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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 57

"He's at the lounge boss....."

Hua Wumian walked towards the lounge and saw Mo Fuxian there, smoking.

"I've been waiting, shall we head out for lunch..."

Hua Wumian didn't say anything and continued looking at Mo Fuxian coldly.

"What do you want..."

Hua Wumian didn't like mo Fuxian around her, it gave her the creeps.

"To see you of course, I missed you...."

Mo Fuxian laughed he did not believe that Hua Wumian didn't have any interest in him.

"You're so foolish, not every woman is like those women who ran after a man with money, I am happy being with liangxiao and you are not worth being compare to him, because a man you steals another man's woman is an animal...."


She actually called him foolish, Mo Fuxian chuckled coldly this Hua Wumian, he would definitely have a taste of her.

Mo Fuxian left the Sunshine of the heart angrily as he picked up his phone.

"Do whatever you must, I'll consent to it.."

Hua Doukuo chuckled coldly she knew he wouldn't be able to rope Hua Wumian in.

"With pleasure....."

Hua doukuo get off the phone and called another person.

"It's ready.....she gets off work at seven, so make sure you get her."

"Of course I never lose a victim...."

Hua doukuo smiled malevolently, she would take out Hua Wumian's people one by one.


"Boss He mingyu and Luo Chen are currently in the set, while Du Bihan has the flu so he's currently at home."

The flu, in the middle of June?

"Alright we'll go see him later, what are my plans this morning.."

Hua Wumian asked, she still needed to visit Li bingbing they had not see each other in while.

"First you have lunch with the general manager of alliance, then you have a meeting with the shareholders, after that you have another meeting with the CEO of fashion."

Xia mingling listed all of hua Wumian activities, she was pretty preoccupied.

"Alright I'll have a meeting with the shareholders first....."

Hua Wumian replied and handed Xia mingling a stack of paper.

Ever since hua Wumian became the biggest shareholder, they other shareholders who were rebelling kept quiet.

Hua Wumian strolled into the room lazily, she hated meetings with old folks like them.

All the shareholders looked impatient, but what could they say Hua Wumian was the biggest shareholder and it was her company, and it did not have Vice President.

"Alright I'm here, let's get this over with. You all wanted to see me so here I am."

The shareholder were irked by Hua Wumian nonchalant attitude, as they facial expressions distorted.

"After coming late, you still have the guts to behave nonchalant."

Ju Yuhao sneered angrily, he was just a small shareholder but he still had the guts to question Hua Wumian.

"On which ground is Ju Yuhao going to punish me, you just have six percent shares and you're running your mouth like a faucet."

Hua Wumian answered coldly, she was a bit late but it wasn't up to him to scolded her.

Ju Yuhao who has just been reprimanded sat down angrily, his face distorted from anger and embarrassment.

The meeting ended shortly and Hua Wumian prepared to go see the general manager of alliance.

She decided to go with Ming Nuiying as she wanted her to have some backup and people of her own.

They were meeting at a place called Golden seal, it was known for their main dish which was peeking duck and sesame chicken.

"Boss why are we meeting the general manager of alliance, from what I know aren't they a clothing brand."

Ming Nuiying asked she was always updated whether it was the business world or the fashion industry.

"Actually I don't know either, I wasn't really planning on collaborating with any branding company right now, but since they came to us we can't deny them."

Ming Nuiying nodded, alliance wasn't a bad brand it brought new designs and fashion trends every year.

Golden seal was a grand place, the interior and exterior screamed lavish.

They want to the private room, Xia mingling told them and saw the general manager sitting there nervously.

"CEO Hua welcome, please have a sit."

The general manager ushered them in, extremely politely wearing a saccharine smile.

"What is your purpose for bringing me here.."

Hua Wumian got straight to the point, she did not need an dilly-dallying today.

" oh alliance wants to make a collaboration with He mingyu and Luo Chen."

The general manager said carefully Hua Wumian was their manager but also their boss.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, for they are already booked, but you may pick another artiste from the company."

If she accepted this collaboration then it would damage both He mingyu and Luo Chen's reputation as well as hers.

"Can't you reconsider CEO Hua, this is a pretty big collaboration.."

The general manager tried to rope Hua Wumian in, he hoped she would take the bait.

"There's nothing to reconsider, if the other artiste aren't to your liking then you can go to another company."

The general manager smile dropped as he became panicky, the director told him not to come back if he didn't rope Hua Wumian in.

Hua Wumian stood up she wasn't really hungry for ducks instead she felt like eating scallops and shrimp dumplings.

" boss why didn't you take the collaboration, He mingyu and Luo Chen aren't that busy."

Hua Wumian nodded but one has to know their enemies as well as their allies.

What Ming Nuiying did not know was that Hua Doukuo has a very good relationship! With the CEO of alliance, so why would they suddenly stop partnership with Rampage and come to them.

"Alliance has been collaboration with rampage for three years so why did they suddenly come to us, doesn't it sound fishy."

Ming Nuiying eyes widened in shock, compared to Hua Wumian she was nothing but a small fry. Ming Nuiying felt Hua Wumian was a better PR officer than her.

"Alright let's head to Tungpao restaurant for sole scallops and shrimp dumplings."

Hua Wumian smiled she had not eaten this kind of food since her university day's.