
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DanMachi 11

"I would like you to teach a few people how to use their..." Said Riviera looking at a certain page of my notebook. "...Mana. Your insight on magic is astounding, I prepared all of the materials I had on magic, but if it's not enough, I can send a missive to the Elf Kingdom to deliver more books."

"Oh, right you're a princess or something like that." I say making her freeze.

"How do you know about that?!" She practically shouts the question.

"Meh, I have my ways, I know a lot of stuff." I say with a shrug. "Let me look through the books first, then I'll inform you if I need the additional ones. Regarding the teaching, how many are we talking about?"

"8 people, Finn, Gareth, Ais, Tione, Tiona, Bete, Lefiya, and me."

"That sounds troublesome... I could do a group lecture... Can we do it today? I have plans for tomorrow."

"I'll need to ask if everyone is free."

"Even if not, you can teach each other, later." I wave her off, but then it comes to me. "You know what, I'll teach you right now, and you can teach whoever you want later on. How does that sound?"

"How long would it take?" she hesitates at first, but in the end asks

"Minutes, if you're competent enough." With a nod, she agrees, and thus proceeds the ten-minute explanation, showcase, and guide, while she takes notes and asks questions. The whole process explained how to sense one's mana, guide it through their body and manipulate it with their will. By the end of it, Riveria was soaking wet from all the sweat, she was mentally exhausted, but happy because she managed to form her first spell without a chant. After letting her catch her breath, I say.

"It will be easier with practice, and with strong enough will, you could cast multiple spells at the same time." I say rising my hands up, forming fifty different spell circles in the air. With a fling of my wrist, all of them disperse. "Just like that." I say with a smile.

"Amazing, how long have you been practicing?" she realizes how demanding that display was, especially now that she knew how hard she had to focus on forming a single spell circle.

"A few years," I lie. "but that doesn't matter. You'll get better at it, and as a High-Elf you will have as much time as you need to practice it." She smiles at that imagining the possibilities, but I interrupt her daydreaming with a question. "I wanted to ask, was the money prepared?"

"Certainly, it has been prepared." After coming back from her fantasies, she answers and nods.

"Good, now show me the books and the money and I'll leave you in charge of teaching the others, in return, I'll give you updates on what I discover from your books." I say not wanting to waste time teaching. She rapidly nods again and we move out of her office to an outside location.

"Oh, by the way, we might have sacred a guard when coming in." I say looking at the group of guards, with their weapons drawn running towards us.

"What have you done?" she looks at me squinting her eyes.

"I did nothing." I say defensively rising my hands, while Olive just whistles next to me looking to the side. Riveria facepalms and moves to intercept the guards. After a few seconds of chat, a "He did WHAT!?" could be heard and Riveria turned towards us looking mad.

"What happened to one of our guards!" she shouts

"Nothing he lost a hand, and I helped him find it." I say with a smirk.

She starts rubbing her forehead. Then continues. "And why didn't you say Loki summoned you?"

"Because I don't care, she can summon me all she wants, she's not my goddess, and I don't need to follow her words." I say with a shrug.

Another facepalm and a sigh later, she disperses the guards. "Let's go, let's get this over with." She beckons us to follow her to the storage area she prepared. "I'll talk to her later, explain you were in a hurry and that you didn't have time to meet her." She adds after a few seconds of thinking.

"Yea, she'll know your lying, gods can feel that, just tell her I didn't want to meet her." I say with another shrug, not really caring about the feeling of the perverted goddess of trickery.

My words make Riveria sigh knowing I'm right. We arrive at the storage, a few minutes later and damn was 500 Million Valis a lot. It took us, me, and Olivia, fifteen minutes to convert all of it into UC and store it in our shared wallet, bringing our total up to 16,504 UC. Riveria just looked at us strangely, wondering why we didn't just store it all with magic, but she didn't voice her concerns. After finishing up there I put her books into my inventory.

"Thanks, if you have trouble with teaching [Mana Manipulation] to the other, contact me." I say patting Riveria's shoulder.

"I will." She respectably nods, and I let go of her.

"Good, see you around Riveria." I grab onto Olive's shoulders and [Void Step] my way home.

At home, I slowly turn towards Olive with a huge smile on my face.

"What?" she asks in confusion.

"Look what I've got!" I lift my hands and present two glistering green hair locks. She reaches for one, and I drop it into her hand.

"Is this what I think it is?" she asks looking at it questioningly.

"If you're thinking about becoming a sexy elf lady, then yes." I say with a smile and convert the remaining hair into a Race card.

[Race: [High-Elf] gained.]


+1 DEX, +1 INT, +1 WIS, +2 VIT +1 PER, +2 CHAR, +1 M. RES per Global Level

- The user's lifespan is extended by 500 years.

- The user is loved by nature.

"Nice bonuses. But what does 'The user is loved by nature' mean?"

Olive shifts into her elf form right in front of me, and at that moment my breath hitches. She was stunning, even before her transformation, but now with the boost to her charisma and her current form, I can't take my eyes off her. Her muscles became more defined, her ass firmer, her boobs shrank a bit, but kept their perfect shape, and I bet they would feel awesome in my hands, her pointy ears barely poked out under her hair. She looked like a true goddess, and not like the ones living here.

"You look stunning." I say and she looks away with a light blush. I move towards her and touch her ears, producing an audible moan from her. She moves her hands and grabs mine, stopping my further attempt to play with them.

"They are really sensitive and seem to be an erogenous zone. That light touch made me wet. Stop doing that, or I won't be able to hold back." She whispers with a smile on her face then shifts back to her human form.

"Haa... Okay, we can leave the kinky elf sex for tonight." I say dejected but smile in anticipation. I will be sucking on those earlobes later on, I want her to wriggle under me and moan while pleading with me to put it in. My arousal spikes and the tent pole in my pants doesn't escape her eyes. My fantasies were quickly interrupted, by her hand rubbing against it and asking a question.

"I've shown you mine, won't you show me yours?" She says while wiggling her eyes suggestively, while at the same time, her face was burning up in embarrassment. I love her duality, she is such a seductress, when we're alone, but such a shy girl when we're outside of our bedroom. And who am I to not grant my girlfriend's wishes?

Moments later I shift to my Elf form, my muscles become more defined, my figure leaner, my ears elongate and my face becomes sharper. She places her palm on my chest and places a kiss on my lips, then with a hot breath, she whispers into my ears. "You look hoooot." Her breath mixed with the sensitiveness of these ears, send shivers down my body, making my already tight pants even tighter tight. She pulls back, knowing all too well what she has done, and with a small giggle, she scurries off to the kitchen.

"You little minx!" I yell after her while smiling after she left me hanging. "Oh, you're going to get this back tonight!" 'Oh, I'm so going to torture her with pleasure tonight.' I think and a wolfish smile forms on my face. "Just you wait!" I yell after her.

The rest of the day went on normally, Olive left to on a shopping trip with her new girlfriends and I was left home to look through, around, fifty books on magic. Some of them were quite interesting, talking about nature and spirits. Others were about soul and mind magic, mostly centered around illusions, not mind control, but with a few adjustments, these spells could control anyone's mind just like [Imperio] did in the [Harry Potter] world. Actually, with soul magic, I could replicate the killing curse quite easily, but that would take away the whole fun of this world. With my current spells, I'm already playing in easy mode. No need to add a Very Easy mode to the game, but if all shit hits the fan, I will need a trump card. After reading through all the books, finding a few new runes, and testing their capabilities, I add them to the Runic Index. Done with the books I still had half a day left, so with that thought, I cast [Celestial Eyes] to check on the town and see if something is up.

[Celestial Eyes] pick up Olive is with the girls in a shop, trying on some clothes.

"Yea... Let's ignore the fact that Ais isn't wearing panties." I move my focus around town but don't spot anything interesting, or at least, not things I can change with my current strength, so I move my focus on the dungeon. The whole place felt strange, after a few kilometers underground, the dungeons stopped growing in size and all layers were uniform. Knowing the true size of those floors, I felt like some spatial manipulation shenanigans were happening. So without anything else planned for today, I went on farming.

Teleporting into the first floor of the dungeon I cast [Celestial Eyes] filtering out everything only keeping the terrain data of the first layer, filling up my system map with all of its details. The results were quite intriguing, I checked on my system map and all the tunnels and rooms were displayed in it high detail. You could zoom in and view even different particles of dust. The Knossos entrance was clearly visible with its connecting tunnel leading outside of the dungeon. Turning on the filter for monsters, I count a few thousand at first glance, but as a new pulse travels away, from a few thousand they become a few hundred thousand, just on the first ten floors. I cast hundreds of [Gate]'s simultaneously, while [Alter Orb] gathers the required energy to shoot a single beam of concentrated death ray through each of them. After switching to my High-Elf race and getting a huge boost in INT and WIS my mana regeneration jumped to almost 150 allowing me to spam the spell combo without a large downtime.

[Quest: [Slay 1 (R*20)] Completed 10 WP (x8) Received]

The first, of many, notifications pop up just after a few seconds. I move the gates around to pick up the magical stone and they start to litter the ground around me.

"Tsk. I won't have enough inventory space." I click my tongue. "Do I really need them?" I ask myself. Yes, the total would be around six million Valis, but how do I sell 20,000 magical stones to the guild, without pulling unwanted attention to myself? Actually, how would I even transport them? My inventory with my High-Elf race active can only hold 1,683 items if they stack in the 17 inventory slots. So for the rest of the farming trip, I ignored the level-one drops and just mercilessly killed all the monsters around me. When the monsters count around me seemed to drop, I moved to the next floor and repeated the scanning and the killing process. This process went on for some time and by the time I reached floor ten, two hours have passed, and I'd completed nineteen additional level one "Slay" quests.

19x [Quest: [Slay 1 (R*20)] Completed 10 WP(x8) Received]

After checking the time, I still had a good few hours before dinner, so I cast a wider radius [Celestial Eyes] to check what Olive was doing.

"Still shopping..." With a sigh, I moved through the dungeon floors arriving on the eighteenth floor in barely a blink. Thanks to the short ceiling and the range of [Celestial Eyes] I could probe deep into the dungeon. Traveling floor by floor, I focus on clear locations to safely complete the floor quests, I reach level 50 barely a moment later.

[Quest: [Dungeon diving 19] Completed 19 WP(x8) Received]

[Quest: [Dungeon diving 20] Completed 20WP(x8) Received]




[Quest: [Dungeon diving 49] Completed 49 WP(x8) Received]

[Quest: [Dungeon diving 50] Completed 50 WP(x8) Received]

"Yea I'll get an earful from Olivia for this." I say it with a laugh. "Should I continue?" I think out loud, but then quickly change my mind. To my knowledge, Hera and Zeus's familias probed till the 59th floor, and the last safe zone the guild knows about is the 50th. At this level, the monsters should be around level 5 in strength, with most of their stats would be in the two-hundreds based on the library system, and I don't think I can compete against that. Not yet at least. This trip down the dungeon netted me 8,832 WP alone! And barely took a few minutes to complete.

The floor I'm currently on is a safety point, but as with any other safety point, monsters can come up the stairs from lower floors. So I scanned the floor and after finding nothing on it, I moved back to a realistically completable floor, floor 30. Home of a primordial jungle and dinosaur-like creatures. They hunt in large groups, and it is said that even level four adventurers have trouble with these levels. I on the other hand just cast my [Mistilteinn] and kept leisurely walking around. The dungeon's only rule was not to damage its walls, it said nothing about removing the flora.

So, I just walked around with [Mistilteinn] active and shredding the jungle and any creature stupid enough to come close to me. Any monster that didn't die on the first contact with the spinning blades of doom, received another blade to their head, leaving them, most of the time, skull-less and brainless, wriggling messes of flesh. Contrary to the Level one magical stones and drops, here I collected everything I found. Surprisingly, after a few hours, I completed a level 3 slay quest.

The groups of fifty level-three raptors-like creatures, really made the kill 1,000 creatures' quests easy. But I was actually surprised by my other notification, though.

[Quest: [Slay 3 (R*16)] Completed 30 WP(x8) Received]

[Magic excelia reached the maximum for the current level, all future Magic excelia will be dispersed.]

After receiving the slay notification, and being a bit scared for my well-being, Olivia teleported to me using her [Hearth's Desire]'s teleport ability. She wasn't angry or disappointed, but I could see the concern on her face, she was fully geared and even brought food.

"Did you eat?" After I clear the area around us, she asked, lifting her bag full of tasty-looking buns.

"Not yet." I grabbed onto her and I moved us up two floors, to a safety point, so we could have dinner together. The buns were still hot, right out of the oven, filled with minced meat, cheese, and some kind of sauce. They were delicious.

"Did you make these?" I ask, lifting the bun up, with my mouth full.

"Aha," she says with a nod. "Picked up the recipe from an older lady, while I was out yesterday."

"They are really good." I praise her cooking. "How was your day? Did you have fun with the girls?"

"Thanks and So-So. I like spending time with them, but they are a bit too young and sometimes childish."

"Well, at least it is a practice for when we have kids." I say with a smile.

"Children... Huh..." she stops and looks at me. "When would you like children?" Her question makes me freeze mid-motion, and after a moment of contemplating, I answer.

"Hmm... I don't think I'm ready for them yet." I stop and think it through. "But I'm not saying it won't feel good being a dad." I say with a smile and she snuggles up to me. "You aren't pregnant, are you?" I check on her Library System Health Status quickly and produce a sigh of relief after noticing nothing out of ordinary.

"No, I'm still on birth control." She says shaking her head.

'Personal note, make a birth control spell! The one we used in Harry Potter world worked like charm, I need to recreate it using the runic language. Or better yet learn this worlds [Mystery] and create an enchanted birth control necklace. Better yet, make them both!'

"Okay, remind me about enchanting and I'll make you a necklace with a birth control enchantment that will work indefinitely, so you can stop taking those hormones." I suddenly stop. "Actually, it's kind of good you didn't take [Abnormal Resistance] development ability. I'm pretty sure it would have removed some if not all of the effects of the pills. If your stats get any higher, I'm pretty sure they will lose their effects completely. So let's start being careful until I make a similar spell to what we used in your world or I get you that enchanted gear."

"Okay." She says while wiggling herself a bit closer. "I'll remind you next morning."

"Thanks. Wanna kill some monsters, to rise our excelia? Maybe go and max out our stats for level 2, then level up to 3?"

"We could farm a bit, but I'm a bit tired. So we can't stay for too long." She says while yawning and stretching.

"Hmm, do you have plans for tomorrow?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Good, let's go home, you look too tired to actually focus on fighting monsters. We'll come back and farm tomorrow if we have to, all day. Hopefully, by this time tomorrow, we will be able to get to level 3. After that, we can explore the floors where even I could gain experience." I say pulling her into a hug one-armed hug. "Alright?"

"Uhm." She replies snuggling up to my side.

After we finished our dinner, I cast a [Celestial Eyes], wait for it to reach a clearing, then take a step and appear on the 10th floor. I recast the spell and take another step and appear in our backyard. I love these two new spells, the combination of them just saved us around an hour of travel time.

Well i fucked up the timer for this one. So heres an additional chapter this week...

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