

After listening to Ai Xiaowan self-report, Lu Qifeng was 100% sure that the person he was carrying now was the future Bo's wife.

And just now, the prince quietly cheated his wife, not only cheating a thousand yuan, but also putting his wife in the dark.

The president is so insidious.

"Cough, little girl, haven't you heard of the deeds of the prince of the Bo family?"

Bored, Lu Qifeng opened his mouth leisurely in the quiet carriage.

In fact, as the richest golden bachelor in Yanzhou City, Bo Xize had many women who followed him, but now the dark rumors about the president of the Bo family in Yanzhou City have made some famous ladies retreat.

"I'm studying in F. I just returned to Yanzhou City this summer vacation, so..."

"Wow, little girl, you are so awesome. You dare to marry without even knowing what kind of person the other party is?"

Ai Xiaowan curled her lips.

In fact, judging from the reaction of the driver just now, she knew that Bo's president would not be a particularly excellent target.

After all, if the other party is good, it won't be her turn to get married at all.

"I don't mind. It's a marriage. I don't know what kind of person he is, and he doesn't know what kind of person I am." Ai Xiaowan smiled reluctantly.

"He dares to marry. What can I dare to marry?"

"But I heard that Ai has only one daughter named Ai Qianqian?" Lu Qifeng looked at Bo Xize in the back seat.

Good, not angry, then he continues to gossip.

"I'm also Ai's daughter, but I'm not very famous." Ai Xiaowan bit her lower lip.

Sure enough, everyone in Yanzhou City knows Ai Qianqian, the daughter of Ai's family, and they don't know what her identity is.

"I heard that the president of Bo is old and ugly, and he also has a round beer belly. Not to mention these for the time being, it seems that there is a sleeve-breakage. Aren't you afraid of getting married and being a widow?

Lu Qifeng became more and more energetic, and suddenly found that the girl in front of him was a little interesting.

Hearing this, Ai Xiaoban blinked her big eyes, and she he unconsciously threw herself behind the passenger seat and said tentatively.

"Do you mean that he likes men?"

"That's right, right..."

Lu Qifeng turned his head to confirm, but found that the expression in Bo Xize eyes became more and more indifferent, just like a sharp knife to shut him up.

"Ah, that's great." Ai Xiaowan finally showed a smile from the bottom of her heart, and her whole body became relaxed.

She doesn't mind what's old and ugly.

As long as he don't touch her, everything is easy to discuss.

Ai Xiaowan reaction made Bo Xize beside him a little unhappy.

What does this woman mean?

Is she gloating?

"And, I heard that the president of Bo has all kinds of strange hobbies..."

"Lu Qifeng." Bo Xize half squinted his eyes and said in a light tone.

"I'm afraid I can't keep you if you are heard by the president of the Bo family."

Lu Qifeng coughed and immediately focused on driving.

He is Bo Xize special assistant. He has been with Bo Xize for many years. He knows when to say something, and he used to be so black. He helped him to force him to retreat from the suitor.

What's going on now? Do you want to make a good impression on the little girl in front of him?

Bo Xize just glanced at Ai Xiaowan faintly and didn't say anything more.

The black Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the building accurately. Ai Xiaoqi tided up her clothes, and then quickly wrote down his mobile phone number on the post-it-it note.