
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

I'm his.

The annual swim camp was coming up and Win was not looking forward to it at all. The camp is basically to train the new recruits, which means that his boyfriend will not be able to attend this year. This saddens Win, knowing that this is the one year anniversary of him and Team. He had asked Dean if he could skip but Dean refused, stating that they are short this year because Tul would not be able to make it. Even though he and Team just very recently got together he still considers this an anniversary. How time flies by. Thinking about his first night with Team still gets him horny as hell and being at that place again without Team doesn't feel right. He spoke to Team about this and he was not concerned, this kind of stung Win because it was such a big deal to him but Team just brushed it off stating that the day they became official is what really matters and not the one night stand they both thought they had that night. Whatever, as long as he has his man now, nothing really matters.


With practice all finished, A, Bee and Sea invited their friends for drinks. Team agrees dragging Pharm with him, which meant that P'Dean and HIa Win automatically went too. Upon hearing this Rider walks over to the ABC gang and asks if he too can attend. "Please P, I am part of the swim club too." The gang agreed and decided they would all meet at their usual spot. Rider goes to grab a shower and heads home to get ready. When he enters the bar he looks around until he finds the swim club members, smiling devilishly when he sees P'Win. He walks over to them and takes a seat beside P'Win. "Hey everyone." The whole table turns to look at him.

"Who invited you?" Win feels Dean kick him under the table, he closes his eyes and looks away. Regaining his composure he turns to the kids and simply states that he is Teams seat.

"Its okay, P'Team can find somewhere else to sit."

"No, you can! Move." Win doesn't give him the room to argue, everybody that has ever encountered Win knows that when he turns icy, its usually best to just do what he says. Win is pretty calm but he is also very savage. He doesn't care who is around or where he is, he will speak his mind if he feels something is not okay.

Rider suddenly feels nervous, noticing that the chatting around the table has stopped and everyone is eyeing the pair. "I'm sure P'Team wont mind. I just want to get to know my senior better so we can become close." Rider knows he is pushing his luck but he doesn't care. "Please P'Win." He puts his hand on Wins thigh and squeezes, pouting looking at Win, trying to act cute. He is so struck by the power of P'Wins muscular thigh that he doesn't realize that all of the oxygen suddenly got sucked out of the air.

Win tilts his head to the side, bloody murder emanating from his gaze. He speaks a low whisper grinding his teeth, Win is angry, "We are not close, do not touch me ever again. This is inappropriate behavior of a junior from the club, know your place." With that Win grabs his hand and throws it. Team hasn't seen Win this angry ever. It sends chills down his spine. "Hia." Team shouts out a bit too loud, he smiles his goofy smile and scratches the back of his head. "What did I miss? Sorry the bar is busy today so I took longer then expected." Team tries to ease the tension. Pharm looks at Team and shakes his head. Team eyes his friend, opening his eyes wide and jerking his head at Win.

"You didn't miss anything Team, here Rider there is a seat next to me." Pharm smiles which comes out as more of a grimace.

Team looks at his friend disapprovingly, Pharm is so awkward in these kinds of situations. Rider looks at Win one last time and moves next to Pharm. Teams sighs with relief. He sits down next to Win who just sips his drinking angrily, not even giving Team a second glance. Team can feel the weird energy coming off him in waves. He looks at A, Bee and Sea who just shake their heads in response, not wanting to get involved. He turns and looks at P'Dean who is matching the same expression as Win. He catches Pharms attention and nudges his head to P'Dean, Pharm in response uses his eyes to look left then right, left then right, eyes shaking. For some reason this is so funny to Team who snorts into his drink trying to hold his laughter. Everyone turns to look at him like he has a screw loose. He just shakes his head looking at Pharm who is also stifling his own laughter. He looks over to the 1st year who eyes him with distain, Team pouts confused, what the hell he thinks to himself. He shrugs his shoulder and orders another round.

Win hears Team and turns his head to look at his boyfriend, this fool. Win is annoyed, can I even be angry for 10 minutes? He narrows his eyes at Team and Teams response is to give him the biggest smile he can muster. "I'm sorry Hia, I know I'm a pig." Win puts his head down trying to hide the smile forming on his face, he pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. He is trying to show the 1st year that he not someone to be messed with but here comes his Team all cute and so cuddly that he cant maintain his anger. Dammit, he is so whipped for the boy. He looks over at Dean who is eyeing Pharm the same way, biting his lip so he doesn't smile. Dean feels his gaze on him and turns to look at Win, they both smirk knowing that they are having the exact same thoughts about their boyfriends.

"I need to use the restroom." Rider wakes up and walks away. He can feel his face burning up.

"I'm going with." Team wakes from his chair but is immediately pulled back down by Win.


"Please Hia, just let me talk to him, I wont cause any trouble, I promise." Team whispers to Win who is scanning his eyes.

"Fine. Go."

Is this a challenge? he frowns. Am I not supposed to go or was he actually telling me its okay. Win is so confusing sometimes. He wakes up and starts walking towards the bathroom.


Team enters the bathroom and notices that the 1st year is just standing at the door with his arms crossed, looking annoyed. Okayyy, he thinks to himself. "So what is it that you want to say to me?"

"I want P'Win."

Teams eyes double in size, out of all the things he though in his mind this was not one of them. Wow this kid is brazen. Teams mouth is slightly ajar at the unexpectedness of the boy. "Okay, and that is my problem how?, what do I have to do with your wanting Hia?"

The boy raises his chin in defiance, "You are his boyfriend but I promise you it will not be for long, I will take him."

Team puffs out a breath, "Why are you telling me all this? I don't care." Team was very insecure when it came to Hia previously but since they got together he knows Win better than anyone and he knows that Win is a man of principle and discipline, when he thinks back to all the things Hia has done for him since the beginning of their relationship he knows that he is the only one in Wins life and heart. This kid is in for the ride of his life if he thinks he can get Hia Win. He smiles at the thought, knowing how hard it was for him to overcome his issues and fully trust Win. He almost forgets where he is when his thoughts are broken by the sneer coming from the kid.

"I have it all, money, looks, connections, I'm even a better swimmer then you are. What do you have?"

"I have Hia Win." Team smiles at the boy thoughtfully, clearly he has no idea who exactly Win is, he has all those things and more. Team finds himself pitying the boy. He knows that there is a deeper issue at play, he might be dumb for thinking this way but when it comes to believing in people that is his specialty. Team can see something deeper hidden in the kids eyes. He who has experienced trauma knows exactly how it looks. This is just a façade, a brave face that he himself wore before Win broke down all his barriers. He puts his hand on the boys shoulder and squeezes, "Okay, suit yourself. See you outside."

Rider is dumbfounded, nothing he said even made Team flinch. He looks in the mirror. What the actual fuck?


Team walks out the door and sees Win and P'Dean jump at his sudden arrival, knowing damn well that they were spying and had just been caught. "Oi, you two are grown men." Team pouts his lips and narrows his eyes at the pair who look guilty. They look everywhere but at Team. Dean scratched the back of his head, he points to Win "It was Wins idea. I told you not to asshole." Win stares at his best friend annoyed, ready to argue, "Enough, lets go, come on lets go." Team walks in-front of the pair.

Win looks at Dean and Dean puts his arm around Win, "I have Hia Win." Dean teases his friend who is slightly blushing and breaks eye contact. When he heard Team claim him he felt his heart soar. Team has always been cautious when telling people, afraid of what people would think but if Win ever had any doubts, they were liquidated. Happiness spreads through him and he will be damned if he lets anyone ruin this feeling for him, especially the 1st year who was already forgotten by this time. They decided to have a last drink and head home. Win then showed Team exactly what it meant to him when he called him his.


Looking at a sleepy Win, Team smiles to himself. Had he known claiming Win to other people would have resulted in the love making session they just had, he would have done it ages ago. Still buzzed from their activities, he shakes Win and climbs on top, "one more time Hia." Win groggily laughs and covers his face with the blanket before siting up and submitting to his baby.