
Chapter 50-3

Gomez stands on the little port with our training group, watching the small ferry navigate towards us. A little crowd has formed, ready to send us off to the mainland with well-wishes. Believe it or not, I'm actually going to miss this place. The pack members look on with smiles, bidding us farewell. Gomez is holding a giant hamper, full of all the handmade goodies I had taken a shine to. It feels weird to be leaving like a hero, and armed with gifts. Dante is going to be waiting for me on the other side, and I can't wait to throw myself at him. Finally, I can give him the time we so desperately need -- with no distractions. Now that I've helped my buddy, I can turn my attention to my mate.

"Stay?" Hector's quiet voice fills my ear. He's leaning against my arm lightly, looking glum. "I've gotten used to your nagging, Beta Evans."

"Not this time, Alpha Gomez." I smile sadly. "Dante's waiting for me."