
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Happy Anniversary


This chapter contains explicit adult content

You have been warned!


After the beach Win and Team returned to their room and had dinner, they didn't talk about what's been bothering them rather choosing to put it off for now. They both showered and jumped in bed, laying the dark both of them are aware the other is not asleep.

Win sighs and turns on his lamp shade, propping himself up on his arm and looks at Team. "Are we going to talk?"

"No, I'm embarrassed I reacted so poorly, listening to that couple made me realize how petty I actually was." Team turns away from Win.

'Well I feel the same. I shouldn't have jump to that conclusion and freaked you out like that. I just thought that if there was such a rule we would have to break up or one of us would have to leave the club."

Team turns back to face Win and props himself up on his arm too, "I got scared Hia, I know that there is no way that I would be able to live without you. I just felt bad because I never took into account anyone else's feeling or opinion when we started dating. I never once thought about how the fellow swimmers would feel or even react to us being together." He sighs, closing the distance between them. "And if anyone ever had to leave the club it would be me, I wouldn't let you be the one who has to leave. I have been there for a year, this is your 4th year at the club."

Win lays back down and looks up at his boyfriend. He cups his cheek and pulls Team into a kiss. He kisses him softly, Team opens his mouth giving him better access but Win breaks the kiss and pulls away. "I'm flattered that you would give up the club for me but I would never allow that. You are the one with a dream of becoming a professional swimmer not me. I would give up every last possession I have if it means you will get everything you want in life." Team comes back in for another kiss but Win holds him back. "Promise me that you will not be stupid about this whole situation and listen to me."

"Fine. I will promise you this time." Team sits up and removes his shirt and straddles Win. "I didn't book the honeymoon suit just for us to talk you know. I heard the walls are thick." He winks at Win who has a smug expression on his face, this means his getting very lucky tonight.


Win sits up and removes his shirt too, immediately putting his lips to Teams neck, who tilts his head giving him more access. Team puts his hand in Wins hair and pulls his head back, he stares at him intensely and bites his lip, he starts grinding his ass on his manhood. Win flips them over until he is on top and starts removing Teams pants before taking his own off. He grabs Teams shaft and his own in one hand and starts moving his hand up and down. Team starts sucking his nipple into his mouth making him emit a slight moan, Team bites down on his nipple causing him to moan louder. Team moves his lips across his chest to the other nipple before giving it the same treatment, Win pulls away, gloves and lubes up before positioning himself at his boyfriends entrance, he slides just the head in before pulling out again. He finds Teams lips and plants a passionate kiss. Team slides his tongue into his mouth and moans as he puts the head in again. He pulls out again making Team frustrated.

"Hia, don't play with me." Team looks at him, breathing heavily. He tries to lift his hips so Win can slip in but Win puts his whole body weight on him. "Please Hia."

Teams eyes are pleading but Win decides to prolong his teasing, finding Team sexy as hell when he is frustrated sexually. He runs his thumb against Teams bottom lip, "Beg me."

Team looks at Win like he has lost his mind, "No, If you don't give it to me now, you can forget getting... Ahhh." Before he could finish Win entered him a little more, he bucks his hips upwards but Win is too fast, he pulls out again and grabs his shaft, running his hand up and down, fast then slow, tightening his grip then loosening it. "Please Hia Win, please. I need you to fuck me, I need you to fuck me now."

Shit! Something about Team begging him to be fucked awakened something carnal inside him. He enters him in a swift thrust, both moaning loudly at the pleasure. He lifts himself onto his elbows and starts trusting into Team who is lifting his hips meeting his every thrust. Win outs his hand between their bodies and grabs Teams shaft, using his thumb to massage his sensitive head, he can feel him wet with pre cum. Team throws his head back in pleasure. Win angels his hips and hits Teams G-spot. He smirks at the way Team moans and starts shaking beneath him, his almost at his climax.

Team opens his eyes and looks into Wins, Team is losing his resolve, he needs to climax but Win is playing with him. His shaft is throbbing at this point. Win massaging his head is driving him crazy, sexually stimulating but not enough to make him cum. His right there but cant reach the end. "Hia Win, fuck me, like you did that first day, make me scream."

Fuck. This is enough to make Win lose all control, he pulls out and flips Team onto his stomach before ramming his large manhood into his back channel. Team rises on his elbows and moans loudly, "Hia." Win bends and puts his lips to Teams neck biting down on the flesh. He moans as he starts thrusting his member into Team, who is breathing erratically. He repositions himself so his every thrust is hitting his bundle of nerves and Team loses his mind.

"Yes, aah right there, please more, aaah."

Team is moaning so loudly that Win lifts him up and is holding him up by his chest, He turns his head and captures his mouth in a kiss, swallowing his moans. He uses his free hand to massage Teams member. He begins to whimper tightening his muscles, squeezing Wins manhood. "Ah Team, baby, I'm gonna blow." He moans into Teams ear. Team spasms in his arms and lets out a strangled moan as he cums in Wins hand. Win feels his body buck and follows his boyfriend into bliss, shooting his load, he lets Team go and rolls off him. He catches his breath before heading to the bathroom to clean up, he returns with a wet cloth and cleans his man, who is almost catatonic. Team smiles at him weakly, his cheeks still flush from his intense orgasm. "Did I hurt you baby?" Win asks out of concern, realizing how out of control he was.

Team taps the empty bed next to him and Win lays down, he pus his arm across Wins chest and his leg tangles in Wins, "No, that was the best sex I think we've ever had." He laughs sheepishly. "Hia, I think you should make me beg you more often."

Win snorts and pulls him closer. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary Hia." Team puckers his lips for a kiss. Win gives him a gentle peck. He snuggles up closer burying his face in Wins neck, "Love you Hia." he sleepily says before falling into dreamland.

"I love you too baby." Win reaches down and pulls the covers over them, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath taking in the scent of the man laying beside him. He opens his eyes and studies his boyfriend in the dim light, watching his swollen lips, his flush red cheeks, he moves the hair off his face with a finger and touches hips lips to his forehead before he himself falls deep into a sweet dream.