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Ky Thatcher was born as a mutant in a world where mutants are seen as scum beneath humans. Once the X-Gene was discovered, showing what mutants were capable of, humans started doing everything they could to keep themselves safe. They took them away from their families, shoved them in camps, and murdered mutants like cattle after developing ways to subdue and kill them. The ones who couldn't be killed were forced to suffer fates worse than death... For eight years, those who survived went into hiding. However, things would soon change once the mutants began fighting back. Ky is not OP from the jump, he gets strong over time. You will see. As you can imagine, warping time will get pretty broken. This also takes place in my own Marvel AU. THIS IS NOT MCU. Also, before people cry about it, prejudice against mutants is literally a thing in the comics. X-Men is extremely political outside of the movies, and even the movies were political.

LordOrpheus · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

[Ky's Current Status]

I will do these every time Ky gets a new ability just so things are clear (And so I don't forget). No offense, but I will not listen to any suggestions. I have a roadmap planned already that cannot be changed. Sorry.

Time Reversal: Ky has the ability to reverse time.

-Limitations: He can only reverse time for up to 2-3 seconds. His body can only handle reversing a total of 60 seconds, however, after some True Time passes (Time that has not been manipulated) his threshold resets. Ky describes it as having a meter in a video game that depletes every time he reverses time, but slowly regenerates over time. Going past this threshold will result in brain leakage and a loss of consciousness.

Psychometry: With this ability, Ky obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects he comes into physical contact with. He can learn one's general life history but he doesn't sense anything of what they were thinking or feeling. He can also see the step-by-step process of how an object was created.

-Limitations: He cannot read minds using this ability. He can, however, remember things that were said to a person in the past. He cannot see or hear any thoughts of the past. In order for this ability to properly work on another living being, Ky needs to either have consent from them, or they'd have to be dead or unconscious. This is due to the fact that he must keep contact with the item as he views the past.

Time Reduction: Ky has the ability to slow down time and continue to move at his normal speed.

-Limitations: He can only do this during a time period he previously reversed, he cannot use Time Reduction without reversing time first. He also cannot spam it. Using this ability drains Ky's imaginary Time Meter even faster, which would result in brain leakage and a loss of consciousness.

Feel free to ask questions if any of it is confusing.