
Mr. Gynophobia

Dave Alexander, the handsome and notorious emerald-eyed man. However, he likes pink teddy bears. Dave has a strange phobia, he will feel anxious and frightened and even lose control when he sees women. A phobia known as gynophobia. Dave Alexander, a man who has many secrets and also has many wounds in his heart. Estelle Clarice, a wavy long-haired woman always tries to think positively. Estelle always tries to be tough in every problem that never stops coming to her. One day, for the sake of a ring, Estelle is forced to obey the wishes of an office mate who is the cause of her involvement with Dave. Two people who struggling for happiness, meet fate in a funny way. Hate each other, but make an agreement to help each other. "It feels like I want to laugh, knowing you don't remember me. Are you really human? At least, remember your evil deeds!" annoyed Estelle to Dave.

Daisy_Lia · Urban
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9 Chs

2. Suspicious Help

"Elle... I know you are smart, nor do I care what you want to think of me. I just want you to return the favor a little bit, okay? I wait for good news from you, my dear friend."


Estelle Clarice slashed hard after smashing her body into the sofa where Julia was sitting a few minutes ago. Sit with the body slightly bent. She placed both hands on the temples with her elbows perched on her thighs. Some of her fingers moved gently massaging the pulsating area. After that, Estelle rubbed her face roughly.

Julia's nonsense remarks made her head want to explode. If only the ring was just an object with no meaning, of course now she would not be in this rowdy place. Nor will it be taken advantage of by the snake woman.

"Oh my god ... should I give up the ring?" muttered Estelle, then biting her inner lip with her eyes staring at the floor, thinking what decision she should make now.

Not. She must not lose that thing. The ring is her engagement ring. An object that he thought was sacred was like a wedding ring. She had been wearing it for a year. Estelle regretted that she shouldn't have taken it off carelessly last afternoon and she should have put the ring in her pocket.

The woman with almond eye shape sighed. Now her body is propped up against the sofa. The coldness from the surface of the leather material directly penetrated the back covered by her gray shirt and blazer. The reason why she took off her ring, was because the thing wanted to slip out of her fingers several times.

She lost weight, loosening the ring. 

Her intention, want to be put together with a necklace. However, because a call came in that caused her to talk with her sister for a long time, Estelle forgot the ring she had placed on the sink. 

"Argh! That Julia, really crazy! How could I go to the man and ask him about his personal things? What the hell, is she planning?!"

"Miss, can I sit here?"

The sound of the male bass made the grumbling of her heart stop. Estelle glanced lazily at the blond man who smiled warmly at her. For a moment, she forgot that she was in the second most dangerous place in the world.

The man remained seated even though he had not been allowed, even looking indifferent to Estelle's unhappy gaze. 

"It seems, Miss is coming here for the first time," the man whispered.

Actually, from the beginning the man had been watching Estelle and Julia from afar. However, unfortunately he could not hear their conversation. Julia's outfit, plus Estelle's frowning face since entering this discotheque, made him believe that the woman with the original tie-hair had come to this place for the first time.

Estelle did not respond to him. Her eyes straightened looking at the man Julia was after. The man was silent while taking a sip of his drink, although a few seconds ago Estelle saw him talking to the bartender who then somehow poured the drink into the beautiful glass there.

"Hm, your taste is high too." Estelle glanced sarcastically at the man who had just looked back at her. She could guess that the man in the dark velvet jacket had traced her direction of view. "Well, naturally ... Dave has always attracted attention here but alas, every woman who is interested in him can only look at him like this," he continued ending with a crooked smile.

Estelle's reflexes straightened her back. "You know the guy sitting at the bar counter over there? That man whose sleeves were rolled up? What was his name just now? Dave? Oh my God, why didn't you say from earlier?!"

The man laughed at Estelle's questioning after openly ignoring him, now even daring, blaming him? Gosh... fortunately he was good at reading situations. So, him ears could hear Estelle's beautiful voice.

"Miss, don't know who he is?" Estelle shook her head softly. "Let me tell you the matter, Dave?" Estelle nodded steadily. The man chuckled at Estelle's behavior. "He doesn't like women. If Miss wants to stay here, you'd better undo your intention to approach him, she--" 

The thin lips there are now open in a circle just like her eyes, the hand that had squeezed the sofa now even covers her mouth. Estelle was quite surprised to hear this information. 

"So, he ... gay?" interrupted Estelle, concern running over for Julia.

A burst of satisfied laughter could be heard competing with the thumping music there. "Oh my god, Dave doesn't like women but, he's not gay! Remember, not gay! Gosh, don't let Dave hear this, it might backfire on you, miss," he said grumpy. Estelle is really funny! Interrupted him remarks and then concluded casually.

"In that case, I can approach him just to ask?"

"Miss really doesn't know anything, huh? Just look for safety, you should not disturb him. However, it's a different story if Miss, someone who is quite powerful."

Estelle slashed in frustration. She really doesn't understand, why do you have to be so convoluted like this just to get information? Already dizzy with the sound of music, dizzy thinking about how to approach the man and now, dizzy with that half-hearted talking person! Actually, the man wants to tell her or not, anyway?! Why carry power? 

"I'm just an ordinary person, okay? So, please just say it clearly, why shouldn't I get closer? Is he a dangerous enough person? Yakuza? Gang? Argh! Anyway, give me all the information you know about him. Please ...."

The man grabs him hair, then leans him back with both arms spread to the side and perched on the sofa. Seeing Estelle give a pitiful face like a kitten, made him heart a little unsteady. However, he also did not want to carelessly provide information about Dave. He still wants to live.

"Haah, it's not that easy, miss ... Once again I say, this is also for your good. Do as I said just now, don't approach him. If you want to play, there is me. I, also good at playing...."

Estelle immediately stared sarcastically. It seems, it will not be easy to dig up information from the man sitting next to him. Seeing the man smile disgustingly, Estelle immediately averted her gaze. Staring at the man Julia was targeting. 

"Did he deliberately drink that much? What if the stomach hurts? Is he thirsty? The drink that was just made, immediately finished in one sip," Estelle thought, now her body leaning back. "What should I do ... Damn Julia!" she continued, still speaking silently.

"What does Miss want to know from Dave?"

Estelle glanced then looked back at Dave. "Secret. You don't need to know," she retorted. How could she say that what she wanted to look for was, Dave's likes, weaknesses and type of woman. Estelle doesn't want to be considered strange.

"Hmm, how much do you want to pay if I can make time for Miss to talk to him?"

This is a good opportunity, Estelle should be happy to have someone offer help. However, the woman's face looked gloomy instead. "Don't play with money. I don't have much money to buy information from you." Estelle got up from the sofa. "Never mind, forget about our discussion just now. I'm leaving."

"Hey." The man grabbed Estelle's arm. "I don't promise to get you to talk to him but, I'll try. Also, not all my kindness was paid for with money. So, wait here until I give a sign."

Estelle was stunned, looking at the blond man coming to Dave. Many thoughts she must analyze immediately. Why would that man want to help her? What would that guy do to Dave? From their chat just now, it seems that Dave is a dangerous person. Moreover, does it mean that not all are paid with money? Does she have to pay with the body? Crazy! In this case, she would better lose the ring!

Should she just run away?

Continued ....