
Chapter 22. It All Adds Up-2

"Thank you, Aly." Steph grasps my hands earnestly, pulling me to an overstuffed chair.

Heeding Rob's words, I searched for the small library, tucked into a corner of the pack house. It's absolutely tiny, high walls filled to the brim with dusty books. I found Steph curled up in one of the armchairs, propping her feet onto the remaining one. I was ready to leave, not having the heart to disturb her. She was so engrossed in her novel, I couldn't pull her out of whatever fictional world she was in. Steph spotted me before I could slink off, getting to her feet and embracing me tightly.

"What are you thanking me for?" I smile, patting her hand. "For saving me, in the vegetable patch. If it wasn't for you, I would have been out there for a while and anything could have happened." Steph trails off, her eyes watering. "Rob told me you carried me back to the house."