
Multiversal Anime Group Chat: A Journey Across Realms

One day the Supreme God woke up and choose violence. That sums about the summary of this fanfic.

Kuroki_Shishiro · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 27: Rewards

(Authors note:

Aight, since we reached 100 stones even though it was late, here is a chapter.

But next week 100 stone cut-off is on Friday, we reached 100 on Saturday this time.

Enjoy the chapter)

(Dante POV)

Following the familiar wave of nausea, I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the bed in the exact same position I was in before leaving for the To Aru world.

'So I would be returned from where I came from, huh? I need to take note of this. Sadly, because of this returning to the Academic City will definitely be postponed until I find a decent stealth ability.' I said to myself as I stood up from my bed.

After moving towards the computer and booting it up, I picked up my phone (his real phone not the chat) only to find 20 missed calls and about 50 text messages.

After a brief inspection of the messages which were mostly from the government and my step-sister, I checked the missed calls log.

'Three missed calls from mom and 17 from Mari, huh? What does she want?' With that, I ignored my phone and summoned my magical phone to check my rewards.

[Mission: Recruit a new member for the group chat. (To Aru Series)]

[Main Mission Reward: 10+1 Free Spin]

[Sub Mission 1 Reward: 200 Points.]

[Sub Mission 2 Reward: 200 Points.]

[Sub Mission 3 Reward: 200 Points.]

[All Mission Completion Reward: 400 Points.]


'Nice, so there's an additional reward if I finish all quests. Good to know, but for now time to use my 10+1.' After getting comfortable sitting on my old gaming chair, I opened the Gacha tab but not forgetting my prayers.

"RNG gods, hear my call,

Bless my pulls, big or small.

Grant me luck, the rarest to find,

In this Gacha, be kind!" As I closed my eyes, I clicked the 10+1 Pull button.

(Insert RNG God's verdict pic.)

[User acquired, Common: Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu x10]

[User acquired, Rare: Rare Rarity Upgrade Ticket - Weapon]

[User acquired, Rare: Rare Rarity Upgrade Ticket – Skill/Ability]

[User acquired, Common: 1.5 Litter Bottle of Coca Cola x10]

[User acquired, Uncommon: Warmog's Armor (League of Legends)]

[User acquired, Rare: Aura Awakening Ticket (RWBY)]

[User acquired, Common: Feastables – Milk Chocolate x100]

[User acquired, Common: Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu x10]

[User acquired, Uncommon: Uncommon Rarity Upgrade Ticket – Skill/Ability]

[User acquired, Uncommon: Gojo Satoru Default Skin (JJK)]

[User acquired, Common: Restoration Potion x10]

'Mmm, my pulls feel a little bit underwhelming.' With a slight disappointment, I checked the description of the new stuff in my inventory.

Rare Rarity Upgrade Ticket – Weapon

-Upgrade the Rarity of any Uncommon Weapon.

-Note: When using this ticket, the upgrade path of the finished product will always align with the host's current needs.

Rare Rarity Upgrade Ticket – Skill/Ability

-Upgrade the Rarity of any Uncommon Skill/Ability.

-Note: When using this ticket, the upgrade path of the finished product will always align with the host's current needs.

Aura Awakening Ticket (RWBY)

-Using this ticket will awaken the user's Aura (RWBY) instantly.

-Note: Semblance acquisition would follow the same rules as the source material.

Uncommon Rarity Upgrade Ticket – Skill/Ability

-Upgrade the Rarity of any Common Skill/Ability.

-Note: When using this ticket, the upgrade path of the finished product will always align with the host's current needs.

The upgrade path will align with my current needs, huh? I currently have no use for the Skill/Ability ticket, but the weapon could be used on my spear. Aight, let's see what this shit brings.' With such a thought, I clicked on the ticket and the option to use it on Yu Ilhan's Steel Spear appeared.

After a short animation of an old man hammering on an anvil, the newly upgraded spear appeared.

Universal Conduit Spear

-Using the first masterpiece of the True Dragon Blacksmith Yu Ilhan as a base, and the Rare Rarity Upgrade Ticket – Weapon, a weapon capable of harnessing and amplifying all known energy was born.

As a massive wall of text appeared after the flavor text of the spear, I spent quite a bit of time reading.

'So basically, the spear is now sharper and more durable, with a self-repair function that activates when I channel any kind of energy into it. It works with all types of energy, and when I use elemental powers, they are amplified as if the spear were a staff.' With a nod, I was satisfied with the outcome.

'Given my physique, I'll likely end up as a battle mage, combining spear techniques with magic and other energy-based moves. This upgrade is perfect for me.' I then summoned the spear and imbued it with space elements using my Esper powers, causing it to glow with a translucent light.

As I gazed at the glowing spear, I did a few safe indoor experiments with it.

'Alright, final test. Unleash a 10-centimeter Space Rend in front of me' I instructed as I stowed away the spear.

The Great Sage then utilized my stored energy as the 10-centimeter-wide space distorted as if a sword sliced it open.

As I pulled out the spear once again, I imbued it with energy as I commanded the sage to recast Space Rend using the same amount of energy as the first one.

A meter-wide Space Rend then appeared in front of me making me nod in satisfaction.

'What do you think, Great Sage?' I inquired.

[Notice: Insufficient data to analyze the increase in Sharpness and Durability.]

[Notice: The energy amplification rate of the spear is approximately tenfold higher than the standard rate, with flawless energy flow and no wastage detected.]

'x10? That's a pretty big upgrade. The gap between Uncommon and Rare is that high, huh? I wonder how much the gap between Rare and Epic is.' With such thoughts, I checked the last two rewards.

'Warmog's Armor, Hmm. This thing raises and regenerates HP, right? What does that do to me? More stamina and higher stamina regeneration? I ain't exactly sure, I'll just equip it for now.' My gaze then locked on the Gojo Satoru Default Skin.

'It's marked as 'Skin,' while my Diluc drip is labeled as 'Outfit Set.' Since there are no new functions unlocked, it implies they both fit into the same inventory load function.' I clicked the Load button on the Gojo Skin, I was instantly surprised.

"Holly shit!" I surprisingly muttered out loud which made me more surprised.

The initial surprise hit me at eye level.

I could tell I had grown taller, as the cellphone screen now seemed farther away.

Then came the shock of my voice—I sounded exactly like Gojo.

"Hahahaha, I like this shit," I said before teleporting in front of the mirror.

'Great Sage, scan my memories and replicate all the moves Gojo used. I'm feeling like cosplaying as the honored one.' I said, gazing at the tall, handsome man with white hair and a blindfold covering his eyes.

'I can even see through the eye mask, nice. Let me check my eyes though.' With curiosity, I removed my blindfold only to see the familiar blue iris of the Rikugan.


(Authors Note:

Here's MCs status, so I don't need to put that on the next chapter as word count.

The healing spell and Aura are not here yet because he doesn't have it yet.

Dude hasn't used Aura Ticket yet.)

Name: Dante Yamamoto

Title: Useless Keyboard Warrior

Race: Origin Human

Physique: Universal Energy Conduit


(Bestowed Ability) Multiverse Chat Group – (Maxed)

(Epic Ability) Personal Reality (Spatial Manipulation – To Aru) - (Maxed) (Upgradable)

Active Skill:

(Common Skill) Trash Talking – (10/10) (Upgradable)

Passive Skill:

(Unique Skill) Great Sage – (Maxed) (Upgradable)

(Rare Skill) Potty Mouth (10/10) (Upgradable)

(Rare Skill) Sleep is for the weak – (4/10) (Upgradable)

(Common Skill) Spear Proficiency – 3/10) (Upgradable)

(Common Skill) Nimble Fingers – (5/10) (Upgradable)

Self-Made Skills (Great Sage):

Phase Shift

Space Rend


Space Element Infusion

Prototype Minimap

Domain Expansion, Compressed World


Weapon – Universal Conduit Spear

Helmet – None

Upper Armor – Warmog's Armor

Lower Armor – None

Gloves – None

Boots – Berserker's Greaves

Accessory Slot 1: None

Accessory Slot 2: None

Accessory Slot 3: None

Accessory Slot 4: None

Accessory Slot 5: None

Skin/Outfit Slot: Gojo Satoru Default Skin (JJK)