
Chapter 27. Tough Times -2

A tear trickles down my cheek, as I stand there. I'm shaking in my muddy boots, trying to figure out what went wrong. What have I done, to make my ch brother so angry? I never knew they both felt this way. The smiling family collage faces me, golden frame glinting in the lamplight.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Reese huffs incredulously. "Ever since you met that damn mate of yours, you've changed!"

"Fuck this-- I'm out. I'm done!" Ryan snarls. With a final glare my way, he nudges past Reese and storms out of the house. As the door slams, the curtains quiver with the force. Reese looks towards me, horrified by what happened. He steps towards me hesitantly, arms extended. "You should go after him." I whisper thickly, wiping my tear stained cheeks. "Dad isn't here, and it's getting dark. You guys have the patrol to lead tomorrow."