
Multiversal Champion

It is not everyday that your swiped from the street and saddled by a beautiful women claiming to be a goddess, especially when after a few back and forth ended you up as a victim of car-kun and friends

Tuddy · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Straddled by a goddess

I was minding my own business as I head to town to grab me some big vampire lady tatas when I was grabbed by the arm and was forcefully pulled into an alleyway, because of the force of the pull I fell on my back and before I could look around and assess the situation, something dropped themselves on my stomach, winding me a bit, and grabbed my head to look at them.

What I saw was breathtaking, unfortunately it was not the great Keanu Reeves but it was a woman despite the young features. She had impossibly natural, flowing green hair with brown and blue highlights, her eyes were a yellowish red like molten lava and had an olive tone to her skin, accenting her pink lips and beautiful eyes. From this angle it was hard to tell but I could guess she is very curvy due to feeling her full and round bum.

"Fufu~ Quite a cheeky mortal you are~ Checking a Goddess while on top of you, why... how bold~" the Goddess suddenly spoke up in a teasing, flirtatious yet motherly(?) tone.

"Now then" The Goddesses's facial features suddenly became more sharp and focused as she stared me in the eyes, "I want you to be Earth's champion in a tournament coming up."

When I heard what the Goddess said I was surprised, I only went with the whole Goddess thing as a joke but it turned out to be real! And I'm being straddled by Gaia no less! But fuck! I'm weak, how am I able to take part in this tournament assuming there are stronger races on average than humans.

"Don't worry child, I will send you to worlds of your choosing, bar one, to become powerful, however, the other champions will also gain the same benefit. I am also only able to give you a limit of three wishes, so think wisely." Gaia said in a more motherly and caring tone, calming me down as I process what is happening.

I have been chosen by Gaia to represent earth "humanity, you represent humanity. Other gods chose other races. This tournament is to see which created race in this universe is superior with abilities from their created fictional works." More news to fry my brain but I am thankful as I give her a grateful nod.

So representative of humanity, unknown consequences, wishes, world travel and waifus and waifus and waifus. Important things are repeated thrice as I was told.

Now my wishes, they need to be good and helpful but not limit me, so what can I wish for....." My first wish is to be a shadow monarch like from Solo Levelling without the system, the second is a limit breaker that breaks all limits and the last to be what I thought as good which is Take. What it does is allow me to take anything regardless of requirements and have it assimilate with me to be compatible with any powers and myself." I rapid fire my wishes one after the other and waited for Gaia.

"Sure I can grant you them" Gaia says as she snaps her fingers, as she did though the environment changed to that of a forest as we were in a treehouse on a bed.

As I looked around in awe I felt my pants being pulled down and looked to see Gaia herself crouching as she stared at my cock, "W-what the hell are you doing!" I shout in shock, alerting Gaia who only looked at me with a soft smile and opened her mouth.

"To give you your blessing from me, so others will know you are my Champion or do you want to suckle on my breasts for a decade?" The Goddess informed me as she suggestively lifted her soft looking tits, free from clothing, as her pink nipples stand erected.

"Couldn't you, like ya' know just do it some other way?" I said imagining a male God doing it with a male, making me shudder. "No silly, for me I have to do it this way male or female, for other gods they can just touch your forehead and give it that way but I can't due to my divinity of a mother, as weird as it sounds, so unless you want to be a child, this way at least is as close to being to the womb and is the most powerful blessing I can bestow upon you. As well as getting rid of your virginity~"

Hearing that made me at ease and when Gaia noticed that continued undressing me as I undressed what was left of her clothes. Once we were undressed we both looked at each other, her being the upmost perfection of beauty and me, stuck with a fat body and and average sized cock.

I became conscious at that but Gaia stopped any worries I had and started to gently caress my cock lovingly as she stared at me in the eyes with her molten gold ones. I leaned up and held her face by the chin, still making eye contact as she stroked me, and gave her a chaste kiss, tasting apples with something else mixed in. So I kissed her again still tasting apples and used my tongue to pry at her lips, to which she responded by opening them and allowing me to taste her, finding a sweet vanilla flavour, with her doing the same.

As we were immersed in our make out session I felt myself throb, ready to cum. Feeling it also Gaia stops our kiss and take her hand away, leaving me pining for release and to get more of her delicious taste . I pleadingly looked at her as she smirked and lowered her head, gently licking my member up and down as well as my balls, particularly putting her attention on my glans.

While doing this she still kept eye contact as she bobbed her head up and down, running her tongue expertly around my member, when she came to my head she immediately took my member in her mouth and started to give me a blowjob, feeling the suction, warmth and her tongue combined blew me over the edge as I released the cum stored in my balls and surprisingly filling her mouth as she lifted her head and showed me all the cum in her mouth before swallowing it all with a content smile.

"I was able to give you some small blessings as we kissed to have you cum frequently and in big loads, to make this enjoyable for both of us" Gaia informed me as she grabbed my member that was back to being hard again "and will increase your stamina at a steady rate too."

Wait what, that sounds outrageous, but before I could say anything Gaia once again took my member in her mouth though this time she pushed me on my back and placed her pussy above my face. I was able to see her cute pink pussy as it dribbled with her juices down her thighs, feeling the warmth on my member return I took that as a sign to start eating out Gaia.

I placed my hand on her supple ass and lowered her hips so that her pussy was on my face and slowly slid my tongue inside and started to 'attack' her inner walls and the outside, gaining a few moans and shudders in return. I continued at a steady pace, increasing my speed slightly as i lap up her juices, my stamina showing it is still high as I haven't came even once yet despite being a virgin. I brought my fingers to her pussy to bring her a faster release and gently rubbed her pussy as my tongue penetrated her, making her moan even more until she lifted her head and screamed, squirting her juices all over my face.

She then went back to my member and started fondling my balls and sucked my member fast, making loud indecent slurping noises as she slid her tongue all over my shaft and head eager for a reward, a reward she is granted as I reach my limit and shoot it all inside her mouth and gulping it all down.

She lifts herself off me as I lean up and then kisses me again, pressing herself on me with her soft and firm tits, she tasted like apples and vanilla with some saltiness from my cum, I thought I would be repulsed by it but it didn't bother me so I put that thought away and enjoyed this passionate kiss.

"Haaah~ you sure know how to satisfy a woman~" Gaia breathily said, her reddened face looking especially beautiful making me steal another kiss from her, as we separated from one another "something I picked up on from watching porn, how accurate some are I don't know but at least this one worked." I truthfully answered and Gaia just laughed at that.

"Well shall we take it further then~" Gaia asked and I kissed her to let her know I was willing. She then lifted herself onto my lap and proceeded to drag me on top of her as she laid down, now in missionary.

"This should do~ now fuck me and make me yours my champion, my only champion~" Gaia pleaded and I did as she asked and rubbed my member on her pussy, feeling her wetness and slid to her entrance and pushed in, feeling no resistance in her warm suctioning pussy, testing my endurance, once I was balls deep I leaned down and kissed Gaia, staring right into her eyes we stayed like that before I lifted my hips and started to thrust, grabbing her tits and feel my hands sink into her flesh, exciting me further as I thrusted harder in long successions making Gaia moan loudly into my mouth.

Though wanting more Gaia wrapped her legs around my waist making me do shorter faster thrusts making her scream and grunt in pleasure.

"OH~ Fuck~ harder~ DEeper~ FasteR~❤️"

I could no longer keep kissing her as I focused on cumming, feeling a huge build up ready to be released. So I grabbed Gaia's hips and thrusted into her making her scream my name in pleasure and hearing her shout my name made me release deep as I could into her, making her cum as well, though a lot more pronounced and powerful than before.

I looked at Gaia's beautiful face and saw that she had her tongue out with her eyes rolled up in absolute pleasure, I smiled to myself and hugged her unconscious body and dragged the blankets over us and blacked out from the exhaustion from the sex and revelations earlier.

Whew, never thought I would do a sex scene actually but this kept on going.

Let me know if you liked it and I will do more, if not I will keep it basic.

For my other stories, they will be on hiatus until I pick them up or drop them, anyone is free to adopt them and do the whatever they want with them.


Tuddycreators' thoughts