
Chapter twenty The thief.

Everyone turned to look at Elena, some started to take videos. "Why do you say it's Elena, maybe it was you..." Rita said.

"You two are friends, you are helping her because you are her accomplice right?" Anna said, pointing her finger between Elena and Rita.

"You seem so sure?" Elena said, "Did you put it in my bag!?"

"So you are trying to put the blame on me? Why don't we call the police so that everyone can be searched properly?" Anna said and took out her phone.

She dialed a number and after the phone rang twice, it was picked up. "Hello, this is Mr. Sam speaking."

She put on a loud speaker and proudly said, "Mr. Commissioner, we have a problem here, can you sent some of your men urgently. Especially a lady."

"They will be there in a few minutes," the man said.

"You heard him, the police officers are coming, so no one is allowed to go outside." Anna had already taken over the audience. She was enjoying it because, the bitch is going to get caught, and just like what they did to Sarah, they will also do it to her. She smirked, `This bitch dares to threaten me, I will let her no who rules the world, ' she thought.

Elena watched as Anna celebrated silently before success and just continued staring around with a poker face. `let me give her some time to celebrate and enjoy the scene.'

A few minutes later, the police arrived, everyone was waiting for them. Some just wanted to see what will happen while others were streaming it online.

"Hey, what took you so long to come, what if the thief ran away!?" she said pointing fingers at the policemen.

"Apologies madam, we were caught up in traffic." One of the policeman said, they looked around, "Did you already catch the thief?"

"First, what is the crime for someone who steals?" Maddie asked, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"It is one year imprisonment and a penalty depending on the charges of the stolen goods." the second one answered.

"I think that's good, when we catch the thief, can we decide what the punishment will be?" Maddie asked.

"I..." they were confused, they haven't been in this kind of situation before, so they did not know what to say. The party looked like it was filled with rich people so they didn't know who to offend.

"Why would you choose a punishment? The victim should be the one to choose." Elena spoke out first.

"As long as the thief does not go free, everyone should abide to the law of the country, whether you are rich or poor!" Anna said, making everyone agree with her statement.

"Sir, she is the one who took the watch, one of the waitress saw her." Sandra said, pointing at Elena with disgust written all over her face.

Elena just looked at the group and wondered, "she and Sarah offended no one, but they keep on attacking her, do they expect her to show mercy?'

The police looked at Elena and said, "miss, could you please give back the watch to the owner and follow us to the police station."

"Why would I follow you to the station? Don't you know that there should be an evidence?" Elena asked.

"The waitress is enough to testify." She looked around trying to find the waitress and giving her the signal to come forward. All of her movements didn't go unnoticed by Elena, she just sneered.

The waitress came forward, "Yes, I saw her going to a pink handbag and secretly picking something, she looked nervous. I did not report it because I thought the owner allowed her to take it."

"Who is the owner of the pink bag?" the policewoman asked.

"It belongs to miss Kalen,I saw her putting it on the couch while she went forward to dance." the waitress answered.

"Madam, shall we go to the station?" the police asked.

Elena sat down on the couch that was next and said, "I am not going anywhere, if you forcefully take me from here, then forget about going back to work tomorrow."

"You see, she is even rude, officer why don't we start by searching her?" Maddie said.

They knew who Maddie was, so without second thought, they walked towards Elena and said, "Miss, I hope you don't mind us searching your bag in order for clarification."

"No one is touching my bag." she said still looking around with no care at all.

"Officer, do you need a permission to search her bag, she is clearly denying it because she stole it!" Anna was very anxious, she desperately wanted Elena to be caught. "Just grab her bag, and let the truth come out!"

The officers wanted to do just that but the gaze and the aura they got from Elena, was a clear warning, "One more step and you will loose your job any minute."

Anna seeing the police officers have stopped, became furious, she moved forward forcefully grabbed Elena's bag making some things drop to the floor, and one of them was the lost watch...Or so, they thought.