

Later, Yang Qianlan also told her that not only Bo Xize and his father would cone back today, but also Bo Xize grandfather would also come. There also Bo Xize aunt and some relatives in the family.

Ai Xiaoqi is even more nervous.

How can this person be so much more than before?

About half an hour later, the black Rolls-Royce stopped outside, and the rumbling sound was a little loud.

Ai Xiaoqi was nervous for no reason for some reason. She kept clenching her fists until she sweated.

"Mom, I'll go to the bathroom first."

After saying that, go straight to the bathroom.

Yes, she was still timid.

She remembered that day in the bedroom, she didn't know that he would go home, and then she almost had the second man in her world quickly.

She almost lost her body.

What if Bo's president knew that she had lost her body a long time ago?

What if the president knows that it is not the first time to know that it will affect Ai?

Do you think she is watery?

Ai Xiaowan head was in a mess.

"Xiaoqi, Aze is here. Come out quickly. Don't be shy in the bathroom."

Yang Qianlan joked outside that it was a first-class good thing for her son and husband to come back for dinner today.

Ai Xiaoqi looked at herseld in the mirror, a little embarrassed and a little panicked.

Forget it, a man who doesn't dare to appear at the wedding, and a man who let her take on the whole wedding alone is not worth his entanglement.

Isn't it the first time?

She also likes men!

In the first place, the well water does not violate the river water!

When Ai Xiaoqi came out of the bathroom, Yang Qianlan happened to go upstairs to change her clothes.

The hall of the room was empty and a little deserted.

As soon as she wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, she found a man sitting on the sofa in the hall.

Looking from the side, the man was wearing a blue striped shirt and had a strong figure.

His slender legs were super imposed, and he held a book in his hand, looking happy and comfortable.

It's not like the outside world at all.

And how can this man be a little familiar?

He seems to have seen him somewhere.

Just as she was about to get closer, the man suddenly turned his head and smiled at his evil charm, and then heard a magnetic voice hovering on her head.

"See you again, little girl."

Bo Xize saw that she stood still in front of her, her eyes flashed, and even her mouth turned into an O.

She was shocked and almost fell down.

It seems that he was right, implying that the girl didn't think of it at all.

Does he dress or behave like a rich man?

"You, you, uncle, why are you here!"

Ai Xiaoqi heart beat faster, and his whole body was almost at a loss.

She immediately stopped Bo Xize hand.

"Uncle, this is the Bo family. Didn't it be clear during the day? Don't pester anyone in the future!"

Ai Xiaoqi looked around in a panic, looked at Bo Xize with a smile on his face and said.

"What are you laughing at? Before the people of the Bo family find out, you should leave quickly, or we will both finish..."

Before the word 'egg' was said, Yang Qianlan had come out of the kitchen and touched the fruit in her hand.