

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the world in which it is based is owned by J.K.Rowling. This is my first time writing so it might be a bit messy, comments and feedback to help me grow as an author would be appreciated. Thanks!

McTripp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: The Trial Seals

Bones Manor

Green flames roared into life and vanished moments later leaving a lone women with two toddlers in her arms standing in its fireplace. Her body quivering, Her complexion pale and her face drawn in shock and sadness.

Seeing this Amelia hurriedly stepped forward and embraced her childhood friend. they had spent many years together in Hufflepuff and their friendship had continued to grow in the long years after they had finished their schooling days. Daisy was her best friend and confidant and they had spent many years visiting each other at their homes or simply going out for lunch and tea in Diagon alley. So when Niffy, The Abbott familys house elf suddenly apperated into her home as she was turning in for the night, asking her to lower the floo wards. Amelia had raced downstairs to the fireplace in her nightgown and anxiously awaited her friend.

"Thank Morgana your okay dear, Come in so Jake can come through next." Amelia said as she gently stroked Daisy's back and led her towards a old victorian styled couch.

"Amelia.. J. Jake won't be coming." Daisy said in a trembling half whisper as tears started to stream down her cheeks.

Feeling lost, Daisy could only hold her children tightly as sobs racked her body.

Hannah seeing that her mother was crying also started to cry and Henry.. Henry was stuck in an trance before he too started crying ' Why.. why did this happen? I thought R.O.B said that the labors wouldn't start until I was older.. I.. I couldn't save him..'

Amelia sat down next to Daisy and hugged her friend and try to comfort this broken hearted family.


Niffy stood off in the corner as she looked at this scene big tears falling from her eyes. She was very sad, she wanted to hurt herself and apologise to her master, But she knew that her master would not have liked that, Niffy was a good house elf, Master had always praised Niffy. But now master was gone, Niffy resolved herself to do more for mistress and the young master and young miss.


The once peaceful night turned nightmare blurred into hours as heavy emotions and mental fatigue finally lulled Daisy and her family into slumber. Amelia sighed as she stood up from the couch and stretched her stiff back. She turned to see Niffy still standing in the corner and she sighed once again. "Niffy, The guest rooms are upstairs bring them to have a rest in a proper bed would you dear."

Nodding Niffy said. "Niffy be following the Bones misses instructions."

So saying she clicked her fingers making Daisy Hannah and Henry to float up and follow Amelia to the guest rooms up stairs, As Amelia opened the door she glancing around the room, It had a simple Queen size bed and bedside table in the middle of the room resting against the back wall, a ironwood desk and chair set with a single bookshelf and wardrobe on the right wall of the room, A single window let traces of moonlight into the room which landed on the desk illuminating it.

Niffy gently lowered her charges on the bed covering them with the quilt before bowing to Amelia, She thanked her and apperated away.

Returning to her own room Amelia looked down into a cot that was place near her bed a small child around the same age as Hannah was sleeping peacefully. seeing this Amelia finally lay in her own bed and tried to get some sleep, tomorrow would be another very busy day for her.

======Scene Break ======

"Well this is just great another dream."

Henry snarled in frustration as he stood in a white space that seemed endless waiting for something to happen and he didn't need to wait long for a voice soon answered him. And he was pissed to hear it

"Hey boy you got here faster then I expected, this is not a dream even though you are sleeping." R.O.B explained

(Warning content is rated pg)

" R.O.B you son of a B*tch you lied to me! You said that I would grow up in peace, why did the trials start so early." Henry snapped.

Henry couldn't recall his parents in his previous life but he did remember feeling close to Harry potter in the fact that Harry had lost his parents and this led to Henry's love of the books and movies. He would read every fan fiction he could get his hands on.

[In fact Henry's father had also died at a young age in a head on collision with a drunk driver at the age of four leaving him to be raised by his mother to the age of seven before she too died of cancer leading him to be raised in an orphanage for two months before being adopted.]

(A/N More back story can be added if you guys want but I'd rather keep it to a minimum because it doesn't really matter or have much to do with the story.)

"Hey boy I thought you would have expected that when you chose the Abbott family name, besides I can not interfere in that world so It's not like I can do anything about it. I just left a whisp of my power that give you a bridge and introduction of the seals." R.O.B explained nonchalantly

Henry was stunned! This was true! He had never seen or heard anything about Hannah's father only knowing of her mother's death in the second wizarding war in 1996.

Then remembrance hit him, Hannah's father and grandparents had been killed as blood traitors by Lord Voldemort orders in the first wizarding war! Before Henry could dwell any longer in his thoughts R.O.B spoke once more.

"You can think about that later boy, now look up!"

And he did only to find the white space now had an alter sitting in front of a one hundred meter high monolith that depicted a six winged humanoid with its wings and body wrapped in chains.

" This is your soul scape and that monolisk houses your soul, The gray chains are non active seals and will restrict your soul until your labour has started at which point it will turn golden just like the two around your souls body and right upper Wing meaning you have already activated two trials. No chains equals no seals and more of your soul strength is released. Got it? Great! Any questions? No? okay then see you round boy."

"Wait! Wait wait hold the f**k up for a minute! Merlin's saggy balls old man why the rush." Henry spat in frustration he was really starting to hate this R.O.B but now he needed more information and could only get it from this narcissist

"Why does my soul look like an angel with six wings?" Henry asked However he was only met with silence.

"And what the hell do you mean the alter is just there to look cool."

R.O.B Finally replies with a hint of frustration in his voice. " Look boy I am just helping you to bridge the gap between your conscious mind and your soul scape, something that would take you years to accomplish on your own! you should be greatful this almighty me is so kind! As for why your soul looks like that? There could be any number of reasons! I was born a God do you really think I care to know what a demi gods soul looks like? You were just a formless soul body before I granted your wish! If you want to know figure it out yourself!"


A/N Gods I'm glad I had half of this chapter still saved or it would have taken me til tomorrow to get this sorted out. thanks for reading.

R.O.B/ Look guy I don't know just leave me alone already.

Henry/ This guys an asshat.

Amelia/ Overworked and stressed to have a baby to care for!

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