
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Absolute Failure

It was late Thursday afternoon and luckily the mall was fairly quiet. The three friends all split up to get the supplies for their special Friday night plans, Pharm was in-charge of the food and desserts, Manow had the decorations and Team was in-charge of the outfits. They had decided on a romantic dinner to start, followed by a suggestive dessert such as strawberries and cream, chocolate strawberries, chocolate sauce and whipped cream, nothing too complicated so Pharm doesn't have to work too much. Once they grabbed everything they needed, Team dropped off the pair before returning home. He had opted to keep all the stuff in his car because nobody would find it there.

It was already 10:43pm by the time Win returned home. "Hia" Team pouted, trying to act cute. Win smirked and sat down on the floor in-front of Team putting his head in his boyfriends lap and closing his eyes. He cannot wait for this week to end so he can finally spend some time with his baby. Team massages his head and he looks up to see the curious eyes scanning him, wanting to say something but holding back. He sits up and gently rubs his thumb over the boys chubby cheeks, "are you gonna tell me what's got you looking so lost?"

"Nothing Hia, I just miss you that's all." Win feels his heart swell, usually Team is not very expressive with words when it comes to his feeling, he mostly is the action type so hearing him saying it means that he really hasn't been around much. "I miss you too, I promise that after tomorrow I will be around more, honestly the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I get to sleep next to you every night otherwise I would not have been able to stay away from you this long."

Team smiles his goofy smile, "Hia, what time will you be home tomorrow? I have something important that I need to get done. Please can you be back by 6pm?"

Win looks at him suspiciously, "why so specific? is anything wrong? are you okay?"

"Hia relax, I just want to do something tomorrow since we haven't had much time together the last few weeks, I promise everything is okay. Its nothing urgent. So can I count on you being home by 6pm tomorrow?"

Win breathes a sigh of relief and smiles, "yes babe, I will be home by 6pm." Win wakes up and gently bend down to give his favorite person a forehead kiss and heads into the bathroom for a quick shower, I swear this swimming club is such a cock-blocker. It has been weeks since he and Team have had sex and its actually starting to have an effect on him, he knows that Team can go without forever probably but not him, he is a horny bastard, but with being so busy lately he cant even get himself to stay awake for more than an hour by the time he gets home, sighing he opts for a cold shower before bed.

Team air pumps excitedly quickly grabbing his phone and messaging his friends before Hia gets out of the shower.

Team: All set and ready to go, what about you guys?

Pharm: Confirmed, P'Dean said he will be home by 6pm tomorrow. I am so excited I hope this works.

Manow: It has to work, P'Phruek is not going to recover HAHAHA

Pharm: Manow!!!

Team: Lol are you that you are the same girl we met at orientation :)

Team: Hia is probably almost done with his shower so lets chat tomorrow. We have a 9am class so we will leave after. Are you sure we will be able to use the kitchen at your club for tomorrows dinner and deserts Pharm?

Pharm: Yes, I have already arranged everything, we are all set. See you tomorrow. Night

Manow: Get some rest boys, we're going to need to be fresh tomorrow and preserve all our energy for night time :D

Team: Lol did I ever tell you that I love you guys?

Team hears the door open and locks his phone, "Have you eaten Hia?"

"Yes, thank you. Who were you chatting to just now?" Win looks at Team noticing he looks guilty of something.

"Pharm and Manow, we made plans to get together tomorrow after our class. We will be at Pharms club till the afternoon."

Something seems fishy about the way Team is smiling at him but he is just too drained to even investigate. He goes to lie down beside his boy and opens his arms for Team to join him and he does, he turns to face Team and plants a passionate kiss on his lips, Team lets out a soft moan, he takes the chance to slip his tongue into Teams mouth and gently wrestles with Teams tongue in his mouth, Win feels himself hardening as Team slips his hand between their bodies and grabs Wins throbbing shaft gently massaging it. Win breaks the kiss and grabs Teams hand between them to stop the movement, he groans out loud and looks at his baby who is sporting a look full of lust and desire, he closes his eyes slowing trying to calm himself down. "You have an early class tomorrow right?"

"Yes, but I can skip."

Again Team tries to kiss Win but he pulls away. "I'm sorry baby, I have to be at the club at 6:30am tomorrow, but tomorrow is Friday, we have the whole weekend. I promise I will make it up to you." Win looks at Team who is by this point huffing and puffing, he has to hold onto the laughter in his throat because he knows that if he dare laugh, he will probably get kicked in the nuts. "Just 1 day babe, I promise that this weekend I will turn off my phone and be with you 24/7." This somewhat satisfies his feisty boyfriend since Team loosens his grip on his crotch and pulls his hand away. He gently kisses his boyfriend and holds him close while he falls peacefully asleep.


Team puts the last of the candles in his room and thanks his friends again for their help. Its currently 4:30pm and they hurry back to their own rooms to prepare for the night. Once they finished their classes, they went to Pharms club and prepared all the food and the deserts for tonight. They then went to Manows and then to Pharms to set the fairy lights and candles for their romantic evenings, finally finishing up at Teams. They wish each other luck and both Pharm and Manow rush home to shower and change, he does the same. Its 5:30pm so he takes one last look in the mirror, and he has to admit, he looks good.

Tonight he decided that he would wear something almost formal, Hia loves it when he dresses up. A translucent white button up shirt, perfectly showing his well defined upper body underneath, a fitted black pants showing his toned legs and butt. Yes this is it. He checks the time again and its almost 6pm, he begins lighting the candles and turns the lights to dim, he lays the food onto the table at their places and puts the deserts in the fridge, he turns on some soft music to set the mood and his ready for the night. He takes out the box from his closet and places it on the bed, a special surprise he decided to get from the mall. "Yes, this is going to be amazing."


Win looks at his watch, 5:23pm, when will this day end, just then Dean walks up to him looking worried, "what's wrong?"

"We messed up, we were so busy getting all the equipment and supplies for the event on Monday that we forgot we need to get to Khlong Luang to fetch the training gear for the first years for the swim meet on Monday."

"Oi, cant we just go get them tomorrow or Sunday?" Dean gives him a stern look, Win sighs knowing full well that Dean would not look worried if it wasn't urgent. "What exactly is the problem?"

"The supplier gave us 2 hours to get there and collect the stuff because he going out of town, it was supposed to be collected yesterday. He didn't sound to happy with me on the phone when I asked him to please wait for us to get there. If we do not get the gear, the event wont be able to take place on Monday."

Win looks at his friend frustrated, for weeks they have been planning the event to introduce the new students to the club and to check their abilities so they could sort out the training schedules and positions for the first years, if they mess this up they will be without any first year swimmers for the swim meet in March. Unfortunately everything had to be decided now so they could focus on the swimmers as he and Dean were now in-charge of all swimmers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students "Is there nobody else that can do this?"

"No, P'Phruek is waiting for us in the van, lets go." Win knew Deans words were final, he sighed and followed the club president to collect supplies. What a great way to start the weekend.


Team checks his watch again, 8pm, he begins to worry. Hia always lets him know if he will be late if they had prior plans. He checks his phone again, no texts. What the fuck? He goes to the group chat and sends a message, hoping his friends had better luck. In quick succession he gets responses from both Manow and Pharm.

Team: Hia Win stood me up, Did you guys hear from P'Dean and P'Phruek?

Pharm: P'Dean stood me up too.

Manow: P'Phruek stood me up also.

Team: Have you guys had any communication from them? Did something happen?

Pharm: Let me text P'Dean and ask.

Manow: I'm pretty sure that if something happened we would have heard by now.

Manow: Im looking stunning by the way, the dress you chose Team is a winner. Such a pity that my boyfriend missed this.

Pharm: P'Dean said that an emergency came up for the swim meet and they would be home soon.

Team: Did you guys tell them to be home by 6 today? No even text!

Pharm: Yes, I'm going to clean up. When they return home, don't let them in. Serves them right for not even texting.

Manow: Oh for sure, P'Phruek can sleep in his car today for making me worry and for not bothering to send even a text.

Team: Whoa Pharm, angry much?

Pharm: Whatever. Bye.

Manow: I'm out too, shower and sleep!

Team grinds his teeth so hard he fears that he broke them. What a waste of my good mood. Team opens the food and reheats his steak and pasta, "Oh well, no need to deny myself of Pharms garlic and mushroom steak pasta." When he is done he showers and puts Wins food in the fridge, opting to leave the deserts and decorations for Win to see and understand what he missed out on, deciding to text his friends to do the same.

He hears Wins bike, checks the time, its currently 22:47pm. He immediately goes to the door to wait, he hears Win open the door so he stands in-front to stop him from entering his room, Win looks surprised to see Team stand in the doorway with his arms crossed. Team has an angry expression on his face. "Do you not have a phone?" Win looks at him confused. This bastard really forgot that I asked home to be home early.

Team is now raging mad, seeing Hia in-front of him safe and sound, realizing that he didn't even get a text. All the sexual frustration he had been experiencing has reached its boiling point. Win starts to explain himself and Team just slams the door in his face. He knows that he is being unreasonable but he is just so angry and annoyed that he doesn't even care. Win can sleep in his own room tonight by himself. Win knocks over and over again until he hears Win shout that he will be back, at the same time his phone beeps, he checks the texts and its a message from Win.

Hia Win: I'm sorry babe, I will be right back.

He throws his phone on the side table and covers his face with the blanket, he groans loudly while kicking his legs, this was a complete and total failure!