
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The best-friend experience.

Win is all packed and ready to leave for his two night swim camp, not looking forward to it at all. These past few weeks has been very taxing on the leaders at the swim club but the end is finally in sight for the young men, knowing that after this trip its just basic practice and training which means more spare time which they all so desperately crave. Win sees Teams walking over and grabs his bags getting ready to leave. Team insisted on dropping him off today even though it was so early in the morning.

"Promise I will call you everyday Hia, its only 2 nights and you are acting like you leaving for 2 weeks." Team sighs glaring at his boyfriend.

"Aren't you going to miss me? What incase you get naughty thoughts and I'm not there to help you?" Win winks at his boyfriend who suddenly gets shy.

"Hia, shut up! There are people around." Team smacks his shoulder cursing him with his eyes. As usual, his boyfriend just laughs because he succeeded in getting a reaction from him. Well 2 can play that game. Team looks around seeing that the car was covering their lower half, he grabbed Wins lower back and slams his hips into Wins. He uses his free hand to lifts Wins hand to his mouth and puts boyfriends thumb into his mouth and gently but slowly runs his tongue in a circle over Wins flesh. Team looks into Wins eyes and watches in fascination how he can go from amused to his pupils being dilating and eyes become hooded, filled with desire in just one second. Maybe this was not such a good idea.

Win tries to slow his breathing before it becomes erratic. His heart is racing and he can feel his manhood starting to rise. He shuts his eyes tightly and starts counting in his mind. Ah, when did Team become such a tease? The feel on his cold tongue caressing skin, wishing it was somewhere else he was sucking... Win shakes his head and tries to let go of the invading desire building inside him. The effect this boy has on him is instantaneous. He opens his eyes and tries to glare at his boyfriend but the look in Teams eyes halts his complains, Win looks down at his watch, they have half an hour before they have to be on the road. "Lets go for a quick drive."

"Hia no, we cant." Team looks at Win. "P'Dean is already here and watching us, plus by the time you load all your stuff and do role call it will be time to leave." Team looks at his boyfriend sympathetically, but also satisfied.

Win closes is his eyes and curses, "Shit. I swear you deserve to be spanked for this." Win watches as Team grabs his hand again and brings it up to his face, cupping his cheek. He slowly uses his thumb to rub Teams cheek gently.

"I will miss you Hia." Teams moves Wins hand to his lips and gently kisses his palm. "I love you." with that he drops Wins hand starts walking towards P'Dean.


Team is heading to the car when he spots Rider leaning against his car hood. "Hey, what can I do for you?"

The boy smirks at him, "You should really be more mindful of your surroundings when talking in public, you never know who is listening in on your conversations."

"Again, is there something I can help you with?"

"No, nothing. Just thought I would thank you for making P'Win horny and then leaving him unsatisfied. That will make him so much more susceptible to me seducing him. I have to say though, you really did all the work for me. I do have 2 whole days and 2 whole nights with him, considering this is a swimming camp and we will be practically naked most of the time." He smiles at Team, "Once again P'Team thank you." with that he bows and turns towards the bus.

"Uh wait." The boy turns and looks at him, "Good-luck." Team smiles at him widely. Seeing that he managed to startle the kid he laughs and jump in the car, "You better hurry or you will miss the bus. Bye-bye." Team waves at the kid and is off.


Win watches his boyfriend and the kid from the bus, he decides to intervene when Dean pulls at his jacket as his about to take off, "Team is an adult. You need to trust him, you can call from the bus." He knows Dean is right but it still pisses him off, he doesn't want the kid anywhere near his boyfriend. The last thing he needs is for Team to lose faith in him and their relationship. He doesn't know how he would feel if Team was the one leaving for a trip with someone who was hell bent on taking him from Win. He nods at Dean and gets on the bus, taking the front seat looking out the window to avoid everyone who enters. He can feel the stares of everyone that enters the bus, knowing that his expression means stay away. If he wasn't so annoyed he would probably laugh at these kids. This is the one time he is thankful that his looks keep people away from him.

"The front seat is for the captains not the Juniors." Win turns and looks at the kid who is almost sitting in the seat next to him but is being held up by Dean. He was so in his own world that he didn't pay attention to who was next to him, thinking it was Dean.

"I'm sorry P'Dean, I didn't know."

"Now you do."

The boy straightens up and gets ready to leave when he thinks about the way P'Team wished him luck. He must have said something to the club president. This makes his blood boil, he had never been able to control his temper well. How dare he? The boy sneers at P'Dean and without thinking he blurts out, "I didn't know the president of the swim club was P'Teams lap dog." He hears P'Win gasp and turns to look at him, the look on his face is utter disbelief. He realizes he fucked up, big time saying that to the president. He turns to face P'Dean who gets close to his face and whispers in a menacing way, "Get off, right now."

Dean looks at the boy and sees the terror in his eyes, knowing he went to far this time. He looks at his friend who is still staring at the boy in shock. Not even Win dare speak to him like that and they have been best friends for the longest time. He watches the kid nod his head and walk off, Win wakes up to follow, "No." one look into his eyes and Win knows better, he sits back down. Dean walks off the bus telling the driver he needed a few minutes. He takes the kid to a distance that they will not be heard by anyone. he sees the boy standing with his hands clasped tight and his head down, "Look at me when I speak to you." Reluctantly the kid lifts his eyes to Dean, "What you do on your time is your business, but if you ever disrespect any senior from this club on club time again or throw a tantrum because you dont get your way, I will ensure that you formally reprimanded, which means that you will not be able to compete in competitions. You do not bring your person shit to this club, do you understand?"

The kid becomes defiant upon hearing this, what a load of crap! "I guess favoritism only extends to your friends. P'Win and P'Team are dating each other, is that not mixing personal and club business? You and all the seniors are hypocrites." He bites the inside of his cheek, wanting to curse out the president but thinking better of it. "What did P'Team say to you huh? You so quick to protect his interests. I wonder what he gives you in return. Are you 3 together, but you have a boyfriend so maybe its a foursome, lets make it five." He grabs P'Deans crotch to make his point, P'Dean grabs his hand and throws it away, he is about to say something that never comes. He notices P'Deans eyes are on someone behind him, turning around expecting to find P'Win, he close his eyes when he sees that it is actually the coach of the swimming team.

"Get your stuff off the bus. You are officially suspended from the club until a formal hearing with the university."

"Its not that serious sir, we are just having a fight between friends."

"Dean, did he get permission to touch you?"

"No Sir." Dean looks indifferent, trying to maintain his facial expressions so as not to show just how close he was to punching the kid in the face.

"What you just did is considered sexual harassment. There are cameras all over the parking lot. Good for you, you probably just threw your future away because this will go on your university record. Get your stuff and meet me at the office. I will contact your parents to set up a hearing for your actions." He looks to Dean, "Get going kid."

Dean nods and walks to wards the rest of the swim club who were all watching the exchange. This is going to be the longest camp of his life he thinks to himself.


Win watches as Dean walks back, knowing that it is taking everything for his friend to hold himself together. He quickly takes out his phone and dials Pharm, quickly explaining and asking him to calm the president or they were all screwed for this trip. As soon as Dean enters and sits down he hands him the phone. "Its Pharm." His friend glares at him, but he knows that Pharm is the only one who can calm Dean down when he is in this kind of mood. He sighs in relief when he notices that its working and Deans features soften he becomes more relaxed. He hears Dean laughing softly and finally relaxes in his seat. Crisis averted. He turns to look out the window again, hoping this trip would just end already.

Luckily for Win he was pretty busy during the camp, all the extra work distracting him from everything that happened before they left. He chose to turn in early both nights opting to talk to his boyfriend on the phone rather then interacting with the other campers. He and Dean shared a room so he wouldn't be able to once he came back to the room. Its time for the swimmers to head back, completing everything they scheduled in record time. These 1st years are much more motivated then the previous year. He kind of missed ABC gang and Tul, their antics always made for entertainment. This trip was strictly business and somewhat boring. "Shall we go?"

Dean nods. "Shit I almost forgot, some of the gear is still at the hall, shall we go and get it?"

"Have the juniors do it, I'm going to the bus."

Dean grabs Win by the ear, "Stop being such an ass, lets go."

"Ouch, let go, Ow, okay fine. No need to act like a dictator." Dean lets him go shaking his head, satisfied. They enter the room but there is no gear, "Are you sure we are in the right place?"

"Hmm, I am pretty sure."

Win looks around, this looks more like a normal room then a hall. He turns to Dean who looks excited. "Are you okay?"

"This is the best friend experience." Dean smiles warmly at his best friend.

Win is confused, "Do you want to stay here with me?" He starts to back up, not trusting Dean.

"Happy anniversary Hia."

Team? He looks around and sees Team exiting a door. He smiles brightly. "Did you plan this?"

"Yes. P'Dean helped me arrange everything. You and I are staying for 2 more days. This is the honeymoon suite."

Team looks pleased with himself and so does Dean. Nobody has ever pulled one over on him, that's why he was getting assigned all the tasks, so he wouldn't catch on. Win is impressed by the deception of these 2. Guess I know what they were discussing before we left. "How long have you been here?"

"I got here this morning."

"Sorry to break up this party but I have to get going." Dean walks over to his best friend and hugs him, whispering in his ear, "The last time we were here you told me there is nothing in your life that will stay with you forever, do you remember what I told you? I told you that when you find the one for you, you will do everything in your power to not lose him. I'm glad you found the one. I'm proud of you, I could never ask for a better friend, a better brother. Thank you for sticking by me always." Dean pulls away, squeezing Wins shoulders one last time before waving bye to Team and leaving.

Win walks out behind Dean shouting, "You know I love you, right?" Dean looks back at him embarrassed, his eyes getting big.


Win smiles a genuine smile at his best friend, knowing how far they have come. Yes, this is the best friend experience. He feels Team at his side and hold out his hand. He turns and looks at his boyfriend smiling brightly at him. In this moment Win knows exactly how much each second of life counts. Every heartache, smile, tear, its all made him who he is in this moment. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, quashing the emotion rising in his throat. He never knew it but just like Dean he was waiting too, waiting for the person who would open his heart and completely rack havoc on the boundaries and walls that he set for himself. He watches Dean disappear from sight before he turns to his Team, HIS TEAM he thinks to himself and smiles. He gently kisses his boyfriends forehead and pulls him in close for a hug.

"Oi Hia, I'm hungry. Lets go eat."

He hears Teams stomach growl, yes this is definitely his Team. He laughs pulling away. "And I'm Mr. Unromantic right?"