

Ai Xiaoqi took out her mobile phone and looked at the time.

It's already 10:30, and it's only half an hour to get to the hotel. If she is late before she enters the door, she will be late to wroof Bo's face. She will definitely have a hard time next life.

"Girl, you can find a taxi first. I reported it to the police and it will take a long time to deal with this matter."

Ai Xiaoqi nodded, turned around and walked to the side of the road and shook the taxi. She don't know if she was unlucky or God didn't want her to catch up with the wedding.

The vehicles were full.

Coincidentally, there was a black car not far away. Someone just opened the door and sat in the driver seat.

At that time, Ai Xiaoqi ran over hard, did not hesitate to open the door of the back seat, and then sat on it.

"Hello, I'm really sorry. I have an emergency. I'm going to the Howard Johnson Hotel now. Please give me a ride. It doesn't matter how much you want."

The car was quiet and terrible. Ai Xiaoqi lowered her head and said sincerely. The close-fiting vest stuck to her body because of sweat, which made her look more sexy and beautiful.

"We happen to go there too. However, whether you can take you depends on what my boss means." The man gently turned around and explained.

Only then did Ai Xiaoqi find a person sitting beside him.

She raised her head and happened to look at the man's dark eyes.

Suddenly, she subconsciously leaned against the door, and her heart jumped for no reason.

It's that man!

The man who ate her the other night!

The world is so small that you can touch it?

This is embarrassing.

"Are you going to get married when you dress like this?" Bo Xize squeatched his eyebrows, stretched out his slender index finger on Ai Xiaoqi lower jaw, raised her head, and forced her to look into his dark eyes.

"It has nothing to do with you, right, if I marry someone or not?" Ai Xiaoqi doesn't like that he always moves his hands and feet on herself.

Obviously, he is not very familiar with him.

But she knocked down his hand on her lower jaw, and Bo Xize leaned down. There was a joke in his dark eyes, but her tone was cold.

"It's the first time I've seen such a embarrassed bride, and I don't know which unlucky person married you."

She was sweating profusely, and even my makeup was almost smug. She used cheap cosmetics.

There is also an obvious red envelope on the forehead.

Who married her is really unlucky?

"Get out of the car. My car doesn't send other people brides.

Bo Xize voice was indifferent.

Are women so mean and unrighteous?

A few days ago, she were begging for cheer under him. At this time, she all put on wedding dresses to marry others.

"Aren't you going to the Howard Johnson Hotel just in time?" Ai Xiaoqi was a little anxious and pulled his cuffs in a hurry.

"Since you're going, take me with you."

"What's the matter?"

"I'll give you the money. You can do as much as you want." Ai Xiaoqi took out her bag and put the whole bag in Bo Xize hand.

"The person I want to marry is Bo Shi, the richest man in Yanzhou City. As long as you send me smoothly, I can give you any amount you want."

Bo Xize's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he only recovered his original look in an instant.

"You mean the president of Bo Group?"

"Yes, my name is Ai Xiaoqi, and I'm Ai daughter."

Ai Shan first told her not to be late. Bo's family can't afford to offend her.

"Okay, this trip costs 1,000 yuan." Bo Xize hooked his thin lips and wiped a bad smile.


Ai Xiaoqi finally knows what is taking advantage of the fire and what is sitting on the ground price!

"Breeze the wind, drive."

Lu Qifeng in the front seat was instructed to quickly step on the accelerator, and the black Rolls-Royce went straight to the Howard Johnson Hotel.