
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · TV
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26 Chs

Troublesome Trio.

It is currently 12:30pm, the guys have been in the bar now for just over an hour. Win looks at his friends and shakes his head. What could they all have done wrong to get kicked out by their partners. "Do you think someone told them we were fooling around out of town?"

Dean sighs, "No, Pharm sent me a message asking me if I was okay because he had not heard from me and it was quite late, I just responded saying that something came up and we needed to do some extra work."

"Come to think of it, Manow had been up this morning before I left giving me a weird look. I didn't question it because I was late." Phruek pours another round.

By this time they were on their third bottle. Win could feel the alcohol starting to make him tipsy. The worst thing he could do when he was exhausted was drink. This was not going to end well for him but he really needed to give Team time to calm down. Remembering the boys face now so vivid in his mind, he had never seen his boyfriend so furious. He had to have done something really wrong for Team to react that way. He tries to think about all the people he encountered, had he unintentionally flirted, gave someone the wrong impression, said anything rude or acted rudely towards Team. He just didn't know.

Phruek is at this point pretty wasted, Dean was none the better and he was right there with them. They are approached by some people and at first he cant really make them out, Win squints and finally realizes that they have been visited by the infamous swim club gang. "ABC Gang" the three boys look at him in utter shock, never have they seen any of the seniors drunk, they are usually the cold stern leaders who have to keep everyone in check.

A looks at Bee and Sea, "What do we do now?"

Bee looks between his friends, "Run!"

As the boys turn to leave Win shouts for them to sit down, the boys all shake their heads making excuses that Win cant even understand, with one stern look directed at them, all three boys hastily sit down with their hands clasped in-front of them. "I told you that I am just a senior from your club not the owner of your lives, why are you boys so scared of me?"

"P'Win, you are pretty scary." Sea covers his mouth with both his hands and his eyes grow wide when he realizes what he just said.

Win just glares at the boy and then all 3 of the seniors burst out laughing. "This is what I like to hear." Win goes for another drink but Bee pulls the bottle away. "Hey, I am your senior and I demand that you give me another one."

At the risk of getting beheaded, Bee squares his shoulders and says No. Win is shocked by the brazenness of the junior. He shakes his head showing his respect for the boy who breathes a sigh of relief. "I will be your coach this semester." Bee looks alarmed at Win and apologizes which makes the seniors all laugh again. "Okay, Okay I am just teasing you all."

Bee looks at the seniors and before he can catch himself he asks them, "Why are you all here tonight? Didn't your dates go well?"

All three seniors straighten in their seats, "What dates are you talking about?" Phruek slurs his words at the junior.

All three wake up to leave when Dean grabs Sea, "Spill or I will be forced to let Win take over coaching all three of you from Monday."

"Team said that he, Manow and Pharm had a surprise for all three of you tonight, they even went shopping and had been planning all day. He even skipped swim club and asked us to cover for him if coach asked where he was." Sea took a deep breath in after he finished rambling to P'Dean. His friends look at him shaking their heads. Shit, he just tattle tailed on Team.

Wins eyes widen as he remembered that he had promised Team that he would be home by 6. "I promised Team that I would be home by 6 today, that's why he asked me if I didn't have a phone when I got home. I was so caught up in what we were doing that I completely forgot."

"OOOOHHHH" all three boys make in unison, causing the seniors to send them death glares. A excused himself quickly saying he needed the bathroom all of a sudden while the other 2 just stood in place quietly.

Dean and Phruek confirmed that they had the same request from Pharm and Manow, it all makes sense now why all three of them were kicked out. Win starts to laugh uncontrollably causing everyone to turn their attention to him. "I cant believe that the one night Team plans something I forget, I'm such a dead man." He stands up ready to go to Team to beg him for forgiveness but as he wakes off the chair, he sways. Bee grabs him quickly before he can hit the floor.

"Why do I have to be here today, I told you this was a bad idea coming here." Bee looks at Sea who is quietly still standing in the same position he was 5 minutes ago.

Win looks at Bee, "Thank you Nong Bee."

Bee is stunned, this is the first time P'Win addressed him formally, he kind of hated it but he didn't dare tell the drunk senior that.

"Enough, we are already screwed anyway, sit down ABC gang, lets get wasted." P'Dean looks at the boys with a raised eyebrow, daring them to refuse, reluctantly A, Bee and Sea sit down with their seniors and started drinking.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Sea? They might end up killing us." Bee looks at the seniors again and smiles half heartedly.

"Its fine, this way we can look after them and make sure they don't get into any trouble." Sea looks at A for backup lifting his chin. A looks at his friends and shakes his head in agreement.

The three seniors who heard this exchange look at their juniors and smile. P'Dean grabs A around the neck, "I always knew that you boys were the best." Ruffling his hair Dean smiles proudly. Ah yes, this is the real Dean, the Dean that nobody gets to see besides his closest friends and Pharm. They all have a lot of groveling to do when they sober up. How stupid all three of them are. Win shakes his head, already thinking about ways to make Team forgive him.


As much as Team tries to fall asleep he couldn't, Hia said he would be right back but he isn't. Maybe he went to his room to sleep after all. "Oi, why is he so annoying?" He checks the time of the bedside clock, 2:30am. He definitely is asleep in his room. "Damn you Hia." He shakes his head and decides that he will let him have it later when he finally sees him but for now, he needs to sleep or he might walk up to Hia's room and strangle him in his sleep. Tossing and turning he still cant fall asleep, his phone starts to ring. Team picks up his phone and checks who is seriously calling him at 3am in the morning. He shoots upright when he sees that its A.

"What is happening bro? Are you okay? Why are you calling me at this hour?"

"Oi Team, shut up and let me speak so I can tell you." A breathes out a huff of air. "Are you sleeping? Do you think that you will be able to drive to our spot?"

"Why? Its a little late to be inviting me for a drink A, do you guys need a life home?"

"No, not us. Actually you will be proud to know that Bee, Sea and myself are still sober, I'm calling you because I need you to come collect your boyfriend."

"Hia Win is at the bar? Drunk?" Team is even more angry now then he was before. This asshole is drinking and having fun.

"Well we would bring him over but its not just him, P'Dean and P'Phruek are with him."

Team stifles his laughter, knowing that the three of them met so they could discuss why they were all kicked out so suddenly. They deserved it though but never did he think the three seniors will go to a bar and get drunk. Come to think of it, he has never seen any of them drunk. "Can they not make it home by themselves?"

"Oh no, they are perfect. The condition they are in now, they can swim in the Olympics and win. Obviously not asshole or I wouldn't be phoning you to come and get them!"

"Okay, Okay. Relax A, no need for sarcasm this early in the morning." Team rolls his eyes and gets out of bed. Let me call Pharm and Manow, we will be there soon."

"Get here quick Team, we cant control them anymore." and with that A ended the call. What did he mean they cannot control them anymore? Shit. He quickly grabs his keys and starts calling Manow and Pharm. Team fetched Manow and is on the way to the bar, Pharm said he would meet them there as he stays not far. Manow however doesn't have a car so Team opted to fetch her. She was not happy when he showed up to pick her up, she didn't even bother changing out of her cute pink fluffy pony pajamas. Luckily at this part of the morning the traffic is almost none.

"What the hell Team? Why do I have to go with you?"

"Manow, I know that you are angry, I am too but this is our boyfriends and they have never once needed us to do anything for them, they are the ones always taking care of us so for once we can go and them when they are drunk."

Manow sighs heavily. "P'Phruek is always taking care of me. Oooi, I'm just so annoyed that I didn't get any and I kind of panicked when you asked if anything happened because before that all I had was anger."

Team laughs, he feels her pain. All the time spent showering and dressing up, setting everything up. The three friends know that their boyfriends would move heaven and earth for them, doesn't mean that they will just cave and accept being stood up, even if it wasn't their fault, the least they could have was called so they wouldn't worry. He decided that he and Hia would have a good talk about this later or maybe tomorrow, given that Hia Win will probably spend the whole day sleeping in bed, if A is to be believed, his boo is plastered. Team just sighs as he pulls up next to Pharm in the parking lot.

He and Manow get out the car as Pharm exists his. They give each other a look and agree to put their game faces on. They don't know what to expect as they haven't seen their partners drunk before so they are prepared for anything. They walk into the bar which is empty except for one table, they just stare with their mouths hanging open at the sight in-front of them. Pharm loses it almost immediately, bent over laughing so hard he has tear in his eyes. Team shakes his head and wipes his eyes to check if he is dreaming, no he is not. Manow's tilts her head to get a better angle but eventually slaps her cheeks to snap out of it.

In-front of them standing on a table shirtless are their bad ass boyfriends, holding each other singing Bruno Mars - when I was your man. P'Phruek actually has tears streaming down his face. Below them sitting with their hands out ready to catch them if they stumble is A, Bee and Sea. Pharm cant stop laughing at this point, I'm pretty sure the look on my face is one of astonishment. I quickly pull out my phone and hit record, yes Hia you will definitely regret this.