

on a very unusualy a quite and cold day, in the backalley of a street, heavy panting along with a few occasional curses could be heard. their lied a boy with stab wound on his torso .he was on the brink of death, when he felt like his body was being torn apart, before he could do anything he felt like he was floating and after a few moments got sucked into the ground at incredible speeds. after a while our mc aka Lucas Hendrix opened his eyes to find himself in a crimson red room which was seemingly endless. Lucas thought to himself " It seems I real did die.well judging from this place atleast" after some contemplating Lucas asked himself " but where exactly is this place". he knew that he wouldn't go to heaven because of his past actions,but unless this was going to bore him for an eternity it seemed rather plain for hell. while Lucas was in middest of thinking he heard a low husky voice saying "why, hello there".

novel_JC_2005 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Hey guys! :D my name (pen name) is JC. I am pretty new to novel writting so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Any and all kinds of pointers or advice are welcome. I hope you guys like my novels cause I think they are pretty cool.



on a very unusualy a quite and cold day, in the backalley of a street, heavy panting along with a few occasional curses could be heard. their lied a boy with stab wound on his torso .he was on the brink of death, when he felt like his body was being torn apart, before he could do anything he felt like he was floating and after a few moments got sucked into the ground at incredible speeds.

after a while our mc aka Lucas Hendrix opened his eyes to find himself in a crimson red room which was seemingly endless.

Lucas thought to himself " It seems I real did die.well judging from this place atleast"

after some contemplating Lucas asked himself " but where exactly is this place".

he knew that he wouldn't go to heaven because of his past actions,but unless this was going to bore him for an eternity it seemed rather plain for hell.

while Lucas was in middest of thinking he heard a low husky voice saying "why, hello there".
