
Chapter twenty nine.

Damian shook his head, "they have been declining all my requests, it is like she does not want anything to do with our company."

"Do you have anything to do with her, or do you two have a bad blood? Because if you are vying for the presidential seat, then you need someone like her, but if she is not interested, then you will have to marry Anna," he took a sip from his cup, "besides, it will not be hard because you two are already engaged and dated for long."

Damian was not even concentrating, he was still thinking about how Sarah was connected to it, is she not dead because he has searched for her for more than four months but it is like she never existed. When the car exploded there was no traces of life, but people suggested they might have been burned to ashes. What if... "Damian, Damian," his father call brought him back from his thoughts.

"As I was saying, you too have dated for a very long time, and since you did not like the choice of wife I made for you back then, then you can go ahead and marry her," after his father concluded, he checked the time and stood up, "it is dinner time."

Damian also stood up, "you can go ahead, I am leaving."

His father paused and then turned his head to look at him, "you are not having dinner? I am sure the women down there are waiting for you."

"Tell them I am busy," after that he walked out. His father could not persuade him and neither was he bothered with it.

Two days had passed and Cassie had already gotten rid of the jetlag, they were all pipped up with energy for girls night out. "What do you think we should wear?" Kalen asked, they had all gone to Elena's office to convince her to go out with them and once she agreed the topic jumped to what type of clothes and should they wear.

"White is good," Becky suggested.

"That is too boring, only people who likes to pretend would put on that color," denied Rita, "besides, Elena and Cassie do not like that color."

Becky raised her hand in surrender. "How about we go with red or silver?" Cassie conquered and they all agreed with the idea, well, except,

"I will put on silver," Elena said, "you guys can put on red, I also do not like bright colors," she waved her hands, impatiently shooing them away like unwanted flies, "girls, let's meet up at eight thirty o'clock and we will arrive at the Vintage club around nine o'clock in the evening. Now, you can leave, I will be busy for the next five hours."

Damian, the twins, Zeke and Cain, were seated at a private room at Vintage bar, and Ace who did not know how to control his mouth began to speak, "Bro, where did your contract wife go? It has been six years and there is no news of her."

Cain, who was asked the question frowned, he had looked for that woman for a very long time and has never had any news of her, it was like she had vanished, or maybe someone has been protecting her and erasing all her tracks. "If you cannot control your mouth, I would love to control it for you."

"Come on! It is just a question," after seeing the conversation will not end well, he decide to talk to Damian, "what about you? Now that your engagement to Anna is everywhere, it has at least reduced the rumors about you and that ugly duckling Sarah." The moment he finished speaking, he had a glass shatter, sure enough, Damian was angrier than Cain.

"Ace, is the whiskey not to your liking? I can order the waiter to bring a stronger one for you," Jace, who knew Damian better, decided to interfere before his stupid brother becomes a punching bag.

Just after Jace finished speaking, the door clicked open and in walked, Anna and Maddie, "babe, you should have told me you were coming here," Anna passed everyone without even greeting them and walked straight towards Damian. Maddie on the other hand was so excited to see Cain.

Damian turned to look at Ace, anger written all over his face, "I swear, it is not me," Ace decided to speak up for himself before anything bad to happen to him. One thing he was not ready to do, was to go back to his house with bruised face. But why was Damian angry that Anna and Maddie were invited, is Anna not his fiancée and Maddie his sister? Just then, the door opened again and a waiter walked in, and at the same time, a few voices of ladies walked by the door talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only living beings in the club.

There were different types of perfumes that hit their noses, but Damian could not mistake that specific perfume that stood out among all the perfumes.