

250 years ago Magic left this world. Never to return?

phantom6_sensei · Urban
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A day

A warrior doesn't repeat himself. Surpass your limits, that is the path to you realizing your dreams.

-Yami sukehiro.

The crows viciously feast on the body of the morning rooster, now their caws show its morning. A cool summer breeze rushes in through the open window, the sound of door chimes and footsteps fill the air as day begins in the little town of Aris.

The first rays awaken Miko who was sleeping in Sofia's room on the floor. His stomach starts to grumble "Might as well help myself to something" Miko finds his way to the kitchen.

Last night was crazy, good to know I still got it…" he whispered "But dang, how many pills does this kid have". "15" Krime says as he steps out of the shadows "It's not nice to sneak up on people first thing in the morning" Miko said as he continued to look for something to eat.

"I didn't wait here for you just to watch you eat Sir" Krime replied "Then what do you want from me" Miko asked.

"I wanna see what makes a Joker Kingdom Assassin" Krime requested.

"Mm, not now I'm busy"

"I looked in your bag…..turns out you're homeless and broke since we're leaving soon anyway why don't we go make some…coin hehehe" Krime's slick words caught Miko's attention "What do you propose" Said Miko as they both laughed mischievously "Goblin hunting" Krime suggested "Fua! Hahahaha, seriously me against a goblin isn't even hunting anymore its straight death!

Krime replied smoothly "Oh, so you don't want to do it huh coward" Miko trying to be an adult simply said "NO" in his westernized accent.

But! Krime would not stop until he had his way he started chanting "Coward coward coward" he went on and on until Miko gave in "Ok lets go kick some goblin A….. A little girl interrupts "Goblins? what are we doing with goblins Miko~

There is a sudden confusion as to who or what is talking, Miko breaks the ice and says "I'm sorry who are you? The girl is confused "You don't recognize me" The short girl with bizarre kitten ears replies.

They all stare at each other dazed and confused. "It's me Sofia" the girl reveals "I changed my shape it's a lot easier to fight this way" she says as she poses and punches the air amusingly.

"You changed your form to a loli neko character….interesting" he says disenchanted "I've come to fear Sofia a little less now" he says to himself.

"So what if I like to look cute it's my choice!

"Very interesting" Miko comments.

"I wouldn't expect you boys to understand such sophisticated workings of a woman's mind hehe" That awkward silence we talked about earlier returns.

"Krime why aren't you wearing a shirt huh weirdo… Sofia nags.

"Those cat ears aren't working huh? I swore off shirts didn't you hear cat girl?.

They continue to bicker while Indra has been watching this whole time "`they're getting along so well." He runs down the stairs to see everyone "Yo! He greets his friends. "Yo! Krime and Sofia reply Miko teases Sofia for being a "Copycat"

"Indra how do you uhm feel anything different? Sofia inquires.

He replies "well there's a weird pattern spreading on my neck but its cool, part from that I feel awesome!

Miko thinks to himself "this is amazing even without eating 'blackberry' his pattern is spreading, now I wonder what'll happen if…..

Miko sticks his hand in a secret compartment in his satchel and bring out two dark blackberries and tells Indra and Krime to eat them.

Sofia gasps in shock and shrieks "those are blackberries" Krime asks eagerly "what's a blackberry" meanwhile Indra has already eaten his and says "thanks for the grub but we're going to need a lot more than that for breakfast.

"Don't just eat random fruit without knowing what it is idiot" Krime warns his friend.

Miko says "Sofia do you mind? I;m really tired since last night and- "no no" Sofia exclaims "You gave them so it's on you"

"Don't tell me what I just ate was poison" Krime says in his usual cool tone.

"Well inabout five minutes you will be paralyzed so… Miko tells them.

Krime brings out his berry from his pocket "So you really wanted to poison us?

Sofia explains "before you get paralyzed your blood will turn black and you're eyes will change to a different color, it's not a poison it's part of what makes an Assassin of The Joker Kingdom"

"Well then" says Krime as he eats his berry. "Uggh, my eyes" Indra yells as his eyes change color to ash white a while later the same happens to Krime as his change to misty green.

"So this is why you guys have weird eyes but the power I seek isn't the power to change my eye color" Krime said.

Indra told Krime "I think there's more to it than that, my mark is tingling and spreading even more" he continued "and look I'm not so bony anymore"

"You've now eaten the sacred 'blackberry' of Joker Kingdom you are now officially its citizens…..and servants" Miko told them, The boys suddenly started feeling dizzy, a paralyzing vibration riddled through Indra's body.

"Woah I I can't feel? My…" and Indra drops to the floor like coal. "HaHa so that's what you?? Woah? And Krime drops too.

Miko said "you'll be conscious while the berry 'enhances' you but you won't be able to talk or move for a while, so let's get in a carriage and do some goblin hunting!!

Miko and Sofia dragged Indra and Krime through the town while they searched for a carriage. "Why can't they just carry us damn it! Krime thought to himself, the villagers stared in awe and wondered 'what the hell?

They finally found a carriage, Miko being the cheapskate he was bargained it down to the last kaien.

Miko began in the carriage "now let me explain...…Joker Kingdom!

250 years ago...