

This car is my son's car. You go first. He will come later.

Ai Xiaoqi was still a little worried.

"Grandpa, I'll leave when your son picks you up."

Now that you have done a good thing, let's keep it to the end.

In less than ten minutes, a man in casual clothes appeared in front of them, with no expression on his face and a straight waist, and his body lingered with the temperament of a soldier. He looked like a serious and rigorous person, in sharp contrast to the kind eyes of the grandfather around Ai Xiaoqi.

"I was just hit by a car. It was this little girl who sent me back."

The old man explained.

"Well, thank you." He nodded, and there was still no expression on his face.

"How much do you need? I can use it as a thank you..."

"No, no need." Ai Xiaoqi quickly waved her hand.

"I have something else to do. I will go first."

After saying that, she ran directly to the bus stop and rushed home without looking back.

What did she become if she asked for money for good things?

The old man looked at Ai Xiaoqi back and sighed.

"I like this girl very much. Hopefully Aze wife is good as this girl."

Bo Daosheng took back the direction of the old man's eyes and helped the old man into the car.

"Dad, I'll take you to the hospital first."

When Ai Xiaowan returned home, Yang Qianlan was walking in the living room, looking very anxious.

"Mom." Ai Xiaoqi whispered.

When she came out to sing Sheng club, she remembered that she forgot to report to Yang Qianlan last night.

When she came out, she also found that the mobile phone had been out of power for a long time.

"It's okay. Just come back. Something happened to Xize grandfather on the road, so he won't arrive so early. Aze father is a little serious but very nice. Don't be afraid."

Ai Xiaowan nodded obediently.

"Xiao Wan, why are you wrapped up so tightly on such a hot day?"

Yang Qianlan looked at her doubtfully.

It's August now. If it's wrapped like this, she will get heatstroke.

Ai Xiaoqi smiled and said.

"Sun protection, I'm afraid I'll tan myself."

In fact, isn't it the uncle fault?

She was covered with small strawberries.

How intense it was last night that she had to rush out and buy a shirt to cover it.

Yang Qianlan didn't say anything more. She pulled Ai Xiaoqi to sit down at the dinner table.

Aunt Ding had brought some of the dishes to the table.

"Xiaoqi. Aze will arrive in ten minutes. I will let him accompany you more in the future.

You are so good, Aze will definitely like you."