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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

The starline cruise (2)

"Let's keep going..."

Su liangxiao only chuckled he had fully embarrassed Mu Zhao now was Ru Renshu's turn.

The next round, Su liangxiao won once again, this time the time he used to win was even faster than when they played the first round.

"Now Renshu..why don't you tell us the reason why you came on this trip, no lying..."

Mu Zhao chuckled at least he wasn't the only one suffering, his mood rose up significantly when Su liangxiao jumped into Ru Renshu's boat, soon it would turnover.

Ru Renshu eyes fell on Zhang Ziyi gently for a fleeting seconds, before he said quietly.."To have fun with my friends.." he wasn't entirely lying, he did come here to have fun with his friends.

"Is that all...no other reasons..."

Su liangxiao looked at the table it was quite empty for a game, he went to the pantry and retrieve all manner of snacks, and collecting a bottle of wine,before coming back to the living room.

"Just personal reasons.."

Ru Renshu turned his face away when he said this, he would be a foolish if he let Su liangxiao expose him today.

"I see...mind sharing, this is a cruise after all..."

Ru Renshu scoffed what did being on a cruise ship have to do with his privacy, did they come here to die.

Hua Wumian eyes twitched, he trying to expose his friends secret in one way or the other, why use being on a cruise ship as a guise.

"Let's continue...you won't win the next round, I promise you....."

Ru Renshu was dead set on embarrassing Su liangxiao in front of his wife, he smirked evilly he just thought of a splendid idea.

The next round was tough for both Su liangxiao and Ru Renshu who were both desperately trying to win, Mu Zhao didn't even bother and just watch them play.

"Ah! I win...boy you don't know how long...I've been wishing to do this..."

Su liangxiao fingers shook slightly, Hua Wumian was right next to him, what if he said something he shouldn't.

"Before getting married...how many girls did you, date, flirt, and sleep with..."

Su liangxiao gulped, if it was dating he had no problem there, before flirting..he was sure he had flirted with nearly half the girls in country M.

He turned to see Hua Wumian staring straight at him, she had a small smile in her face obviously she was waiting for answers.

"Well I dated one, i didn't sleep with anyone apart from the love of my life...and flirt..actually.."

He had this look in his eyes that made you wonder just how many girls he'd flirted with..and that furrowed brows made you realized he had lost count.

"This question is not important off to the next one....in fact what are we all doing here, let's take a tour round the ship, we should be having fun not playing poker..."

Li Bingbing chuckled, this Su li was by far the most shameless man she'd ever met, his shamelessness broke through the meter.

"Nah...let's continue this game, I actually kind it interesting..so stay put and continue.."

Hua Wumian said softly, so soft that it sounded like a threat in Su Liangxiao ears.

"En..I'm not feeling it anymore.."

Su liangxiao refused to touch the cards, he just realized how dangerous the game was becoming.

"Then we'll call it a tie and get on with our lives...."

Su liangxiao nodded..he needed to date Hua Wumian on a date anyways.

"This entire game was pointless..."

Li Bingbing muttered, it was all just a guise to embarrassed each other, men..why were they dumb at times, Li bingbing thought herself, as she walked towards Liu Rouxi's room.

She was still a bit surprised and wanted to know just why she left the room so calmly,it was totally unlike Liu Rouxi.

She knocked softly before opening the door, seeing Liu Rouxi on the bed, a book in between her thighs and her fingers tapping the pillow from time to time.

"So what's up...you know you left the living room unusually calm today..."

Liu Rouxi kept her head low, as she continued reading the book, she wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody right now.