
Ms Arrogant

"I like you" "Oh really? Me too!" I said in a little fake surprised voice. His face lighten up for a second but What I said next made him drop his smile. "I also like myself" I flashed him my brightest fake smile. Don't get me wrong people, I'm kind and all, that's another thing. In this matter, I'm anything but sweet. "You will like me too, Evelyn" He called my name in a tone that made me shiver. But I regained myself before speaking again. "You are rejected, Mr Medici. I'm sure you have plenty of time and girls waiting for you, so go behind them. I'm too busy for you" ☆☆☆ Evelyn Hill is a genius, independent businesswoman. She hates people trying to control over her, this is also one of the reason she doesn't like relationships. Adrian Medici is a famous singer. He wants whatever he wants. And now he wants her. ☆☆☆ This is a really short story. But I will see, if I can make another part of this novel.

P_S_Sage · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 CEO

Evelyn's POV

I opened my eyes, I don't want to sleep more, but I don't want to wake up as well.

I sat on my bed thinking What should i do now, should i call Tristan? He will be here in few hours. I made it clear last night, on the call. Maybe I can go to few locations myself. I've been searching for some good sites for the rest of the night. I didn't let the freak to distract me from my reason of being here. The dinner was silent last night. I caught him staring at me for a few times but we didn't talk or anything, for which I was glad. My thoughts got interrupted when I hear my cousin coming inside my room.

"Good Morning princess" he said and kissed my forehead. Aw! he loves me so much. I almost got diabetes from the excess of sweetness.

"Morning lucy" I said in my sleepy tone, as a little yawn left my mouth.

"I came to call you for breakfast, come out and eat. I have some work, so I'm going to the company with Adrian"

"I haven't even brush my teeth yet" I whined. No matter how lazy I'm but I can't eat before brushing my teeth.

"Then what are you waiting for, go and get ready, dad told me to introduce you to the employees" My eyes popped out with realisation I totally forgot I have to work in uncle's company too. I got up hurriedly and ran inside the bathroom.

"Hey! It's fine we still have time, don't rush" He yelled but I was already inside, doing my business.

After some time, I came outside, wearing a co-ord set, light blue transparent shirt, I let the buttons undone with a white crop top underneath with matching light blue pants and white sneakers. I was neither for a business attire nor some dresses that screamed 'girl'. I like looking cool in my own way. I brush my hairs and let them free, I've straight and silky hairs, they look good either way so I usually don't bother doing much effort.

I grabbed my sunglasses, phone and wallet before walking out of the room. No more masks.

I scanned the living room, no one was there. Lucy Informed me earlier. A part of me was glad, I didn't have to face the freak. I sat on the dining table, everything was ready, the food was served and Lucy even prepared some fresh juice for me. He knows I don't drink coffee as a first drink in the morning. I eat in silence, not that I had anyone to talk to, but anyways.

After eating, I went out to go to the company, as Lucy instructed. Passing through the corridor, I went to the elevator, luckily It was already on my floor, so I hurriedly walked inside. "Wait!" I heard someone said. I looked up, it was the same guy from yesterday. I patiently waited for him to come inside the elevator, before I pressed the ground floor button.

"We met again" He said as the elevator started moving. "Yeah, thanks for the yesterday" I murmured in a low voice, but it was enough for him to hear. "You seriously don't know me or just acting to be a stranger so your boyfriend won't get jealous" He chuckled and said. I looked at him confusingly. why everyone keep asking me if I know them.

"I don't know you" I said in a not so friendly tone, ignoring the boyfriend comment. They are making me feel like I'm an alien who came to see humans for the first time and asking me If I know they are some creatures called human, they crawl and they eat shit and fuck.

He tried to say something but the elevator got stopped and I walked out of it, instantly without looking back.

Adrian's POV

I was sitting in my studio, recalling yesterday's incident. I went to Pristan's cafe, where I saw a girl using Lucio's card or at leastI thought it was Lucio's. I thought she stole it so I asked her. And she threw her coffee on me! I can't believe she humiliated me in front of everyone.

Just then I went to Lucio's and my shared apartment, I saw a girl, a really beautiful one. At that time, I wasn't in a mood to talk so I ignored her. I figured she was Lucio's cousin. I don't know anything about her or the reason why she came to LA. Hell! I don't even know her name. And she didn't really talk during the dinner.

My thoughts got interrupted when I saw my manager, walking inside the studio.

"Ade, Lucy told everyone to gather in the main hall" I simply got up from my chair

and walked out to the main hall.

Almost every employee, designer, choreographer, model, singer was present there. What's so important? I thought and looked for Lucio, after all

he was the one to call everyone.

My eyes traveled through the crowd, There he was! I spotted him, standing in the front. I attempted to walk toward him, but he started speaking. "Hey everyone! Maybe some of you already know that,

President Johnson is really busy and got no time to look after the internal matters of the company. So he appointed a person to fulfill his duties while he's not around" Typically, people started whispering and guessing who the person can be. Why don't you shut up and listen, you fuckers! I mentally scolded them.

"So I would like to introduce, President Johnson Martin's only neice and my dearest cousin, Evelyn Hill" Lucio said, a little dramatically but I couldn't care less.

She looked stunning. Her dressing sense was something I admired. she was different from every girl in the room. Her face reflected confidence as she stood beside Lucio.

"Evelyn would take over the company as a CEO for some time, I hope everyone will be at their best behaviour" Lucio stated, of course this statement was for some jealous female employees.

"One more thing, White, can you please assist Evelyn for the time being?" White was as cold as ice. She never talk to anyone if not for business purposes. Always had a poker face on. But she was one of the most trusted person in the company.

"Sure" She said and shrugged her shoulders, I never saw her, agreeing to something this easily. Evelyn must be someone special.