
Chapter 40. Honesty Is The Best Policy

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry." Gomez lisps, struggling to speak due to the nasty cut on his lip. Head in his hands, he silently mourns.

I have no idea who he's talking to; Allie's corpse, or me? All I know is the stabbing pain in my arm is getting unbearable. I can't believe Gomez had to do that. I can't imagine how he's feeling right now.

"Shit." Aaron comes running over, wiping a trickle of blood from his busted nose. I'm impressed with his bad-ass behaviour. He showed that skinhead vampire who's the boss. "Don't move, Aly."

"I'm sorry, Allie. I'm so, so, sorry." Gomez repeats.

"You had no choice, Hector. She was going to kill us. There was no way we could walk out of here alive." With a groan, I gingerly move my arm. "Aaron? Get this thing out of me, please."