
Mr. Gynophobia

Dave Alexander, the handsome and notorious emerald-eyed man. However, he likes pink teddy bears. Dave has a strange phobia, he will feel anxious and frightened and even lose control when he sees women. A phobia known as gynophobia. Dave Alexander, a man who has many secrets and also has many wounds in his heart. Estelle Clarice, a wavy long-haired woman always tries to think positively. Estelle always tries to be tough in every problem that never stops coming to her. One day, for the sake of a ring, Estelle is forced to obey the wishes of an office mate who is the cause of her involvement with Dave. Two people who struggling for happiness, meet fate in a funny way. Hate each other, but make an agreement to help each other. "It feels like I want to laugh, knowing you don't remember me. Are you really human? At least, remember your evil deeds!" annoyed Estelle to Dave.

Daisy_Lia · Urban
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9 Chs

3. Women Are Scary

"I don't promise to get you to talk to him but, I'll try. Also, not all my kindness was paid for with money. So, wait here until I give a sign."


"Listen to me Alan! Just once, don't ask me where I am. I called you for fear that you were waiting for me. Enough, I have to finish my affairs soon. Don't worry about me."

Estelle hung up her phone then put it in her blazer pocket. Looking at the dance floor where the population is dwindling. Naturally, it's already three o'clock in the morning. She had also waited for six hours at that place. Fortunately, today she is getting a holiday. Well... Since yesterday, that part is all she can call lucky. Julia is really an unlucky woman.

It felt like vomiting, even though she didn't drink anything there. From birth until now, her feet have only stepped on the floor of the discotheque, a place she hates very much. 

Estelle slashed irritably. Watching the blonde man who knows what his name is. Remind herself to ask the man's name, later.

There, the man was still chatting with Dave, Julia's target man. A while ago, Estelle intended to just want to go home. However, it feels wrong... Although it is just an object but, the ring has many stories. After all, if the man asked for payment with her body, Estelle had already prepared a pretext that it was not herself who asked for help, but the man who insisted on help. If it doesn't work, it seems that threatening with the police is enough.

"Haah... What are they talking about? And also, does his stomach not feel full? Crazy, it's been hours! Don't they remember home?!" grumbled Estelle.

It has been ten times that Estelle has gone to the toilet just to wash her face so as not to be sleepy. Yesterday she was tired from work, and then went home to clean up the house and then came to this place. Now, her body was already whining for rest.

Oh? Estelle's almond eyes rounded happily. When the blonde man picked up Dave. Her mind immediately thought that Dave was drunk. 

Estelle immediately stood up, when she saw the code given by the blonde man there and followed them from a safe distance. Entering one of the doors, then greeted by a hallway that surprised Estelle. There are many rooms there and also, it looks so attractive in her eyes.

An aesthetically pleasing hallway with a thick three-dimensional carpet painted by the beach, just right lighting and several walls engraved with daisy flowers. The fragrant fragrance of peppermint burst out there, very different from the room where she waited for six hours just now.

Estelle admired the place so much, she wondered if every discotheque provided a room like this?

At first, Estelle thought the man wanted to put Dave in one of these rooms. However, it turned out that her guess was wrong. They went out through the back door. Although confused, Estelle still followed the direction of the blonde man.

"Hey, I have a sudden business. So, it's my friend who will drive you, okay?" said the blonde man, leaning Dave against the wall. 

Estelle watched them from a safe distance. She also shook her head concerned that alcohol was really a disaster. Just look, coming with a fit body and then when you go out of the discotheque, it even troubles people!

Dave held his temples. "Ugh! Go. I can be alone. Just call a taxi," he said, if he knew this would be the case, he should not have sent the driver home.

"No. You are already too drunk. So, let my friend take you, after all, she is already here. There is no need to keep your distance, she is purely my friend. Not a seductive woman. Think of it as training your mental immunity, okay?"

Dave straightened his head, hearing the word woman, his consciousness recovered a little. "What? Hey, wait... Ck! Damn!" he exclaimed, a piercing dizziness coming back over him.

Unfortunately, Dave's words went unheeded. The blonde man was busy calling a taxi across the street, then walked up to Estelle with a face full of triumphant smiles. 

"See? I managed to persuade Dave. I have also called a taxi. So, please deliver him to this address. Remember, take advantage of this short time to satisfy your curiosity, okay?"

Estelle blinked in confusion. It's this easy? It felt like something was wrong but, she didn't know what it was. Since long ago, Estelle had a belief, that there is nothing to get easily!

Estelle cleared her throat softly. "Eum, that ... As for pay, be--"

"Don't worry about it first. Tomorrow, I will come to you and ask for my payment. Now, go, before Dave's consciousness recovers. If he acts rudely ...." The man approached and whispered in Estelle's ear. "Run away as soon as possible and don't look back."

Estelle frowned with a bland laugh. Thinking that the man was joking. It's impossible for Dave to be that scary. "Em, thank you," she said, ignoring the man's strange warning as she stretched out her hand. "I am Elle. You?"

"Sam," Sam replied ending with a smile that brought out one dimple on the left side. "You go and remember, don't touch his body."

It's strange, Sam and Dave, according to Estelle both are both strange and mysterious. Estelle just nodded so that her business would be done quickly. After all, she just wanted to ask, chatting more she needed than touching. 

One hand waved while the other went into his trouser pocket, Sam took off Estelle's departure with a sweet smile.

"I'll accept my punishment later, Dave. This is all I can do for you," Sam said quietly, then raised his head to look at the snow-dropping New York sky beautifully. "Your body is indeed full of warnings, huh? Just know that it's snowing today," he continued with an unpredictable look.

Estelle, who was already in the cab, massaged her forehead lightly. Dizzy with strange things that appear just because of a ring. Well, not because of the ring but because of her demon colleague in the same office!

"Strange man. Ah! Tomorrow, how did he find me? They didn't even exchange phone numbers," whispered Estelle's heart, then shook her head, deciding to stop thinking about that, maybe just small talk.

The woman cleared her throat, then styled her hair and tied the messy bun again. Her black iris glanced at Dave. Recently she saw Dave's entire face up close, since at the discotheque Estelle only saw Dave from afar, it only showed the side body or back body.

Estelle sighed nervously. It feels awkward. Dave closed his eyes while holding each other, it was obvious that the man with thick eyebrows with fine fur on his face ignored the woman beside him.

Estelle's heartbeat beat rapidly. Not because she saw a handsome appearance beside her, but hesitated to make a sound. However, if she stays silent, she will not be able to get any information.

"Em, excuse me ...." Dave was silent. Although his ears caught Estelle's voice. However, he prefers to ignore it. Dave was grumbling inwardly, saying that tomorrow he would teach Sam a lesson. Already knew his condition was unstable but, instead dared to put the woman by his side.

Estelle sighed after a minute of no response. "Hey, are you okay? Did he faint?" she said. Even so, she was sure Dave did not faint or sleep because, she clearly saw the eyeballs that were still twitching slowly there.

"Can we talk for a while? I want to ask you something, it's okay if it's just a joke. The important thing is, the answer I want comes out of your mouth ...."

Quiet. The driver glanced from the small glass perched in front of him. Estelle began to get annoyed. Even though she had said the purpose of the purpose which she thought was not to the detriment of the man. 

"Dave ...."

Dave gasped as Estelle called his name softly. The palpitations of the heart and the pulse in his head increased. 

"Don't, hold Dave. You've felt more than this," Dave thought, the two arms he hugged the tighter he pressed to the body.

Unlucky! Dave opened his eyes. turned sharply at Estelle who was surprised by her movements. The annoyance immediately peaked when Estelle dared to touch his arm. Nauseous! It feels like vomiting!

"Are you okay? Your face--"

"Go down."

"What? Go down?" repeated Estelle, she understood very well that Dave had thrown her away. "Want me to get off here? Don't be kidding!" she continued looking out the window, snowing heavily. Plus, the streets there look creepy. 

Dave gave Estelle a fierce look, his thick lips looked pale. His eyes have also issued red strokes. He was trying to resist the unnatural turmoil from within his body. "Do I look kidding? Stop the car and get out!"

"No, don't! Hey, I've been kind enough to deliver you. If you want me to go down, answer some of my questions first, after--"

"Ukh!" Dave covered his mouth. Hearing Estelle's fussiness made his nausea even more. Panic. Dave banged on the driver's seat, a signal for the driver to stop the car immediately. 

"Stop! Sir, stop quickly!" exclaimed Estelle in a panic when she saw liquid starting to come out of Dave's fingers. Argh! There are just drunk people's behavior!

The driver who understood immediately pulled the car over. Dave immediately rushed out and squatted on the edge of the sidewalk. Vomiting all the contents of the stomach that is nothing but removing water. 

Estelle approached quietly, seeing Dave tormented with intense nausea. "Hasn't he eaten yet?" she thought when she saw only the water spit out. Her hand dexterously patted lightly on the back of the man who looked fragile.

Getting such a touch, Dave's anger peaked again. The veins of his neck were already tightened. Dave quickly shook off Estelle's hand, then got up and grabbed the almond-eyed woman by the neck.

Estelle was shocked by the sudden attack. Would she die at the hands of a drunkard? Not want! The woman tried hard to remove Dave's burly hand from her neck. Emerald's sharply eyes darkened as if he couldn't see that what he was holding was the neck of a woman. 

"Just die, you trash!" said Dave emphasically.

"Ukh! Lord, why should I accept this treatment? Where did I go wrong? Father, it seems, my death is in his hands," Estelle thought, resigned as she began to have trouble taking a breath. 

"Hey, man. Stop! Let go of this hand, you can kill this woman! Be sober!" The driver, who was initially reluctant to get off, now decided to interfere. Who wants to deal with a drunk person with a violent temper.

"Uhuk!" Estelle coughed after the firm grip was released. Both hands tremblingly held the neck that still felt once warm Dave's grasp. Her eyes were already watering, she tried to take in the air that she had difficulty breathing.

"Go. Go all of you!" shouted Dave, his hands clenched tightly. It feels sickening. Again his body acted as he pleased. But what else? Dave doesn't like women! For him, that woman is terrifying and disgusting!

Continued ....