while we're having fun, do you?" I say and watch her blush, but then I add. "And I can promise you, that the next place we get will have a bathroom just for you." With that, she agrees.

Holding two bags of Hestia's stuff on my shoulders while Olive took three of our smaller bags and Hestia carried a small handbag, we arrived at our new place of residence. We quickly unpacked, and I emptied my inventory filled with Olivia's girly stuff onto the desk in our bedroom. Letting her put them wherever she wanted.

The room with a bathroom, our room, had a large king-sized bed, a tall wardrobe, and a desk with a large bronze mirror. The bathroom had a large bath, a sink, and a toilet. The room and bathroom were bare, so Olivia had already made plans to buy some decorations and flowers. I just let her have her fun.

After we all got comfortable and had an early dinner I and Olivia went back to the Guild office to register as adventurers. Thirty minutes of wait later our turn arrived. We were greeted by, if my memory served me right, Eina Tulle. Eina was a shorter female half-elf with brown hair, green eyes, and glasses.

"Hello, my name is Eina, how may I help you?" She greets up with a small smile.

"Hello Eina, I'm Andrew and this is Olivia, we're here to register as adventurers."

"Okay, what familia do you belong to?" she asks pulling out some papers.

"Hestia. We just joined today." I say with a smile.

"Oh that's nice Hestia-sama had some trouble finding people. It's good to hear she finally found people willing to join her." She says pushing the papers toward us. "Do you know how to read and write? If not can help you. There is no shame in it, a lot of adventurers don't know." She asks.

"No help needed, thank you" I answer.

"Then please fill these out. Your stats, skills, and magic are not required. But if you want to you can provide it to the guild. Your information will be safe."

Turning to Olivia, I whisper to her that we should keep our info hidden, especially because they are all zeros. A never before seen value on this continent. The paper contained some basic questions, addresses, and all that. Both I and Olive quickly filled it out and handed it over to Eina.

After Eina checks the papers she looks at us and asks "Have you planned on choosing an advisor?"

"Not really, I don't think we need one." I say, honestly. I've collected more info from the people around us than one advisor could give us.

"That's foolish, you could die because you're unprepared."

"I don't think so. But okay then how about you become our Advisor?"

"Me?" she points at herself and asks with a surprised tone.

"Yea, who wouldn't want such a charming lady to become their advisor." I say with a smile and watch as the elf's ears start to turn bright red while she tries to keep her stoic look. "Or are you not allowed to do this job?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Okay..." says the clearly embarrassed elf. "If you ever have any questions or are planning on entering a new floor find me and I'll teach you all that I know." Says the, now, determined elf.

"Great, thank you Eina, you're the best." I say with a smile before she hands us two adventurer certificates with our details written on them. At that moment both me and Olive unlock a new class, and it seemed to be a world-related class.

[Class: [Adventurer (DanMachi)] unlocked.]

We thank her and leave towards the exit.

"What was that." Anger is clearly seen in her eyes.

A sigh escapes my mouth "That was Eina Tulle, a half-elf, who is one of the best advisors in the Guild, but stopped doing it after one of her adventurers died. She's one of our best options for the advisor role." She clearly wasn't satisfied with my answer so I continue. "That wasn't even flirting, I commented on her charm and she blushed like crazy. How that my fault!" She starts to walk away from me. "And you already know I wouldn't change you for anyone. Not even for a fox girl with fluffy tails." I say while trying to keep up with her.

"Okay, you're not sleeping in the doghouse. But none of this" she points at herself "for a few days!" She says and starts walking towards our house while swaying her hips. I act hurt and place my palm on my heart. "Oh come on!" I shout after her "That's not fair!" Afraid someone will attempt something if I wasn't around her, I quickly move to her side and wrap my right hand around her waist and pull her towards me.

The satisfaction I got from seeing all the men around me, who were about to approach her, look at me with hate in their eyes, made my day. To despise them even more, I plant a kiss on her cheeks, which awarded me with angry grunts and yelps of complaints.

"You'll get us in trouble." She says tapping me on my chest after noticing the atmosphere around us shift.

"I know, but fuck them. Your mine and they shouldn't be looking at you with those kinds of eyes." I say while making four people faint with [Mind Arts].

We got home and talked with Hestia for a bit. We learned about her life before we arrived to Orario and even about her life in Heaven. The poor goddess spent most of eternity all alone and that's why she cried after we told her we wanted to be part of her familia. Now I felt bad for choosing her as our goddess because we were not planning on staying here for too long.

Olivia spent most of her time just hugging the loli goddess and making her feel better. We had an option of extracting her, but we currently didn't have the WP for it, and if this familia grew in size there was no chance of us extracting the whole thing.

That said, if we establish a large familia for her, she will never feel alone anymore, and we could come and visit any time in the future. So with a personal quest created, I started creating my future plans.

As it got late, we separated from the goddess and went to bed, no fun was had that night, as per my botty prohibition. But honestly, we both felt tired from all the walking around we did today, so it wasn't a big loss. I fell asleep while tightly hugging my wife-to-be while wondering when I started to refer to her as such.