
Mr. Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Due to an incident of harassment by her superiors on her, Rachel Lee who worked in one of the branch offices had to be transferred to the head office. Rachel thought things would get better. But it turns out that working at the head office makes her meet her past lover, someone who just disappeared for ten years and made her unable to move on. When her ex becomes the boss where she works, chases her and wants to get back with her when the man has another woman he will marry, where will fate take Rachel's heart, which is now restless?

Missara08_ · Urban
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156 Chs

Chapter 7

"Help me!"

Rachel banged on the door of the boss's workspace with an extraordinary panic face. Although actually, it's useless, all the cubicles in this division have been empty and abandoned by the residents because working hours have finished a few hours ago.

The beautiful face was increasingly pale, even more, panicking when the mature man began to approach.

"I give you a lot of work today to make you go late," said the man while accompanied by a disgusting grin.

Rachel was so scared when two muscular hands pulled the blazer she was wearing until her white shoulder was exposed clear.

The woman struggled, against her so hard when her body was pulled on the red carpet in the room.

The resistance was not too meaningful to Rega, the Head of the Human Resources Division, or more familiar with HRD, the new boss who had been transferred to her division.

Mr. Rega is grinning satisfied, his fantasy of Aliara will eventually be realized too.

The woman under his confinement screamed hard when his naughty hand crawled between the thighs, then revealed her work skirt.

"I won't just keep quiet! I'll report you!" she shouted among crying when Rega touch her body.

"Want to report me, huh? Do it," Rega said in a mocking tone. "That's even if you have proof. I can be said if you are the one who teases me."

"Sir, don't! Please" Rachel was increasingly panicking when the man was about to pull her underwear.

"Don't do it! I beg you."





Rachel opened her eyes wide with breath roaring fast. Sweat flowed along the forehead and wet her little messy hair.

The events of harassment transformed into a nightmare that haunted her almost every night.

The woman who was now sitting was pulling her blanket with her trembling body. One hand hugged her knee, while another hand squeezed her messy hair.

Rachel refrains herself who is feeling wants to hurt her own body.

The physical wound is always able to dominate the inner wound due to the psychological trauma she suffered so far.

"Dirty! This body is dirty!"

The woman cried in her soothing, the nails that were deliberately left long began to hurt the arm until the pain was now feeling.

"Bitch! Dirty woman!"

All of the blasphemy she got after the incident of harassment caught by Dimitri spread in the office.

When interrogated, Mr. Rega took turns the facts by saying Rachel teased him for the sake of the increase in position.

The incident ended with the police officer also being dismissed by Mr. Rega from the office. The wife who more trusted her husband certainly didn't accept, then went to the office to calculate with Rachel, a woman she considered her husband's teaser.

A big commotion occurs. Until the scandal was finally widespread in the office and ended with the stamp of the bitch woman pinned by friends with her.

"I'm a dirty woman," she mumbled while continuing to hurt the arms with the sharp nails many times.

Although she was saved from rape thanks to Dimitri. But the bad incident and the effect of social sanctions she received even though she was a victim, still given deep trauma.

"Mom, why are you go leaving me alone ..."

Rachel cried hugging herself accompanied by the night.

She's alone.

The world is very cruel to her who is alone.

Without parents.

Without relatives.

Also, without Xavier by her side.

That's the reason she closes herself from outsiders. Because in the end, she will still feel alone.

If the previous years were able to pass because she still had Xavier even though it was only a shadow of illusion, this time ... She felt didn't have anyone anymore as a prayer, backrest, or even the foundation to survive.

"Mom, I'm alone here ..." she looked up at the ceiling of the room. "I want to join you in heaven."




"Nancy, how come you're alone?"

"Oh, Hi, Mr. Young."

Nancy, who was brewing coffee, was startled by Dimitri's arrival.

Dimitri, who was standing in the doorway walked over to Nancy in the pantry.

The slanted-eyed man's gaze was fixed on the two cups on the table. One contained the coffee that Nancy was brewing, the other was empty with a packet of chocolate powder next to it.

"This is for Rachel?"

"Yes, Sir," Nancy confirmed.

"Where has she been?"

"She seems to be sick. Her face is very pale, her eyes are puffy, it looks like she has a flue too, I asked her to go home but she didn't want to."

Just as Nancy was about to get a packet of chocolates for her to brew, Dimitri stopped her.

"Just go back to your table. And the chocolate for Rachel, I'll just brew it."

Nancy couldn't help but shift to give him space as Dimitri grabbed the cup and walked over to the dispenser.

The man looked up with raised eyebrows as soon as he found Nancy still standing in her place.

"I'll give it directly to her, you just go."

"Then I will go first, Sir."

Dimitri just nodded in response as Nancy said goodbye and left him alone in the pantry. While some of the employees who had previously been there with Nancy had already left when he arrived.

The man went after Nancy with two cups of chocolate and coffee in hand.

Several cubicles of the room in the division where Rachel worked seemed to be filling up because one by one the employees started arriving.

Gazes and whispers began to fly as soon as they saw Dimitri's arrival, considering that this young executive was not part of their division.

But as usual, the man didn't seem to care much so he casually stepped lightly towards the cubicle in the right corner where Rachel was at her desk.

"Hi, Rachel," Dimitri greeted as he arrived at Rachel's table. "Here's your hot chocolate," he said as he handed her a cup of hot chocolate.

"How come you brought it, Sir?" she asked with furrowed brows in surprise. "Thanks for bringing it anyway."

The woman then turned to the cubicle next to her with a questioning look, Nancy who was being stared at just shrugged her shoulders and then pointed her chin at Dimitri.

Dimitri watched Rachel from head to toe. Nancy's words in the pantry must have worried him. And sure enough, as Nancy said, Rachel didn't look like her usual self.

Rachel felt uncomfortable staring at him like that.

Dimitri wanted to ask how she was, but he knew she would say she was fine.

Therefore, the man gave up his intention and chose to reach for something in his trouser pocket.

"And here's bread for you," Dimitri said, handing her a packet of bread. "At the very least, if you want to force yourself to keep working, you have to fill your stomach so you don't drop."

She looked around. The stares from the employees began to bother her again.

She fastly accepted the bread so Dimitri could get out of here quickly.

"Thanks. But, sorry, Mr. Young, you don't have to do this anymore, it will turn into gossip."

"It's okay, Rachel. You don't need to apologize. I understand."

Dimitri just smiled in response. He understands that now Rachel is being very careful because she doesn't want the bad things she's ever experienced to happen again.


