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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

A jadeite for my jade

Earlier that day Su liangxiao walked into Country biggest and high end jewelry store, through Kang Qiang he had already booked an appointment.

The large store had several glass shelves used for show casing the pre made and already made jewelry.

Walking towards the counter, the cashier straightened his back as he bowed the expressionless man, who nodded briefly in return.

"I want the latest bracelet sets, do you have that..."

Su liangxiao scanned the jewelries on the shelves, they didn't pique his interest, maybe it was too cheap, the best jewelry were always the expensive ones right, Su liangxiao thought to himself.

"Yes..sir... Seven..bring our latest bracelet sets, we have a customer.."

The cashier said over the phone, after he nodded and lead Su liangxiao to the waiting area.

The person called seven walked out few minutes later holding a glass case, inside laid several types of beautifully constructed bracelets.

A young man wearing spectacles walked in and placed the glass case on the table in from of Su liangxiao.

"Here it is Young master Su, if it doesn't suit your taste, there are others..."

The young man said respectfully and he walked back to the cashier desk, waiting for Su liangxiao to make his choice.

Su liangxiao picked up the bracelet , stroking the top softly, his eyes surveyed the other bracelet as he dropped the one he was holding, he knew Hua Wumian didn't like anything eye catching, and preferred being low key.

His eyes landed on a bracelet, it had purple jade has it's main piece, it glowed, it wasn't as eye catching as the other bracelet, but it's worth wasn't less than the eye catching ones.

"This one will do fine..."

Su liangxiao thought to himself, as he beaconed Seven to come keep the rest, he gave the bracelet to the cashier, who gave it to seven, to package and bring it back to Su liangxiao.


Su liangxiao checked his watch casually, Hua Wumian should be getting off work soon, another thing that propped up his mind. He had never actually taken her on a really date.

"Thirty thousand yuan sir..."

The cashier answered after getting the price tags, thirty thousand yuan, wasn't it too cheap, were they testing his pocket.

"Here..take it from here.."

Su liangxiao tossed a black card at the cashier, who quickly withdraw the money, after that he passed the package bracelet and the card back to Su liangxiao.

On the road, Su liangxiao thought of the many places he could take Hua Wumian on their date, then it dawned on him, the Star line cruise wasn't faraway, why not take Hua Wumian on a date there.

"This would work ..."

Su liangxiao smiled, today he as going to make his little hedgehog dinner, and pamper her like the princess she is.

Three hours later ..

Hua Wumian opened the door, switching her shoes to her indoor slippers.

She looking at the living room, Su liangxiao was nowhere to be seen, looking at the kitchen empty also, looking at the dinning table it was stacked with food, but there was still no Su liangxiao in sight.

Walking upstairs Hua Wumian called out,

"Liangxiao..I'm home..."

Walking into the room, she placed her bag on bed as she walked towards the bathroom..

"Liangxiao are you he...re.."

Su liangxiao walked out for the bathroom, he had just taken a bath, naked to the waist and a bath towel was tied to his waist. His skin was healthy wheat, with **** texture lines on it, six pack abs, full underneath. Those long legs, the whole scene was like a male model walking out of a magazine, making people have nosebleeds.

Such a beautiful man, the water in Hua Wumian's mouth nearly sprayed out, her eyes dodging, she coughed lightly.

"I see you just finished showering, I'll leave to so you can get dressed.."

Su liangxiao chuckled walking towards the closet, pick out a set of pajamas. "Sweetheart..you've already seen everything, why are you averting your eyes.."

Hua Wumian turned around, waiting for Su liangxiao to get dressed, dangerous..too dangerous, she blushed the images kept appearing in her head.

"Are you finished..."

Su liangxiao placed a hand over Hua Wumian shoulder, whispering into her ears..

"I can walk around naked...if you want me too.."

Hua Wumian blushed, her ears turning beet red, her eyes roamed all over the room, refusing to look at Su liangxiao.

"Come on..didn't you say you love me, don't you love seeing me naked, especially with this marvelous body..."

Su liangxiao wiggled his eyebrows, grinning at Hua Wumian, who scoffed, slapping his face away..she muttered.


Su liangxiao chuckled, as he dragged her back downstairs, smiling he pulled out the chair for her, making sure she was comfortable before sitting down.

Hua Wumian eyes sparkled, when she saw the moon cakes on the table, taking a piece, she ate it happily, her eyes turned starry, it was even better than the one the auntie made back in Su mansion.

"So..good,liangxiao why weren't you a chef.."

Hope you liked the chapter

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