
Mrs.Bai Daunts The World Upon Her Arrival

Before Rebirth, Lin Zhixiao was an ordinary girl who was born in a middle class family. Her life was just like any other normal person's life should have been. She was happy with her life, But As the saying goes, nothing stays the same. Just like that, her life also didn't stay the same. Her life went up and down just like a roller coaster. One Day, a middle aged man around the age of 40 came knocking on her house door. The man asked her to replace his ceased daughter who looked similar to her and in return he would offer them money, which she reluctantly accepted the offer. She had no choice, after all her family was in a financial crisis. With the thought of helping her family, she reluctantly took off the flight with the man. When she reached there, she thought her life would be better but she didn't expect her life to take a turn for the worse. Despite living as a substitute for someone else's dead daughter, she played her roles to the best of her ability. But in the end, what she got was loathsomeness and ridiculousness from the people around her. The people she cared about, betrayed her. The things she achieved were snatched by someone else. The man she loved was also snatched by the real daughter of the middle aged man who was still alive! These people were still not satisfied with her poor state, so on the day of her birthday, they kidnapped her to silence her forever! Somehow, she miraculously was sent back in time! She decided that, this time she will not let anyone take advantage of her and she will pay those people for what they did to her by blood! This time, she decided to dominate the world! But why is this mysterious Mr.Bai so interested in her? First he sneaks into her bedroom in the middle of a night then he asks her to have a baby with him! What is wrong with this overbearing man?

Snow_Leopard_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Back In Time

The shiny moonlight shone through the gaps in the curtains as they flutter in air and landed on a white bed sheet. The person on the bed was undeniably alluring. Her inky black hair soaked the fine sweat on her snowy-white forehead, and it stuck onto her face.

Lin Zhixiao's brow slightly furrowed. Headache... A splitting headache was all she could feel at the moment. Her nerves were throbbing, and she felt as if they were about to explode. Her lips were pale and her rosy slender fingers trembled.

Her awfully long and dark eyelashes trembled slightly and only then did Lin Zhixiao slowly open her pitch-black eyes with difficulty.

In a daze, the first thing she saw was an old fashioned study table with a lamp on it. There was a green vase on the shabby table next to her bed, and an old yellowish closet.

Lin Zhixiao shot eyebrows up in a surprise. Her dispirited spirit was instantly stimulated back into her body, and her delicate body sat up from the bed.

Surveying her surroundings, she realized that this was not the old abandoned house. However, the white bed sheets, the study table with a lamp on it, the old curtains, and the green vase on the shabby table next to her bed in the room were all very familiar to her.

This was not the old abandoned house nor Lin family manor. It was her home in Shanghai city, where she grew up!


Lin Zhixiao looked at everything in front of her with an astonishing expression.

Why was she here? Didn't she sell this house when her parents passed away a long time ago?

As for herself...

Lin Zhixiao closed her pitch-black eyes and recalled everything that happened with her. She couldn't help but tremble as the rage exuded from her. She will never forget what Lin Wei and Lin Ruoyun did to her. She will take revenge, she will pay them by blood! But for now she has to wait.

As she calmed herself down. She realized that she somehow was miraculously sent back in time. Which she is really grateful for. This time, she will live her life to the fullest and not dedicate her life to only one thing.

However, if she was really sent back in time then..

Were her parents alive?

Her parents were the only ones whom she loved dearly. Beside her parents, there was no one to care about her. She was always a quiet person, which is why she didn't have any friends. Her only companions and friends were Bichen Ying, Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian, and Li Jiu whom she saved during a mission. After that, they followed her everywhere and stayed loyal to her despite any situation.

There was another identity of her which Lin Family didn't know about. She was a secret-agent who was ranked first in the national ranked chart of assassination, The Slaughter God! Whom even influential families, big shots, politicians, mafia gangs, and countless organizations feared just from the mention of her mere name!

This time, she will not make the same mistakes. She will cherish the people who cared about her dearly. And for those who insulted, bullied, and betrayed her, will pay their price! This is the oath she had taken during her last breath and she will definitely fulfill it.

However for revenge, she has to first avoid entering the Lin Family.

But for now she will temporarily put her plans on hold because she wants to spend her time with her parents for the time being.

In her last life, after entering the Lin family she was completely immersed in becoming the perfect daughter of Lin family and she didn't get anytime to spend with her parents and eventually they passed away from heart attack which she simply believe it and accepted her parents death.

However, now she thinks about it, she couldn't help but furrowed her brows. Because she knew her parents were healthy and fit so they had no chance for a heart attack, so how did they actually die? As she was pondering, a knock was heard on her bedroom door.

"Zhixiao are you awake?" Her mom, Lin Jia's soft voice was heard breaking her train of thoughts.

When she heard her mom's voice filled with softness and warmth, her pitch-black eyes brimmed with tears.

How long has it been since she heard her mom's voice. She quickly got off the bed and opened the door.

As soon as she saw her mom still looking young and beautiful despite being thirty-eight years old, she tightly hugged her mom and started crying, making Lin Jia surprised. She couldn't understand, why her daughter was suddenly crying but she nevertheless still comforted her baby girl.

"What happened, baby? Why are you crying? Tell mommy about it." Li Jia's voice was filled with worries.

"Nothing just a bad dream." Lin Zhixiao lied and quickly wiped her tears for not wanting to make her mom worried about her more.

"Alright now, go freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast." Looking at Lin Zhixiao crying eyes, Lin Jia couldn't help but smile at her.

Lin Zhixiao obediently complied and went to freshen up.


In kitchen.

A handsome man around the forty was found seared in a seat while calmly reading the newspaper.

He is none other than the father of Lin Zhixiao, Lin Chen.

He looked up and upon seeing Lin Jia walking down with a slight frown on her beautiful face, he frowned too. "What happened?"

"Nothing, it's just Zhixiao was acting a little bit weird." Lin Jia shakes her head.

"Acting weird? How?" Lin Chen was confused. His daughter was acting weird? It surprised him because he knew his daughter very well, she was a quiet person and rarely showed any-type of expression.

"Yeah, she hugged me tightly and started crying." Lin Jia quickly explained it.

"Why?" Lin Chen was now worried rather than being confused about his daughter.

"She said, sh had a bad dream." Lin Jia said.

Lin Chen sighs in relief upon hearing that it was just a bad dream nothing more.

While they were talking, they didn't notice Lin Zhixiao coming down leisurely while she narrowed her pitch-black eyes slightly. She couldn't help but feel relieved upon seeing her parents once again healthy and fit.

She happily strolled over to Lin Jia and Lin Chen.

"Mom, Dad, Good Morning."

"Good Morning, dear." Lin Chen Spoke softly.

"Good Morning, baby." Lin Jia spoke warmly.

"Mom I am hungry, please go make the brekfast." Lin Zhixiao rubbed her tummy cutely and pout.

"Aish, brat I am going." Lin Jia rolled her eyes at her daughter who shamelessly acted cute just for breakfast.

Lin Chen silently stared at his wife and daughter and laughed heartily upon hearing what his wife said.

"Hump" Lin Zhixiao cutely puffed out. She is looking like a cute bunny throwing the tantrum.

Lin Jia and Lin Chen couldn't help but their eyes turned softer as they looked at Lin Zhixiao and their eyes overflowed with fondness.

First they were stunned because before Lin Zhixiao didn't like to show her cute side and like to stay quiet. But now she was talking rather than being quiet and was also showing her cute side!

It seems like something has changed in their daughter. Lin Chen and Lin Jia couldn't help but think the same thing.

However Lin Chen couldn't help but think, what happened to make his daughter act like this? But nevertheless, he did not prior any further and acted along with his wife who also shared the same opinion as him.

Lin Zhixiao knew what they were thinking, but she did nothing to clarify her action because this is how she was. She will only show her this side to her family, no one else.