
Multiversal Escapism System: (MHA, Real World, and More soon)

Current world:MHA First series, writing gets better, heavily experimental and not serious Chase has endured a lifetime of hardships--abuse, bullying, and racism, even spending time in jail. Chase has been through a lot and has had some rough times, he has had to learn a spectrum of coping mechanisms. One of those being escapism through culture such as anime, music, and video games. Chase often daydreams about having overpowered abilities or even some mediocre abilities to fulfill his actual goals in reality both large and small. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Chase gains the power to bring items and abilities from his beloved anime and video game worlds into reality. Now, he can turn dreams into reality, from owning a dream car to becoming a billionaire and even forging "deep" connections with his favorite celebrities. (Author's Note: First time writing, it gets better. Will have lemons and sexual content, will contain abuse and some dark topics in the beginning, and I haven't decided on Harem. Absolutely No NTR or Mc r*ping. Might have some netori which is the MC taking other people's girls.) (Additional Author's Note: The MC is not super smart, MC will make mistakes, he is short sighted, he is trying to be smarter than he really is which will lead to some problems, you can insult the MC because he is not perfect.) Will Update least once a week but more like 3 or 4 chapters a week. Probably will upload a good amount fast at least until 25 chapters Disclaimer:The story is fictional and doesn't represent any persons, opinions, things, or perspectives of anybody particular. P.S: This is wish fulfillment if it wasn't obvious/Will eventually be Multiversal This is my first novel please be patient with me and know that I am constantly making edits to make the story easier to read and fix grammatical issues. Just get rid of the dashes Support me on Pa-t-reon pa-t-reon.com/webnovel394

Lee_Bo · Anime & Comics
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Behind The Mask

Dua Lipa's confession hung in the air, a weighty silence enveloping the dimly lit rooftop bar. Chase's masked visage hid any immediate reaction, leaving her in anxious anticipation.

Finally, with a slow, deliberate movement, Chase reached up and hit a button transforming the mask to reveal his face, revealing the man beneath, he took off the mask completely and set aside. His face was strikingly handsome, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. He set the mask aside, exposing his identity for the first time.

Dua Lipa gasped softly, her heart racing. She had seen pictures and videos of him, but nothing could prepare her for the reality of the man before her.

"Chase, you're..." she began, her voice trailing off.

He nodded, his eyes locked onto hers. "Yes, Dua. I'm just a normal guy, like any other."

Dua Lipa couldn't help but smile through her tears. "You're more than that to me."

Chase's expression softened, and he took her hand in his. "Dua, I can't deny the chemistry between us, but I've always been cautious about love. I don't know if what I feel is love."

Dua Lipa's eyes shimmered with sincerity as she replied, "Chase, I'm willing to find out together. We have something special, something that goes beyond the music. Let's take the chance and see where it leads."

Chase's heart skipped a beat as he considered her words. The weight of his secret had been lifted, and he saw in Dua Lipa's eyes the possibility of a future he had never dared to imagine.

With a tender smile, he said, "Dua, I may not have all the answers, but I want to explore this connection with you. I can't deny that there's something extraordinary between us."

Dua Lipa leaned in, her lips brushing against his in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was a promise of the unknown, a leap into the depths of their feelings.

As they pulled away, she whispered, "Then let's find out together, Chase."

In that moment, the rooftop bar seemed to disappear, and all that remained was the two of them, united by their love for music and their willingness to explore the uncharted territory of their hearts.

With masks now removed, they were free to embrace the love that had blossomed in the shadows, and and it seemed like the world would soon bear witness to a new chapter in their story—one where music and love intertwined in perfect harmony.

Hope you liked the romance build up.

Romantic and passionate lemon coming up.

Please continue to support me by commenting, collecting, and sending stones.

I am leaning right now away from harem, which usually am I am a harem guy, but I think you will see why once the characters get to that point.

Lee_Bocreators' thoughts