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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

Preparation for the Starline cruise part three

"So I'm I forgiven....."

Seeing all these tantalizing, deliciously appetizing food, Hua Wumian couldn't even stay angry if she wanted to.

She nodded as she sat down excitedly, not waiting another second before her chopsticks dug into whatever bowl in front of her.

She wiggled in the chair, smiling as she enjoyed the food, there was nothing better than eating delicious homemade food made by her loving husband.

Su liangxiao barely ate anything, he just sat there watching Hua Wumian eat, he liked the feeling he experienced when she was guffawing down his food like a pig. It was a very fulfilling feeling.


"Renshu you're going to the starline cruise too..."

Mu Zhan chuckled..he thought to pay Ru Renshu a visit instead he met him packing, they got invites every year, why did Ru Renshu decide to go this time.

"Of course...there are a lot of hot chicks going and from what I heard even Lu Buyan is gonna be there..."

Lu Buyan..wasn't that Ru Renshu ex girlfriend, was he going with hops of getting back with her.

"You're going to get back together with her..."

Ru Renshu chuckled..get back together with a woman that left him for a man she thought was better than him..tsk!.

"Fuck now..I'll be foolish to do so...I want to see than elusive boyfriend of hers..the one she says is better than me...and besides there's something else too...."

Ru Renshu couldn't tell Mu Zhao that he opened a dating account and has been chatting with Zhang Ziyi. They would mocked him.

"Seems like you're going to meet your crush...when we're you doing to tell me..you opened a dating account huh..."

Ru Renshu choked how did Mu Zhao find out that..wait could Liangxiao had..no it's couldn't possibly be Liangxiao, he didn't tell him yet. So this guy must have been snooping.

"How did you know about this....did you hack my account..how did you even know I opened a dating account in the first place."

Ru Renshu eyed Mu Zhao questionably, what baffled him was how Mu Zhao got to know, because he remembered he hadn't told them about this.

Mu Zhao blushed..he didn't tell Ru Renshu that he was also trying his luck in the dating site and just happened to find Ru Renshu there.

"I was just passing by and saw your pretty obvious profile name..."Ru Shuren..." come on we have been friends for nearly two decades..I could tell you spelt Renshu backwards..."

Ru Renshu sighed..they were going to find out sooner or later, he couldn't keep it a secret forever.

"It's Zhang Ziyi..she's the one I have a crush on or should I say I'm in love with...."

Ru Renshu ducked his head waiting for Mu Zhao mocking laugh but he didn't hear anything. He looked up to see Mu Zhao calm place and it was a bit surprised.

"What..why are you surprised, it's perfectly normal to love someone....especially if that someone is Hua Wumian's best friend..."

Ru Renshu nodded off he asked Hua Wumian for help, she was sure to help him right..?

"When did it start...."

Mu Zhao stroked his chin, he didn't remember Ru Renshu and Zhang Ziyi having any sorted of relationship, they weren't even friends.

"Actually...I don't really know..all I know was when I saw her..damn she looked beautiful and so sexy..."

Mu Zhao pursed his lips, shaking his head.."Just how many perverts were in this gang..was he the only normal one here.." he thought to himself.

"Pervert..!! And here I thought you actually liked her...."

"Hey I do like her..no I love her and I'll make her my girlfriend and bring her home for marriage..."

Mu Zhao chuckled he hadn't even asked her out yet he was talking about marriage.

"We'll see about..."

Mu Zhao stood up...since it seemed like everyone was going on the cruise he should start packing as well.

"We're are you off to...."

What now..Mu Zhao lips twitched..he didn't want him to go on the cruise as well, he looked at Ru Renshu in annoyance.

"I'm off to pack my things..do it answer your question mom....".

Ru Renshu chuckled he just asked where he was going to, he didn't nag him like Mrs Mu.

"Alright Alright..we'll go to the harbor together...Liangxiao and Wumian would come on their own as well..."

After Mu Zhao had left, Ru Renshu packed the remaining of his clothes in the suitcase and zipped it.

He wondered if Zhang Ziyi was just as excited to meet him..


"Did anyone see our invitations..why can't we find any of them..."

Mr Zhang panted a bit annoyed, did invitation card just grew legs and disappear overnight.

"This is simply outrageous..and if i catch that little thief..I'll pinched their flesh out..."

Mrs Zhang..said through clenched teeth's, they never suspected that it was their own daughter who took their invitations for herself.

"Old geezers..pinch whose skin, I'm merely doing you a favor, you're too old for it anyways..hehe just stay here and coo at your grandchildren.."

Zhang Ziyi wasn't the only child, her parents had two more children before they had her and they were both boys who had gotten married and given birth to kids.

The age difference between them was much, which brought about Zhang Ziyi's unruly and a little bit spoiled attitude. Being pampered by both parents and older brothers, it was already a miracle that she still had some discipline and morals for herself.

Zhang Ziyi played with the two invitation cards, she enjoyed seeing her parents chase and beat up the servants, it was an everyday event in this house, her parents disciplining everyone and anyone in the house, with their trustee feather duster..which was what they were currently using to beat up the maids and butler.

She just finished packing and decide to watch the fun from the stairs, so no one would notice her presence, she really missed home, coming back..seeing the usual feather dusters..always made her happy.

"Ziyi do you have anything to do with this..."

Mr Zhang who spotted Zhang Ziyi sitting two to three steps away from them, she sat their silently watching them for her amusement.

"What...no....what were you looking for.."

Zhang Ziyi blinked trying to look as innocent as possible, she shoved the invitation cards under her thighs the moment she heard her father's voice.

"Two invitation card..for I and your mother, did you by any chance see them..not that we suspect you..."

Zhang Ziyi heaved a sigh of relief, as usual they didn't suspect her, she shook her head and smiled trying to look as cheerful as possible.

"Nope if I've seen it, I would have said something..."

Mr Zhang nodded and continued chasing the maids and butler along with Mrs Zhang round the house.

No wonder they were so young, they spent their time running and doing all sort of exercises. Zhang Ziyi thought to herself.

"Look at the time..it's leave before they found out you stole their invitation card..."o" clock.."