
Chapter 50-2

Eddie's playful demeanour seems to abate ever so slightly, and I notice it immediately. Ever since the clean-up at the lakeside, Eddie has been acting a little odd around Gomez. I can't seem to put my finger on it.

However, before I can voice my observation, the back door creaks open, hinting at the arrival of an unexpected visitor. Gomez stops spooning food into the bottomless pit that is also known as his mouth, closing his eyes. "Hector?" A soft voice floats through the hallway. A fresh-faced Leah walks into the dining room, looking a damn sight better than her bedraggled appearance that I got to witness at Hector's cabin the other week. At the sight of me, her lips purse into a circle of disapproval. "What do you want, Leah?" Gomez asks in a boring voice. "We're eating dinner."