

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the world in which it is based is owned by J.K.Rowling. This is my first time writing so it might be a bit messy, comments and feedback to help me grow as an author would be appreciated. Thanks!

McTripp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 : Rebirth

First chapter POV of OC

Darkness, Thats the first thing i remember from my new life, Well actually i don't think it can be considered as my second life yet, because I have just died.. so yes that's right, Fuck you very much god for the lightning bolt out of the clear cloudless blue sky, that makes no sense whatsoever!. Just what on earth were you thinking??

Before to long, or maybe it was a very long time as there is no concept of time in death, A suttle light haze started growing far off in the distance, however. I felt it rashing towards me, calling me.

"Whaoo! baby here i come! R.O.B! Give me lots of gifts!" I shouted

However seemingly hearing my call the light quickly retreated, vanishing into the void once more.

"Why YOU MOTHERF@KER!!!" I raged in my imcomporeal formless body. "God damn you R.O.B! Is this what i get for the faith i had in you dammit! You think you can just smite me with a bolt of lightning and get away with it without giving any gifts to me!"

"*Sigh.*" Suddenly the light rushed back to me at.. well.. the speed of light. (A.N/ hehe. funny how physics still works when your dead.)

As the light swept over me i found myself standing in the most luxurious white palace I've ever seen. And in this glorious place sat an old man on a throne. now i know most people who get the chance to to be here would just speak to the old man and be off but i really can't help but be enthralled by the throne itself. It was the only object in hall that was not white! instead it was black in color radiating a gold hue and from inside of the throne thousands galaxies, nebula and cosmic dust storms raged, but also seemed to be in complete harmony, making it one of the most beautiful and chaotic things I've ever witnessed.

"O.. Llo... Helloooo!!!" The old man had to call out repeatedly to bring me back to my senses "Don't stare at it boy.. suck the life right out of you it will." he chuckled and made a slight smirk.

" Yeah, Haha." i said in a flat tone " So Mr God sir, i got three questions for you. I would like to know. If you'd please explain, How? WHY? and is that the universe your sitting on right now?"

"Ohh ho, Well actually i can only say that it was an unfortunate accident for the second question, Yes this is the universe for the third question and.. a rotten thunder chicken egg..." God finally looked a bit embarrassed by the end of he sentence.

"Ehh... ehhh!! your fart killed me?? seriously?" i said in disbelief not knowing if i should laugh or cry at this point.

" Hey look im sorry about that okay? but if its any constellation to you six planets were destroyed before hitting you, And! you ended up saving your world from certain destruction! yay for you right?" said the old man seemingly trying to cheer me up.

I turned and looked round the empty hall and questioned "Well shit man if you wiped out six worlds before mine how come I'm the only one here? Wait.. don't tell me, Th.. that I'm the only one who died!! I hadn't even got laid yet!."

"Yes well, look *sigh* the only thing i can do is to compensate you a little for your untimely demise. I shall grant you three wishes and send you to a world and time of your choosing, what do you think? am i not a wise and generous lord?" Beamed the old man proudly.

*More like a sarcastic narcissistic prick.* i thought to myself " very well Mr God Sir, I would like to reborn in the Harry Potter universe on the year of 1979 25th of December. and my first wish is to choose my name and how i will look when i have grown up, my second with wish is to have a magical talent as great as or if not better then Merlin himself!. And as for my third wish it is to strengthen my soul to the level of a demi god! hows that? not bad huh? *mwahahaha*."

"Yes yes, same old thing every time, Everyone just wants a bigger dick." says the old man dismissively waving his hand as a screen with multiple sliders and settings pops up in front of me. While playing with the seemingly game like menu that has appeared, he continues" As for the the soul strengthening. Hmmmm yes it is doable however be warned that any demi god that descends on a planet must face several trials called the seven labors of power. Do you accept the condition?, Ahh yes before you ask the labors will only be made known to you after you awaken, and should not have an impact on your early development so relax and enjoy your new life in peace and prosperity."

"Hmm seems like i will be going in blind."

"In more ways then one." The old man chuckles again.

"Huh?" I question looking up from the now completed model of my future self. "Ahh right before i forget what will happen to my memories from my past life?" I ask.

"Nothing." God replied.

"Ohh? Can't you take some of the less useful ones and leave me with the knowledge of my new world and education that i had?." I asked.

"That would require another wish." God stated.

"Yes well, When you offered me three wishes you said nothing about adding conditions to them, So i think that it makes us even, Right? Besides how am i going to live out my new life in ""peace and prosperity"" as you say, If i have to carry all my old baggage to the new one." I smugly told the old man.

"Yes yes, Fine fine, Now be off with you! I hope we don't meet anytime soon boy." God says waving his hand once more and then the feeling of weightlessness hits me followed by a suction force that pulls me in to the throne, and once more into darkness.


Time slowly went by as i found myself floating blindly in warmth and comfort, I had recalled the old mans last joke to me afew minutes after my soul descended in to my new body and had to chuckle to myself, '*Sigh* When am i going to get out of this place its been three months already' I thought as i gave my mother some of my soft kickboxing and dancing moves a try to let her know how much i love her and to let me out!.

Two more weeks pass and still i feel nothing but a great sense of boredom, Wishing for the hundredth time that i had asked the old man to skip this part. Then I felt it.. Pain comings from all around me as the walls try to squeeze me out like toothpaste!. This sensation lasts for way longer then i care to remember, Finally at the end of my mother's struggle i feel a hand clutch under my back and shoulders then gently pull me out of that god forsaken place, I try to open my eyes as i am quickly wrapped up in a fresh cloth and passed in to what i can only assume to be the soft embrace of my mother "Its a healthy baby boy Ms.Abbott." The wet nurse says gently to my mother as she softly helps to wipe the mucous from my eyes and face 'Ah finally i can see again.' I thought to myself as i slowly open my eyes for the first time in this life, My new life, My new adventure, And what a wonderful view it was the air in front of me was teeming with small particles of colors as varied as the rainbow. My mind paused at the spectacular sight and in that second my vision shook.

End P.O.V


In fact the whole planet shook. Just gently, If only for a second, As if in greetings to its new lord or in fear of a great destroyer. However it was soft enough that no one in the muggle world felt it, It was more profound like a tide of magical aura rippling across the planet and it probably would have gone completely unnoticed if a strange occurrence didn't happen over London on that night, In the first hour of the 25th day of December 1979 the cloudy night sky was swept back and stars gleaned brightly over the city of London.

Hey guys this was a big moment for me as its my 1st chapter and 1st fanfic so thanks for reading!

comment and give me some constructive feedback to help me grow as an author

Thanks again and see you all next time.

McTrippcreators' thoughts