

250 years ago Magic left this world. Never to return?

phantom6_sensei · Urban
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Chapter 4

250 years ago...magic left this world, the creators of magic, the four grand guarding spirits of magic felt Man had become lazy, ignorant, and cruel because man depended on magic so deeply on magic for every little thing, soon humans, demi-humans and lesser spirits grew too powerful, then on the X day the day of tragedy they took all the magic…..in the world the only magic left behind were the magic of some magical creatures, artifacts and relics blessed with magic, still even the magic of those are fading and will one day be totally extinct.

However, there was something left a taboo created by people using black magic, a great black snake created in the hopes that it would protect them from the spirits wrath but even it couldn't.

100 years later people were devastated still unable to grasp the reality that magic was gone, hoping it would come back. In search of power some drank the snake's blood which still remained. The first to drink it become stronger, faster, smarter, crueler and soon transcended the rank of human. His hair white as snow the mark on his face black as his soul, It seemed the snake's aged magic less blood mixed with a humans desperation had created a new power one he claimed would surpass magic.

Just as there is darkness there is also light, a chosen one the bearer of the last prophecy to be the one to stop the 'king' from enslaving humanity he was a child who had marks all over him living on a tree, with his seemingly endless power defeated the king but at a cost….his life, he bled to death beside that tree and its roots drank his blood and bore a fruit to carry on his legacy a black fruit a berry but there was no magic in this fruit only the key to unleashing one's full potential to unlock the true power of humans.

The first king of Joker Kingdom ate the fruit and started an uprising with his wife and friend that's why there are three thrones in Joker, the king, the queen and the jester the leader of the Royal Assassins the dark knights of joker.

To be an Assassin means to be strong to serve with passion. And the strongest Assassin becomes the next Jester and…

Indra jolts up as the paralysis subsides and crackles "And that's going to be me someday"

Krime's paralysis also recedes "The carriage's stopped" he says he looks outside and whispers "The badlands…..

"Before we start we're gonna need weapons" Miko says. They proceed off the carriage and find a rundown smith's shop with a small sign read the "Huntsman" Miko tells them to take their pick while he prices a new satchel. As Indra scans the sword section something catches his eye, a finely crafted sword with a light silver edge "like that katana? Sofia beckons "Ka-ta-na? why is it bent like that, is it damaged?

Sofia smiles and carries the sword keenly "That's just how they're made" she says, she hands him the sword "It suits you"

Sofia and Indra meet Krime and ask what he picked. "Daggers, knives, kunai and throwing stars too" he tells them Miko meets them with a new satchel and mutters "I guess you're ready to lose a lot blood then hehe. Miko's statement rattles Krime and he asks what it meant he only said "you'll know when you need to"

They went to the smith and he gave them their bill " Eh….That'll be 50,000 Kellies lurks! "I was prepared for this" Miko says boldly. He activates his pattern and asks "what can I do for you?

The smith grumbles "you assassins ey all the same so greedy" he pulls out a locket from his overhaul and looks sadly at the picture of his wife "I want the head of a big red orc that talks about ye tall"

Curious about the deal going on Indra naively asks "why" Miko sighed and told him "I don't ask questions about my quest I only do, that is my code until you find yours you live under mine"

They left the 'huntsman' and proceeded deeper into the badlands deep enough till the trail couldn't be seen. The sounds of gremlins fighting echoed through the barren forest.

"I can't keep wondering" Krime says to himself, He walks up to Miko and asks "hey, that blood thing you said back there what did you- Miko cuts in "Oh yeah Indra Krime bring out your weapons!, now Krime Indra use the knives to cut the base of your thumb not too big.

They follow Miko's 'open to discussion' order without question and to their surprise their blood truly has turned black!!

"Wow my blood really is black" Indra said.

"Now put that blood on your blades" Miko instructed and behold their patterns appeared on their blades. Miko continued "Good now you've made your weapons stronger now you need to awaken your abilities.

"Where's your sword? Indra asked Miko "hmpf, I lost it not that I need one though" he answered

Naively Indra pestered "So how do you fight" as he asked this the patience of the goblins secretly watching from the sand grew thin and, snapped!! And they attacked!

"Like this! Miko yelled as he rushed towards the biggest goblin, "phase pattern" he whispered. Suddenly Miko vanishes and appears behind the goblin with his hand drenched in blood holding what appears to be its heart. The boys looked on in disbelief, Miko crushed its heart and turned to them "I am Miko Adval, if you want me to recognize you surpass me" he told them.

Indra smirks, he flashes to a smaller goblin and beheads it "I'm resolved to do this" he assures, Krime never to be outdone by his friend did the same with his daggers and knives "My actions speak for me" Krime said with his regular cold heartless expression as blood slid by in the air.

A tall red manly looking figure watches the battle assessing whether to attack. Eventually he approaches them, their new opponent grins and greets them "Yo!"