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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 77

Su liangxiao places his phone on the table, hands intertwined as he stared at the members of the board, he had a strange smile on his face.


Who the hell was that person, could it be Su liangxiao rumored girlfriend, Hua Wumian. But after that day they hadn't seen them together.

Kangaroo Qiang walked into the room, with a grim expression. Nodding at the board members.

He whispered some words into Su liangxiao ears, the smile in his slowly vanishing slowly.

They were already planing their attack, so early.

"Meeting adjourned..."

Su liangxiao got up, Kang Qing following suit. Things had got past the time of hugs and kisses.

"Boss they have started making their move, should we start operation A1..."

Kang Qiang suggested as they got into the office, those brother were too notorious to be left wondering the streets.

" start with operation B1, surrounding all their hideouts and secret bases, then operation G2 blocking all the exits from the cities and the country, that leaves us with operation A1 attacking the brain.."

Kang Qiang nodded and relayed the same message to the others.

"Let's go..."

Su liangxiao grabbed whatever he needed from the office and left in haste, their best weapon was the element of surprise.

Su liangxiao had already changed his outfit to something that fitted the situation.

He took the private elevator, and got into the black Mulsanne with Kang Qiang.

"Begin the operation now, B3first followed by G2 last we'll be us..."

Kang Qiang nodded and got down to business, while Su liangxiao called Hua Wumian telling her he won't be home tonight.

He changed his mind and just sent her a text message.

{ I won't be coming home tonight...}

Su liangxiao smiled slightly and then switched of the phone.

"Send D team and V team to guard my wife..."

Kang Qiang nodded, as he began talking to the headset.

Su liangxiao looked at his watch, 4:35, this was a long operation who knows when they would finish.

"Prepare the private jet, they are in the move. Tell them to start all operation..now ..."

The Gale tribe were known for one thing, appearing and disappearing like ghosts. But they obviously hadn't met Su liangxiao.

Su liangxiao has built a line of connected camera all over the country, every single place from the most suspected to the least suspected places, all wired with fully functional bases.

You could say Su liangxiao was the brain of country M.

Currently both brother Micheal and Jeongin, were moving towards Xuchaing desert, seems like they had suspected they are being followed.

"Those bastards, why did they have to go to Xuchaing desert..."

Kang Qiang cried, that place was the worst, not to talk about thirst and hunger.

Su Liangxiao sent him a deadly glare as Kang Qiang immediately kept quiet.

He turned to Shan Gumo, who wa driving the Mulsanneand cried his grievances to him.

"Gumo am I a talkative, do you find me annoying.."

Shan Gumo looked at Su liangxiao from the mirror, and nearly jumped out the car. How can a man's eyes be so cold.

"Well it depends, don't talk to me I'm driving...."

Shan Gumo seeing Su liangxiao lossen a bit he let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

They got the hanger and met up with Su Liangxiao's team, team A1.

There were ten burly men,wearing all black uniforms, holding briefcases. You could tell from their expressions that they meant business.

A lanky man with blue eyes and a deep scar, walked toward Su liangxiao, he was holding a tablet wearing a cold expression.

"M&J have been found close to the borders of fujiang, seems like they're really going to Xuchaing desert..."

Su liangxiao nodded, these wee within his speculations, but one thing bothered him the Gale tribe inside man, they still hadn't found his identity.

"Ready the jet for Fujiang, we'll take the helicopters when we get to Fujiang.."

Kang Qiang announced as he entered the jet with Su liangxiao, timing was everything in the operation. The A1 team followed after.

Every took their positions, it was either they were discussing plans and strategies or they were taking a short nap.

Shan Gumo was their certified driver, pilot, anything involving movement was Shan Gumo's job.

"Boss team G and B are in position, awaiting your order to strike..."

Su liangxiao nodded, they'll strike in one full swoop, he was currently checking the topography of both Fujiang and Xuchaing in case of any hideout or headquarters.

"Wow so cool, going to the desert isn't so bad after all..."

How could Kang Qiang not be roped in when he saw the beautiful line of quad bikes, dune buggies and hummer trucks.

"Boss are we going to be riding this, never have I loved a mission like this one..."

Kang Qiang stated excitedly, their previous mission was all boring cars and jets nothing fun about it. But this time around was quad bikes and dune buggies.

Su liangxiao smiled slightly, they should be thanking Hua Wumian. If not for her thinking he only played in the military, these quad bikes and dune buggies would not be wrong.

They got to Fujiang and walked on foot to the hanger to avoid suspicion as it was much easier to spot them on air than on land.

Fujiang was close to the Xuchaing desert, so they could feel the hot, scorching desert sun. That could dry water up in matter of seconds.

"I changed my mind, it's not worth it..."

Kang Qiang breathes, his milky skin was already tanned. What's next...it should directly cook him.

He Banli looked at Kang Qiang I'm annoyance, must he complain about everything.

"Must you complain, what's bad about the desert..."

Says the guys who's sweating like a pig.

"Banli...you do know you're all red right, taking huffs every three seconds, covered in sweat...."

He Banli raises his fist, signaling Kang Qiang to shut up, before his fist did it for him.

"No need Banli, you know he's a crybaby we can't afford to hear whining along the way..."

Qi Song replied although he was itching to give this sissy.

"There nothing worst than having a sissy in a team..."

Everyone gave a huh-huh sound, making Kang Qiang face reddened I'm embarrassment. How could they say he was a sissy.

"You're all just jealous, because I'm more handsome, more taller more smarter than all of you..."

People like Kang Qiang made the mission look less boring, as the whined and talk all the way.