

on a very unusualy a quite and cold day, in the backalley of a street, heavy panting along with a few occasional curses could be heard. their lied a boy with stab wound on his torso .he was on the brink of death, when he felt like his body was being torn apart, before he could do anything he felt like he was floating and after a few moments got sucked into the ground at incredible speeds. after a while our mc aka Lucas Hendrix opened his eyes to find himself in a crimson red room which was seemingly endless. Lucas thought to himself " It seems I real did die.well judging from this place atleast" after some contemplating Lucas asked himself " but where exactly is this place". he knew that he wouldn't go to heaven because of his past actions,but unless this was going to bore him for an eternity it seemed rather plain for hell. while Lucas was in middest of thinking he heard a low husky voice saying "why, hello there".

novel_JC_2005 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

CHAPTER:-1 The Wounded Boy

byhelton, capital city,


In the backalley of a Street unknown, there lied a boy,who seemingly was around the age

of 14-15 years of age was lying on the ground.

He was heavily wounded, there were about stab wound around his chest.

"...how the... hell did I end up....like this..."

there were frequent gaps when he spoke because he was finding it hard to breathe. he thought about how unlucky he was when he looked back on his life, ever since he was born.

When he was born he was abandoned and raised at an orphanage for most of his life. Whenever he thought that he was naver ment have them for better or for worse, because he was quite happy with just the life he was having, until the age of six because pretty much all of his friends were adopted, he was however not that lucky,he was left behind for 4 years, which he spent quiet lonely.

When the orphanage was pretty much out of funds to feed the children he finally got up adopted by an old couple. they were not what he expected but he was happy with them. during that time he realised that he was... for a lack of a better word 'shit' at anything he tried to do which was not helpful at all because he had to atleast study 30 times hard as the rankers of his school to barely pass.

around 10 years of age something happened, something very expected happened. his adoptive mother... died due to an heart attack. this shocked him badly, because he had ever bit of affection for her. her death caused him to be very careful of what he could keep his affection in and what he could not.

Due to this incident he became where is self-absorbent and selfish because I used to think that 'if you wanted something you have to get up then snatch it even if its others or else you would never be satisfied'. due to this he lost his friends before he could even think about changing, Only a few of them stuck by him and helped him.

only a few days were left for his vacations to be over so he thought that he should go out and enjoy himself so he did.

when he was chilling outside however he heard a few screaming so he ran towards it and found a man being forced to hand over his belongings, this pissed of lucas.

And so he interfiered... worst decision he did his entire life, why you ask? because the theif for some reason had knife,in the state of panic he was.... stabed him.

What was even worse is that the person he was tring to save didn't even take him to the hospital,he just ran off in to the distance.

And now here we are, in this seemingly fucked situation. Lucas kept cursing that man.

"You fucking bald asshole!!.I wish die burning alive.... shit this hurts a lot."

he was finding it harder to keep himself by the minute. This is when he felt an overwhelming pain all around his body.


It was terribal, he felt like he was being torn apart. then suddenly he felt like he was floating. when he opened his eyes if found that he actually was floating.

when he look below him to check how high and why he was floating. he was dumbstruck.

"Is that...me!?"

hi saw his own dead body lying below him, however before he could do anything he got sucked into the ground a to very high speeds. he closed his eyes out of sheer shock, because he thought it was gonna get smashed into a million pieces.

when he finally opened his eyes, if found in himself in a crimson red room which extended to an undiffined amount of space.

"it seems I died. well judging from this place atlest...Aww come on what the fuck. why the hell did I have to die."

"haaaaaaah.... yeah, whatever."

"where the hell am i, this does not seem like hell... or anything at that."

This is when lucas heard a low,husky and joy filled voice.

"Why, hell there"
