
Multiversal Champion

It is not everyday that your swiped from the street and saddled by a beautiful women claiming to be a goddess, especially when after a few back and forth ended you up as a victim of car-kun and friends

Tuddy · Anime & Comics
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This is unexpected

I woke up to great pain pulsing in my body as I stared at a somewhat familiar tiled white ceiling in confusion as I was next to a goddess that I had sex with before coming here.

As I laid there in my hospital bed, contemplating what is happening to me, I felt the worst migraine ever imagined as it nearly made me faint and another set of memories resurfaced to my train of thought, occupying it and forcing me to watch a b-tier movie about my life in another body. Peter Parker's body.

I reviewed the memories as I went over them and committed them to memory, how to act, how to think like the body I occupy. Can't attract any attention to myself if I act three years older with a more grounded personality.

I got up from the bed and winced as I did but stood firmly as I went to find a bathroom to relieve myself. Though the stares I got weirded me out as I walked past the several nurses and doctors shuffling about as I went nearer to the men's bathroom.

Once relived, I head back to the room I was in and looked for any clothes I can wear, unfortunately I found none and so I went back to my bed and switched the miserable looking tv on.

After flicking through several channels and risqué ones I settled on Dave and mindlessly watched whatever garbage came on to forget the memories and feelings of my new memories death.

After awhile several doctors and nurses came to routinely check me several times over before leaving me alone and saying not to do any strenuous exercises.

Advice that speaks my language as I collect the many generous donations from empty beds and become as comfortable as you could in a hospital while looking like a demented snake with limbs.

The nurses weren't impressed with my behaviour but hey! I'm a fucking prepubescent teen right now so fuck those opinions of them no matter how dickish my actions are.

I returned them after a scolding from one really tough looking nurse, man has muscles for days and a smile of rainbows, creaming any females nearby when a child is in his presence.

(A/N: before pedophile comments or ridiculous shit come forth, he's just a dude looking scary that is a fuzz ball underneath, I know a few myself included, that some women looking for a partner like that the guy is good and kind with kids. Sorry about rant but I do get the concerned I'm about to be robbed looked so I'm a hide my valuables look while some cross the road with their kids even though all I want to do is fuss dogs and be a hermit)

Then after a minute of silence my new aunt and uncle who loves to die while saying something about responsibility.

Cue the worrying questions.

"Oh my god! My baby! My child! Are you okay!? Need some pillows? You look awfully uncomfortable there. Here have some more, there are plenty of unused ones as it is qui-"

"Don't! Say another word or you will doom us all!" Interrupted a female nurse who looked very ferocious while sweating furiously.

"O-o ok, I won't, sheesh she's a bit cranky eh?" Said aunt May as sh looked a bit annoyed but quickly laughed it off. Though I do agree with the nurse, say it's quiet in a hospital is asking for multiple emergencies to happen with vengeance.

"Well let's not bother anyone alright?" Uncle Ben asked Aunt May as she nodded with a sheepish smile, "good, now how are you Pete? You've been in a coma for several weeks giving us quite a scare." He asked as he looked at me with a comforting warmth making me feel safe in his presence the longer he stares at me. A terrifying hentai power.

"Pretty good all things considered though I do want to get out of here, it's a bit stuffy here and I got a urge to do something other than sit around watching Dave talking about cars." I replied knowing that I have an all clear to go home and to test some shit out that can props give me some good powers to take.

After some talking about my situation and how we are financially doing ( aka finding out that Ben is bad at financial shit when he has the blood of a saint whilst being poor and taking multiple odd jobs- a nice man but shit husband and father) we were ready to go except I need clothes and I ain't going home near buck naked so uncle Ben left to get me my clothes.

Me and aunt May talked for a bit until Norman and Harry Osborn came, there wasn't much said except that I was a good and bright child and that he would've been glad he had me as his child and that he offers me a job at Oscorp when I graduate high school.

I agreed as I get full lab materials and shit, plus my intelligence, speed of thought and creativity are off the charts that compared to before so I can safely say I am as good as the Peter before me.

They left after me and Harry had a little chat with him trying to flex his intelligence but he is no NuxTaku so I bullshit him to the ground whilst posing menacingly. Apparently JoJo exists so I have to find time powers and pocket dimension powers for road rollers with Tinkers and Forges abilities to mod the fuck out of them.

Needless to say I won in the contest of wills, intellect and childishness, Norman and aunt May commenting like the devil and an angel.

They soon left, one of keikaku and the other of cliche team rocket attitude after blasting off with some Arnold sprinkled in.

Uncle Ben came back with a set of clothes and after changing in a closet we set off to be checked out and go home, which took two hours as Ben kept stopping to help homeless people and take them to the homeless shelter.

At least we now know why it smelled of cheese and death.

After we returned home I went to my room after chucking my current clothes in the bin and taking a thorough shower, May following my actions except the clothes, and change into something comfortable and went to my mini laboratory.

So this was meant to be finished when I deleted the chapter about hiatus but it got deleted and wiped somehow, so I had to redo it. The outcome was this though before I had Norman and Harry talk but it was very bland, even after the deletion, so I scrapped it and mentioned it in passing.

This will be continued though the release dates won’t be consistent so please don’t remove this from your library and you will see how I make my mc be the champion of the multiverses.

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