
Mrs.Bai Daunts The World Upon Her Arrival

Before Rebirth, Lin Zhixiao was an ordinary girl who was born in a middle class family. Her life was just like any other normal person's life should have been. She was happy with her life, But As the saying goes, nothing stays the same. Just like that, her life also didn't stay the same. Her life went up and down just like a roller coaster. One Day, a middle aged man around the age of 40 came knocking on her house door. The man asked her to replace his ceased daughter who looked similar to her and in return he would offer them money, which she reluctantly accepted the offer. She had no choice, after all her family was in a financial crisis. With the thought of helping her family, she reluctantly took off the flight with the man. When she reached there, she thought her life would be better but she didn't expect her life to take a turn for the worse. Despite living as a substitute for someone else's dead daughter, she played her roles to the best of her ability. But in the end, what she got was loathsomeness and ridiculousness from the people around her. The people she cared about, betrayed her. The things she achieved were snatched by someone else. The man she loved was also snatched by the real daughter of the middle aged man who was still alive! These people were still not satisfied with her poor state, so on the day of her birthday, they kidnapped her to silence her forever! Somehow, she miraculously was sent back in time! She decided that, this time she will not let anyone take advantage of her and she will pay those people for what they did to her by blood! This time, she decided to dominate the world! But why is this mysterious Mr.Bai so interested in her? First he sneaks into her bedroom in the middle of a night then he asks her to have a baby with him! What is wrong with this overbearing man?

Snow_Leopard_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Went Missing

After having done with her breakfast.

Lin Zhixao went back to her room to find out in what year she was sent back. She searched for her phone in her room and opened it and found out that she is in 2022!

That means she is currently 15 years old. And the Lin family old dog will knock on her door when she is 18 years old, which means she has 2 years to grow stronger.

To grow stronger, she first has to bring her family to the top rich family chart and then enter her family in the International League!

The International League is the center of influence where all the countries united! Even a small fry from the International League could easily be a reputable person in their respective countries. Not to mention, the large corporations in the International League! It is a place crowded with geniuses from all the parts of the world!

It was the place where the world talents assembly!

Many people could only dream of that place, most can only look at it from outside. It is a pity, because getting into the International League is way too difficult.

You have to have your own force or certain influential family backing you not to mention your own innate talents which has to meet their requirements or you will thrown out before you step a foot in the International League even if you have influential family backing you.

This was also the place where she took the Lin Family to her previous life! And this was also the place where she used to reside!

Now she will once again reach that place in this life!

Lin Zhixiao clenched her fists and her pitch-black and bright eyes showed an absolute resolution. She was determined to get into that place and once again dominate that place!

But for her to do that, she first has to grow her family stronger and to do that she has to move her family to Beijing city where only influential families reside. But to do that, she needs to have her parents agreement and she knows they will disagree.

So for her parents agreement, she first has to get into the Beijing top university to move her family there. Which is already not an easy feat. The requirements for Beijing top universities are very difficult to meet. There were only two people in Shanghai history who have been to Beijing Top University! And She will be the third person to go there! She is determined.

Her first step toward her revenge has finally been decided.

As she was thinking, the phone in her hand ring which broke her trains of thoughts.

She looked down, saw the name appear on her phone screen in bold letters, Yun Xiao. Her pitch-black eyes sparkle.

Yun Xiao is her only best friend in the High school. Yun Xiao is from an influential family and her grades are decent. She is the only person whom Lin Zhixiao was contacted in after moving into Lin Manor in her previous life. Yun Xiao was the only one who knew about her situation back then and the only one who supported her and accompanied her. But Yun Xiao died before her during completing one of the missions. Yun Xiao is a genius in the Hacking field, which is why she was accepted into the International League back then.

They both were inseparable back then.

And this time, she will not let Yun Xiao die.

Yun Xiao is her only best friend who supported her despite being in any situation, she can't lose her once again.

She picked up the call and heard a bright and comforting voice.

"Zhixiao, let's hang out, it's been a while since we did."

"Okay." Lin Zhixiao replied.

"Then let's meet at the center mall."


After she hung up the call, Lin Zhixiao went to change her clothes.

She wore casual clothes. A pair of blue shorty and a white T-shirt and took a small pink hand bag. She was looking refreshing and beautiful despite wearing simple clothes.

She went down and informed her parents before leaving.


At the Center mall.

Lin Zhixiao reached there and saw Yun Xiao wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue T-Shirt with a small blue hand bag. She was looking pretty and youthful.

"Zhixiao, you are looking pretty different today." Yun Xiao looked at Lin Zhixiao up and down.

"Different?" Lin Zhixiao titled her head.

"Yep" Yun Xiao nodded her head seriously.

"How?" Lin Zhixiao raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"You look prettier and your aura is kind of different from usual." Yun Xiao rubbed her chin as her eyes scanned Lin Zhixiao before her.

"It seems puberty hit me hard." Lin Zhixiao jokingly said.

Yun Xiao was stunned. Before Lin Zhixiao didn't show any expression and she always was a quiet person but today she was talking and she was also showing expression.

This is new.

Yun Xiao pondered for a bit but in the end she could not pin point the reasons for Lin Zhixiao sudden change so she gave up.

After chatting a little they went to the mall and shopped for a bit and came out.

"Zhixiao let's go to that Ice-cream stall, I want to eat Ice-cream." Yun Xiao pointed toward the Ice-cream stall and pouted.

"Fine, let's go" Lin Zhixiao sighs.

"yaayy, you are the best xiao" Yun Xiao happily ran toward the stall.

Lin Zhixiao could only smile helplessly.

After that, they both ate ice-cream and went to their respective house.


When Lin Zhixiao reached her house, it was already evening.

She went inside and saw the whole house was dark and her house was unusually quiet. Which was quite weird.

Lin Zhixiao couldn't help but furrowed her brows. Her instincts were telling her something was not right.

She switched on the lights and what she saw scared the sh*t out of her!

Her house was totally messed up. The rubbish inside the trashcan on the floor was spilled everywhere while the cabinets and drawers were open. The chairs, tv, and all the stuff in the living room was broken. It seems like a fight had broken out here before she arrived.

From the living room to the kitchen and to the bedroom, the clutter and mess was unbelievable.

There was a pool of blood in the study room which almost frightened her because her father was usually in the study room so... She wasn't able to complete her thoughts when she saw a letter on the study table with blood on it.

She picked up the letter and started to read it.

"Dear Xiao, don't be scared when you don't find mommy and daddy at home because we both have gone somewhere dangerous which isn't suitable for you to know right now. Your mommy and daddy's identity is very special which I can't tell you right now, because once you get to know about it will bring numerous dangers to you which I don't want. And I am not sure when mommy and daddy will be able to see you again but stay happy okay. And don't forget we love you and always will. We will definitely come to find you again, just have faith in mommy and daddy, Okay baby."

When Lin Zhixiao finished reading the letter, her eyes were brimming with tears, as it poured down from her pitch-black eyes. She hugged the letter and cried out helplessly. "Don't worry, mommy and daddy I will find you."

In her last life, she couldn't spend her time with her parents who loved her dearly and now after rebirth, she wanted to spend her time with her parents but she couldn't because they went missing.

Why? Why did the god give her the chance for new life, if they wanted to do this?

Why couldn't she be happy? In her previous life, the people she cared about betrayed her and now after rebirth, her parents whom she loved dearly went missing? Didn't she also need happiness in her life?

Lin Zhixiao couldn't accept it and could only cry helplessly until she passed out.

Her cries were heart wrenching as it echoed in the house. It was a nightmare.


The next day.

The warm spring sunlight shone through the opened windows and landed on a person. Her porcelain skin was sparkling under the sunlight. Her rosy pink cheeks were reddish from crying and crimson lips were slightly quivering from the cold. She furrowed her brows and opened her red puffy eyes.

She was in a daze.

She sat up and recalled what happened yesterday, her puffy eyes once again brimming with tears but she quickly wiped it before it spilled from her bright eyes.

She clenched her fists and her bloodshot eyes flash a dangerous glint. "I will definitely find you mom and dad, just wait for me."

She will definitely find them and those who hurt them will face her wrath, the slaughter god's wrath. Her wrath was something, countless big shots, influential families, and politicians were scared of.

In her previous life, during a mission, someone harmed Lan Zhan. She directly went to him and cut him into pieces and captured his subordinates and burned them alive in front of thousands of people and threatened them "If you dare to hurt my companions, you will be the next!

From then on, not a single person dared to angered her and hurted her companions because they were afraid of her wrath, the slaughter god's wrath! Whom not a single person can afford.

She got up from the floor and searched the house once again for any clues.

After searching for about half an hour, she found a dragon token.

She squinted her eyes as she looked at the token.

'This token...is very familiar.'

'Where did I saw it?'

'Oh yeah!'

'Isn't it this is Azure Dragon's organization token!'