
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


3 months have passed since Zeref agreed to teach them magic. They all learned magic during these months. Yuri learned lightning magic, Warrod learned tree magic, Precht learned chain magic, and Kei learned light and darkness magic. While Mavis got better at using her illusion magic.

When Zeref first taught everyone magic he noticed Kei's weird constitution. His body was adapted to use light and darkness magic. It was weird because Kei could use light and darkness magic equally without one side being more powerful than the other if he wanted to. He has never seen someone being able to control the magic of two opposites so effortlessly. Normally one side would be stronger than the other. To have a perfect balance between the two would be a miracle because of the personality needed.

A person's magic is based on the person. Magic comes from the person's personality traits. That doesn't mean someone will be evil if they have dark magic or good if they have light magic. All it means is their magic works better with the personality they have. Kei having a perfect balance of dark and light magic means he works better with the two elements instead of just one.

Zeref had some hope in the back of his mind that Kei could potentially kill him if he masters his light and darkness magic. He stored this thought in the back of his mind and decided to wait for the future.

Over the 3 months he had to train his magic, Kei was able to create new magic from light and darkness. He was only limited to how hard he worked in developing his magic.

The first one he made is called Dark Storage. It's a storage spell that uses his dark magic to swallow the items. It's like a bag that has a bigger space but if too many items get placed in it then it becomes cluttered. The spell only works if he puts the items in his shadow. It's not perfect like real spatial magic but it gets the job done.

The second darkness spell is called 'Black Orbs'. It allows Kei to control the dark orbs that the spell makes around his body. He can use them in any way he wants. He can make the orbs into anything, ranging from beams to sharp objects. He can also use the orbs to defend against attacks. His spell also strengthens his magic.

The number of orbs around his body depends on how much magic he uses. If he uses a small amount of magic then the number will be low but if he uses a huge amount the number will be big.

However, he isn't limited by the number of orbs he summons the first time. He can use the same magic again for as long as he still has magic power. His darkness spell also has the added bonus to corrupt anything it touches. This power is imbued into the orbs by the caster so if he doesn't want the orbs to corrupt then they won't.

He also made a light spell equivalent to the 'Black Orbs'. The name of the light spell is 'Light Orbs'. It has the same properties as the 'Black Orbs' except instead of corruption they use purification. Everything the orbs touch gets purified if the user wants to.

The final major spell he learned is called 'Dazzling Brilliance'. It is a light AOE spell that covers a large area and explodes it. Kei basically becomes a light bomb when he uses the spell. It isn't effective when he has allies near him but if he is facing multiple enemies alone then it is an effective spell.

Aside from major spells, Kei was able to learn the basic magic that isn't spells but the application of his magic element. Like coating himself with magic or making basic weapons of magic.

After teaching them for three months Zeref left them and they started discussing what to do next.

"Huh, you want to save the town!?" Yuri yells.

"Yes the people are suffering and I can't stand by and just watch." Mavis says.

"We didn't come to play the hero. We came to get the orb."

"Yuri, we learned our power so we could fight. Now is the time to use it," Precht said.

"Come on, not you too. A little praise and now you think you can defeat a guild full of wizards."

"Yuri, I have seen many towns like this one. Back then I could not do anything and would just look away but now that I have power maybe I can help."

Warrod recalls his memory of a dying town because of a guild. He could never do anything except stand by but now that he can help one he wanted to do it. Yuri looks like he is about to break down and looks at his last source of light, Kei.

"I agree with them, Yuri. How many times have people turned a blind eye to them when they needed help? There are so many cases of help never arriving on time. I have always hated that sort of thing. I don't want to be a hero. However, if I can do something to help someone in need right in front of me, I will help."

Yuri was about to argue but before he could Mavis interrupts.

"I have a plan."

Mavis goes ahead and details her plan to them. She has information about the guild master of Blue Skull, Geoffrey. After she finishes they all agree to follow the plan including Yuri. He gave up and accepted his fate.

The next day they move on with the plan. Mavis, Kei, and Zera wait outside the town. They look at all the gathered people since they don't have food.

"Thank you, guys. Even though I am the one who wanted to save the town they didn't listen to me." Zera pouted.

"No, I had the same thought. This town lost their dreams so I want to be able to give it back to them." Mavis says.

"Yup don't worry Zera. I will help you in any way I can. Isn't that what friends are for?" Kei says.

Zera smiles at them.

Kei looks at Mavis and then realizes he forgot to tell her something.

"Oh by the way Mavis. I have to say your outfit is very cute."

He didn't have a chance to tell her before and decided to just say tell her. Her going around in a black dress contrasts her usual clothing and he likes how it looks on her.


Mavis was surprised since she didn't think he would tell her this now. Her face was red and she was mumbling to herself.

Zera in the meanwhile was looked at Kei with a menacing glare and stomped her feet onto his. Although because she was an illusion it just went through his foot.

"Alright, let's focus on the plan for now."

Kei tries to change topics.

"Ok. Warrod should begin his part of the plan so I should do my part."

They walk until they get to the middle of the highway to Magnolia. Mavis starts putting up an illusion of the town in flames. They also set up the cage in order to trap Blue Skull's guild master, Geoffrey. They began waiting for him to rush towards the town after Warrod attacks him.

After a while they see him rushing to the illusion with a horse. He looks around in horror that the town he built for himself is burning. Mavis begins to confront him with Kei next to her. They talk for a bit and then Geoffrey realizes the flames are an illusion so he dispels them. He didn't realize however that it was a trap and not only were the flames illusions but the whole town was as well.

All of a sudden a cage drops on him. He gets trapped in the cage and Kei goes in front of the door to lock it. Mavis wanted Zera to do it but Kei did it instead because Zera wouldn't have been able to interact with the cage.

Meanwhile, Yuri and Precht finish off the rest of the Blue Skull guild and found the Tenrou orb. When Mavis said this part however Geoffrey starts freaking out

"Wait you mustn't touch that orb!"

"If you are telling us to not take it back then I must decline." said Mavis.

"That's not what I meant! If you touch the orb then all of Magnolia will be destroyed!"

"Mavis we need to go back to them now!" Kei yells and runs back into town with Mavis and Zera.