
C4: "W. D'neraux"

"Aurora!" Ares knocked on my cabin, I groaned as I got up.

"Ares, it's too early, keep it down!" I responded.

"I'm pretty sure this is your duty and your problem to solve right now." He said as he kept on banging on my door.

"What is it this time?" I asked myself as I opened the poor door for him.

"A fruit-bearing tree on the glade has wilted, you have to check it out." He reported.

"A fruit-bearing tree never wilts, silly." I said as I get back inside to fix myself before checking this nonsense he was saying.

"I know, last night, four pups had died...now, a fruit-bearing tree has wilted." He was also confused and dazzled.

I went with him towards the glade to witness the tree with my own eyes, and he was right.

"How did this happen?" I whispered to myself.

"Mother woke up to this, do you think witches and wizards have something to do with this sorcery?" Kainda said as she watched the tree dying on its own.

"There's only one way to find out." I looked at her. She looked at me and scanned the place.

"They are all busy enough to even notice, I think I know where we are going." Kainda agreed.

In matter of minutes, we were already inside the fairy ring.

"A fruit-bearing tree wilted?" Circe asked as her four other friends, Elorion, Breza, Ecana, and Phoebe were gathered with us as well.

"Yes, I just wanted to ask if any of your siblings, cheeky and mischievous cousins, or so, have something to do with what is happening in our community?" I politely asked.

"A witch or a wizard would never risk going there!" Ecana exclaimed.

"Do you think my mother has found out about the mission we are in and is trying to give you and us, a punishment?" Phoebe asked.

"No witch nor a wizard can cause these acts, those trees are under the island's protection." Elorion answered.

"Could it be, that there is something wrong on our island?" Kainda suggested which left all of us wondering.

"Is that possible?" I whispered, staring blankly into the depths of my thoughts.

"After a hundred years?" Circe asked.

"We will be back later, at the same time as yesterday, right now..my pack needs me. Circe, Ecana, and Phoebe..wait for us here." I ordered before we left.

Back at the glade, everyone is worried, fumbled up, and everyone is trying to make up solutions on their own. A reasonable answer to what was happening.

"Kainda, Aelpha Aurora...have tea." Maria handed us our tea cup. "You two shouldn't be on and about to find answers. We will have to see for further happenings in order to conclude."

"And wait for more deaths? More dying, wilting, or whatever is next?" I asked.

"Kainda, fetch the Aelpha some bread for me please." Maria ordered her daughter.

Kainda stood up to leave,

"I have sensed worrying, your mind has been elsewhere these past few days Aurora..not that I do not trust you about the things you do, but because you are too young to be wondering about things not under your control."

"Too young?" I chuckled. "I have lived for hundreds of years, I am almost immortal. Death is just like a wound for me, I heal quick remember?"

"I have lived for thousands, yet I do not heal quick, once I get killed, I die." She shrugged. "But, that is not my point. My point here is, you have not experienced heavy problems yet and there are lessons and knowledge that are not yet in you. So, as much as possible, try seeking help."

"I understand, Maria." I exhaled.

"Good, now tell me, what thoughts are in your mind, you have been too clouded." She smiled as she sat with me.

"Am I taking away your free will? Are your choices invalid to me? Have I failed? I mean after all the things I'm into solving and finding right now, Ares' words are stuck in my head." I asked.

"I don't understand you, Aurora. I need wider details."

"Uhm, Ares said..that my people has no choice but to accept my apology when I have done them wrong, to apologize when they have done me wrong..agree to my commands even though it is not in their liking, do stuff I order around because I am their leader even though they do not want to." I said continuously.

"Aurora, no.."

"I seek for true and honest answers, Maria. Have you ever felt the need to agree to me against your liking?"

"I.." She stuttered. "Yes..sometimes, Aelpha."

"But, all I do is listen to all of you." My brows were now furrowed.

"But what you hear is what we only say, it is not what we, as your people, your pack, feel."

"So indeed I have failed to become the great leader that my father once was?" I asked, head lay low.

"No, Aurora." She looked at me. "Your father was great and we honored him, we respected him..he was the great leader that you believe and you know, but every great leader has his downside."

"Downside?" I asked.

"Yo-you know, Aurora..As I said, I have lived longer than you have, I lived under his rules and leadership, there are tales and other parts of our history that you do not know about. History that you haven't lived in, seen, or even heard about. Those downsides of yours, are yours to discover and correct."

"Where can I hear about this history?"

"There are histories that repeat itself, you just have to realize which one it is." She smiled at me.

"I shouldn't force you to talk about it then, I will have to seek history myself." I smiled tightly.

"You can do it, Aurora." She embraced me.

Kainda came back with a basket of bread, I took one and so did Kainda and Maria.

"Mother, Aurora and I have found a possible answer to everything." Kainda looked at me, my brows furrowed as well.

"What if, it is the island itself that is slowly changing? I met Ares, he was ranting about the changes in the connecting cities, the place, the people, the activities...what if the same thing is happening to our island?"

"The island? It has to do something about the pups, the tree?" Maria asked, close to chuckling.

"Could be!" Kainda responded.

"And how is it possible? It has been protecting us from the very start, and suddenly, this?" Her mother argued.

"We will see, we cannot conclude immediately. Let us all get back with our tasks for now, Kainda and I will have to leave later this afternoon." I said before standing up to leave.

I walked my way towards the bayou, "History repeats itself..I know, but which one is it? Which downside has my father done that will repeat? Or maybe it has already been repeated? I have to stop doing his downsides." I said to myself.

How can I know which part of history it is when I wasn't even part of the history?

I was walking but my eyes went wide upon seeing who was in front of me, in the deepness of the forest in between the glade and the bayou, its path that is too quiet and peaceful..

"Phoebe!" I exclaimed in shock. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see things for myself..." She whispered, dragging me behind a big tree when we heard someone approaching.

It was Adoff and the pups, when they were gone, Phoebe breathed two big breathes.

"And risk your life?" I whispered.

"What do you think?" She asked referring to her brown cloak that camouflages with the trees.

"You look..fine?" I chuckled.

"You look sad, what is it?" She asked.

"Let's talk about it at the bayou.." I said, as soon as I heard another bunch of pups coming our way.

Dragging her there was a wrong idea, I forgot about the impression they have among my pack.

Ares, along with the members of his pack had their fangs and their small yet sharp claws out. Growling at poor Phoebe who was hiding behind me.

"Pack, she is Phoebe, she is a friend." My hands were in front of me stretched out to make sure it assures them.

"She is a witch, here in our tent, Aurora!" Ares was fierce.

"No, I brought her here. Please come down." I waved my hand to give them clarity in each other's intentions.

"I-I don't have intentions of violence, wolves." Phoebe said.

"Now..back..down." I slowly said.

They did slowly back down, but their guards were high. Their eyes were on us the whole time.

"So, uhm, I have been thinking about what we had talked about inside the fairy ring..you know, the island..it could have something to do with this." I stuttered.

"I came here for the same reason, what if, the island is dying?" Phoebe asked.

"Dying? How come? It never dies." I asked.

I can hear Kainda coming, "Aurora! I heard there is a witch here and...Phoebe!" Kainda embraced her.

"I had to bring her here, she has the same thoughts as you, you know, the changes in this island?"

"It's okay, but the news has spread like wildfire. The witches might hear about this connection." Kainda was worried.

"It's alright, I will not let news come inside our gates." Phoebe assured.

"Remember once your father died, Aurora?" Kainda asked, Phoebe and I were listening closely.

"Uh huh.." I responded.

"The island was quiet, the island itself was not communicative, as if it was dead..but not really because we're still here after hundreds of years...but it was silent." Kainda started.

"Do you think this is a matter of curses and magic?" I asked.

"That is something I will have to find out, right now, we focus on the librums and I will have to do my own research about history." Kainda said.

"Wait, history?" My brows furrowed.

"Yes, this has to do with what happened before, the history...no fruit is borne without the process of the past. So, the past it is." She smiled.

"I am also after history..the ones that I might have helped relive and repeat itself." I answered.

"History? The Archives have history books." Phoebe said.

"I think I know what you're thinking, Aurora." Kainda smiled.

And just as she thought, we're back in the fairy ring.

"The witches are now familiar with us going in and out of your community, so I think it is time that the witches get to go inside ours as well." I said as I looked at the unbothered witches going on with their daily tasks.

"Yeah, I agree." Kainda said as we walked towards the Archives.

We searched high and low on the shelves containing history books, we left Kainda there as she wished. While I, did not find what I was looking for, the history books about my father's ruling time.

"Who writes these books? I never got the name." I said.

"A D'neraux." Phoebe answered.

"Ares?" I asked myself. "Impossible. He's almost the same age as me."

"No, neither do I know who." She answered.

"Then, how do you know it was a D'neraux?" I asked.

She dragged me back inside the Archives.

"You are back!" Kainda said, sitting on the corner of the room, books were piled beside her.

"She-she brought me back here." I answered.

"Here.." Phoebe knelt down beside Kainda where the books were laid on the floor.

I knelt with them, she was handing me all the books.

"Look here," Phoebe said as she pointed out to the author's name on every history book that was there. Written there was,

"W. D'neraux?" I asked and Phoebe nodded. "Warr.." I exhaled.

"My father?" Kainda interrupted.

"Your father!?" Phoebe exclaimed. "Your father wrote these books?"

"Could be..he is the only D'neraux alive that has been there way before Aurora's father was born. He knows everything, he is Ririel's best friend." Kainda answered.

"So, Warr..I have to get to Warr." I whispered.

"Yo-your leaving me here?" Kainda was observing my every move.

"It's not like you can't go home or stay alive alone, can you?" I smirked.


"Phoebe is here for you, I have to go!" I said and left with no doubts.

"Wait..I-" I heard her voice fade.

I sprinted towards the woodland edge, finding Warr there, he had gathered some deer for food.

"Healthy hunting, is it, Warr?" I asked.

"Yeah, there are a lot of them..I'm sending these to the glade, we're having a good dinner tonight Aelpha Aurora." He was smiling wide.

"I am looking forward to that, W. D'neraux." I smirked.

"What do you mean, Aelpha?" He asked, shook about what I just called him.

"Our one and only history keeper, that's you. Keeping our history burning and unforgettable, with your good books."

"How did you..."

"Sending your books at the Archives for witches and wizards far from us to read, as they are unable to listen to the history told by me, myself."

"I-Is that a mistake, Aelpha?" He stuttered.

"No, certainly not..actually, you have great talent in you. And also, you might help me with something right now." I said as I approached him, taking big steps to avoid stepping on big tree roots on the ground.

"Help you with what, Aurora?" He asked.

"Do you somehow have your 'other' history books? The one you did not send at the Archives?" I asked.

"You've been there?" He asked.

"I know you've been there as well, haven't you?"

"Well, yes...witches aren't as wicked as we all assume."

"I know, now..the history books?" I smirked.

"Which ones?"

"The one about my father's ruling."

"I have misplaced them, they are probably inside the abandoned shed outside my cabin." He answered.

"Would you take me there, Warr?"


He did lead me there, where I found an old shed, creaky, broken, and dusty.

I was covering my mouth and my nose with my palms as I entered the shed,

"I should be able to handle this, Warr. Thank you." I said.

"Be careful, I haven't been here in more than a hundred years, I'm pretty sure you can protect yourself..but call me when you need help." He said before leaving.

"You can leave now." I ordered and he left.

I walked farther inside the shed, it had a very old and dusty desk, a blank book and pens. It had shelves that were full of books as well. I tried reading every single book but all of them were story books, fables.

None were about history, spider webs were everywhere, the roof was broken and a big hole on it made light go through and lit up the whole place.

"Shit!" I shouted as I fell over and hurt myself, seeing a big spot with vines all over it, fully covered. Making my brows furrow, I stood up and dusted off the dirt on my clothes.

"What is this?" I knocked on the vine as the back of my hand came in contact with the leaves but the knocks made a sound. "Wood." I concluded, trying to take every vine off. But it was almost unending. Every time I try to cut one off, it grows back.

I groaned in frustration, yet was startled when I heard footsteps behind me, "Kainda!" I exclaimed in shock.

"My father told me his history books are here." She was pumped and energetic.

"I know, that's why I am here." I slowly stood up to acknowledge her presence.

"So..we are after the same thing after all?" She asked.

"Yes, the history books during my father's ruling." I finished her sentence.

"Exactly, I found something at the Archives..in one of my father's books, it was stated that he was the..as they say..island's son. A human being that the island itself gave life to. And so when it died, the island almost felt like it died with him...as it proves, I was right. This had something to do with your father's time."

"I know, and, I have found a weird viney spot here, and if you could stop talking and just help me with this, we could find our answers." I said as I pulled one vine and made her witness how it grew back.

We tried pulling it as hard as we can but it just grows back in place,

Kainda and I grunted as we tried one last time, "Okay this is it. I'm done!" I said as I raised my hands up and left.

"I'll ask my father about this, and maybe he can help us?" Kainda suggested.

"Yeah, great idea...how come I didn't think about that?"

"Because you always try to solve things on your own." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, miss D'neraux. Go and find solutions to our problems."

I sprinted towards the bayou, finding Ares there. As per usual.

"Long day?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Well, your day gets longer, it is not over yet." He teased.

"I know."

"And your problems might as well get more and more...confusing?"

"Why is that?"

"Lack of preys." He stated.

"It's not the first time we had that problem." I scoffed.

"No, this time, almost none."

"What? I just saw Warr hunt down a feast of deer!"

"And that might have been the last one for this week."

"What do you mean?"

"I have checked the forest, none left. We're having elk for the rest of the month."

"What is all this nonsense!?" I was very dumbfounded, nothing makes sense!

"The lack of preys have been slowly increasing these past few days, I was just checking for accurate conclusions before I could tell you."

"Then...elk it is, it is either hunting those against starvation and I will not let hunger take over my land."

"Aelpha Aurora, understood."

I went inside my cabin, finding a surprise waiting for me.

"What the hell!?" I asked as soon as I saw Phoebe, Circe, and Ecana on my bed, discussing about something.

"Ares, let us in." Phoebe immediately explained.

"Ares?" I called.

"Yeah, I suppose witch visits are now considered 'normal'. Isn't it?" He rolled his eyes on me.

"Yeah...sure. And letting them inside my cabin without letting me know..what are you three even here for?"

"We found the other librums." Circe proudly said as she handed me the list that Phoebe created.

Secret Mission Book

Wizard Wallock- 28 29 30

Wizard Zadok- 31 32 33

Wizard Gwydion- 34 35 36

Wizard Matthiass- 37 38 39

Wizard Skyler-

Wizard Wallord-

"You found Matthiass' librums?" I asked, surprised with eyes wide open.

"Uh huh, aren't we the best?" Ecana said.

"How?" I asked.

"Well, Matthiass has a big crush on Circe, might as well use that, right?" They chuckled.

"So now, we have to find out Wallord's and Skyler..." I sighed.

"Wallord, I can ask him. We are friends, remember?" Phoebe volunteered.

"Why didn't you ask him when you were librum number hunting with the girls?" I asked.

"Wallord is hard to catch, he is always on and about nature, somewhere doing something." Phoebe explained.

"So, you go do that...while I fix the problem in this community, on this island, and find out what the heck is going on!"

"What is going on? Are we gonna die?" Ecana asked and now is hyper ventilating.

"She-she's like that...calm down Ecana." Circe said as she calmed her friend down.

"I hope not...but we will find out." I sighed.

"So, are we still going back to the fairy ring?" Phoebe asked.

"Yes, sure. I will ask Ares to lead the pack for me, for now. And, well..if we can find Kainda, I somehow left her at the woodland edge and I don't know where she is right now."

"I'm here." Kainda peeked out of the door.

"Right, she somehow pops out, out of nowhere..you should try and keep up with her." I said as I dragged Kainda in to make her sit down.

"I have a word with all of you..." Kainda started saying as if we were in a slumber party or what.

"Go on." I said.

"As we all know, Morgan Marin is dangerous. So, after we find her librums, we will come up with an event." She started.

"An event?" Phoebe asked.

"Yes, where we welcome all of you back here where everyone will freely walk inside each other's community."

"I like that idea." I agreed.

"But...?" Kainda squinted.

"But, for now..we will have to solve the problem..many, many problems we are facing right now." I continued.

"And we can help." Circe suggested.

"You guys can help." I smiled.

"Now, off to the fairy ring?" Ecana asked.


I walked outside with all of them, the howl pack is still slightly bothered with them, but they are kind of adjusting now.

"Ares? We have to go back for our mission, please lead the pack for me while I am gone." I said.

"As always, be careful, Aurora."

"Thank you, Ares. And we will be careful, I promise."

"You better be, now off you go." He said as he watched us leave.

We all ran towards the fairy ring, with the three witches riding on the back of Kainda.

Phoebe opened the portal for us,

"So where should we go first?" Kainda asked.

"Skyler, he is probably babysitting. He likes kids and usually plays with them almost every single day." Ecana answered.

"So, right now where is he?" I asked.

"The Witch School." Ecana answered.

"You have a school?" I asked.

"Not that big, just a cabin that we emptied for baby witches to learn magic there. Magic on the open can be quite dangerous." Phoebe answered.

"Well, then..to the witch school it is." I smiled as the three of them led Kainda and I there.

When we arrived there, we saw many, I say many-many, small witches wearing green cloaks.

"See that nerdy witch with big glasses and a huge book with him?" Ecana pointed.

"Uh huh?" I answered.

"That is Skyler." She said as she walked towards him. "Skyler!" She called.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes began to widen.

"What is she doing here?" He asked.

"To ask a few questions." Ecana answered.

"A-Aelpha Aurora." He bowed for respect.

"Nice meeting you, Skyler. I would like to ask a few questions and I hope you can answer as quickly as you can." I smiled.

"I'm ready, spit it out." He said, Skyler was this nervous lad that almost pees his pants during 'show and tell'.

"What is the spell that kills anything once chanted?" I quickly asked.

"Demise spell." He answered, not even a second.

"Okay, what is the spell you use to make objects fly?" I asked.

"Th-there is no spell, just picture it in your mind, focus, and channel your powers to the object." He answered.

"Smart witch." I smirked.

"What are the numbers labeled on the librums under your possession?" I asked very, very quickly.

"22, 23, 24." He said so quick it made his eyes go wide.

"Well done, Skyler." I smiled, the girls giggled behind me.

"I'm screwed." He whispered.

"No you're not, I know this game of yours with your friends. No one should know about your librum numbers, I understand and I promise to keep this a secret." I winked at him.

"Are you sure? Make a promise!" He said.

"I promise, now in return, you can ask me anything you'd like as a rewards for being truthful."

"Uhm okay...A wish, that would be, uh...to be friends with a witch." He said.

"Phoebe?" I called.

"Aelpha Aurora, here." She stepped forward.

"Would you and your friends do the honor of becoming his first ever witch friends?" I asked.

"I'd be honored to befriend, Skyler, Aelpha." Phoebe answered.

"You would?" Skyler asked.

"Yes, definitely." She smiled at him.

"And we can be friends as well." Ecana said stepping forwards as well.

"So, in that case, you are now my friend as well." Circe smiled and offered her hand to him.

"Well, I think we're done here..by any chance have you seen Wallord?" I asked.

"He is at the coven line, having a bath." Skyler answered.

"Thank you for this lovely interaction, Skyler. I would gladly get to know more about you, soon enough after all these things I'm busy about." I said before leaving.

"Off we go, Skyler." The girls said before following me towards the coven line.

"Aurora?" Kainda called.

"Yes, love?" I asked.

"Remember when Phoebe said it's her task to find out Wallord's librum numbers?" Kainda said with a teasing expression plastered on her face.

"Huh...right." I smirked.

"We-we can all go, can't we?" She asked, all flustered.

"We can, actually, but mostly you..will do the talking, right witches?" I asked.

"Agreed." They teased.

"Good, now...go." I gently pushed her making her go through the thick leaves that covered the coven line.

We followed not long after.

"H-hey, Wallord." Phoebe said, raising her hand to wave.

In the calm, flowing river was Wallord enjoying his bath. With his well-built body and playful smile.

"Ooh, the things nature can do, is it?" I whispered to tease Phoebe.

"Phoebe, it's been quite a few days now since I have seen you, where have you been?" Wallord asked.

"Oh you know, just on and about, doing things I think is fun." She answered.

"And why is the Aelpha with you? Along with a wolf and three other witches?" He asked.

"She came here to ask a few questions." Phoebe answered.

Wallord walked to land, letting us witness a scene, a good scene.

"Fiesty." Kainda whispered on Phoebe's ear.

"Grr." Ecana made a growling sound to tease her even more.

"Stop it, you two." Pheobe whispered.

"What question could that be, Aelpha?" He asked.

"Something related to librums, I am curious as to what are the contents of these books, and I somehow had found out a few of them, and I want to know yours." I honestly said.

"How did you know their librums' contents?" He asked as he covered himself in his cloak.

"They gave it to me." I answered.

"Forcibly, or on their own will?" He asked.

"Own will, we vowed to never share their numbers. Kept between us and no wizard shall hear about it." I assured.

"I'm assuming you have the feeling of wanting to see the numbers on my librums, am I right?" He asked.

"On point, Wallord. So, may I see your librums?" I asked.

"Under what circumstances?" He asked.

"I can grant one wish, anything you want." I said.

"Anything?" He scoffed.

"Anything." I said with a straight face.

"A free pass in your community." He said, smirking. "No one would want a wizard there, right?"

"Actually, witches have been there, why not let a wizard in as well?" I said and I saw the immediate change in his expression.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really. After I solve everything, I will eventually invite you into our community, in exchange for the numbers and the removal of the redo spell in your community, deal?" I smiled as I extended my hand.

He reached for my hand and shook it, "Deal."

He waved his hand and three books came flying down from the leaves of the long bamboo tree.

"Clever hiding spot." I chuckled.

"I know, here you go. Read as much as you can." He said, handing us the book.

Secret Mission Book

Wizard Wallock- 28 29 30

Wizard Zadok- 31 32 33

Wizard Gwydion- 34 35 36

Wizard Matthiass- 37 38 39

Wizard Skyler- 22 23 24

Wizard Wallord- 25 26 27

"Thank you, Wallord. Consider your request done, but for now, it cannot be used. Going inside our community without me informing my pack about it will lead you to death and may even cause war." I warned.

"Aelpha Aurora, understood." He smiled. "You're welcome."

"May I ask for another request?" I said, making the girls' brows furrow.

"What is it, Aelpha?" He asked.

"May you please leave nature for once and take a walk with Phoebe, as childhood friends, you guys might have a lot to talk about, am I right?" I smirked.

"I..I thought she was busy, I can never catch up on her, if she'd make time..then I definitely agree." Wallord replied.

"I am-" Phoebe tried to talk.

"She's not busy, in fact, she thinks you are..so I guess it is a date then?" I smiled.

"Yes, tomorrow night, dinner?" Wallord asked Phoebe out.

"Be-before the sun sets." Phoebe smiled to agree.

"Good, we have to go." I said before dragging her away.

"It looks like a witch is too busy to accompany us tomorrow." Circe teased.

"Tomorrow is a dinner night for the girls, a time we share with each other for a thicker bond, I guess, Phoebe is absent then." Ecana teased.

"It's Aurora's fault!" Phoebe whined.

Kainda's fangs and claws were out, growling at Phoebe.

"Oh come on, Kainda...we are all basically best friends now!" I said calming her down.

"Disrespect is considered unforgivable, Aurora." She said, slowly calming down and keeping her fangs and claws in.

"In that case, you are one unforgivable wolf, for me." I smirked. "We are friends now, don't worry. I trust them." I said which made them whine.


"Keep it down, it's Morgan's turn." I sighed.

"We're risking everything here, if mother will know about this mission we have, we will lose everything and maybe even start a war." Phoebe said with a worried expression.

"Two wizards should be enough for one day, we'll figure out a plan and come back here tomorrow, this time with Phoebe, Breza, and Elorion." I said.

"And get ready to pick your sides in case a war occurs." Kainda joked.

"I'm on your side, Aelpha." Circe said.

"In that case, I am as well." Ecana said.

"Well...I will think about it." Phoebe said.

"A war between the wolves against your families? I will try to stop such a thing. That will never happen." I said.

"Well, it's time to leave now. The sunset is coming." Kainda sighed.

"I'll see the other girls tomorrow, talk about what happened under a protection spell, no one should hear, copied?" I firmly said.

"Copied." Phoebe said.

We headed home now, seeing Ares all calm and helping with the food storage.

Kainda went back to the woodland edge, hoping to find solution about the vines.

"Ares, how was your day?" I asked.

"Stressful but I managed." He answered.

"The same goes for me, what is this?" I asked, seeing storage bins in our tent.

"These storage bins can keep the deer fresh, the ones Warr had hunted down, we need to save food as long as we haven't found a solution to whatever is happening on this island." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Good choice, I'll be there for dinner." I said before turning my back on him, heading inside my cabin.

I freshened up and went back outside once dinner was ready, watched until none of them was left outside before heading inside my own cabin to rest as well.

The next morning, as per usual, I heard loud banging and knocking on my door.

"Aurora!" I heard someone call.

It was Kainda, this early in the morning.

"What is it?" I groaned before standing up to open the door for her.

"Phoebe is here." She said.

"What is it, Phoebe?" I rubbed my eye, still half asleep.

"We have found a solution, a plan to...I can't believe I'm saying this..but, a plan to our problem, my mother." She said, barging in my cabin.

"What?" I asked, sitting on the wooden chair inside my cabin as well, letting both Phoebe and Kainda in.

"We can distract her!" Phoebe said.

"And how would you do that? Her power is almost as strong as mine." My brows furrowed.

"Yes, but not quite close!" She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Phoebe thinks..you should use your powers for this mission." Kainda summarized.

"That is against my dignity, Phoebe..this is a personal want, not a need." I firmly said.

"No, you are wrong!" She said.

"Wrong..how?" I asked.

"This IS an island emergency. This is knowledge taken away by my mother, knowledge you should know as the island's ruler! NO one would want a leader who has zero knowledge about the other parts of her land." Phoebe tried convincing me.

"Well, you are right, but what type of magic?" I asked.

"You will create chaos in the coven, send birds or whatever, while I sneak inside my mother's cabin. Grab all her books, bring it to you while you wait a distance and boom, we have it." She smiled so proudly.

"Sounds like a good plan. But what if it won't work?" I asked. "Plan B is common, you know?"

"Then she would not suspect a thing, for I was there, she trusts me." Phoebe said.

"So, cast a spell on yourself, to make your heart and mind unreadable." I said.

"Is that a yes to her plan, or a nah?" Kainda asked.

"A yes, Kainda and I will be there at the same time as yesterday, inform Breza and Elorion about it." I said.

"On it, good morning, I forgot to say that." Phoebe chuckled before leaving.

I did my usual morning tasks, and told Ares about the updates on our mission.

"Be careful, Aurora." He said with a worried expression on his face.

"I always will, now, if anyone asks about my constant disappearance, tell them I am on my way to find solutions about these things happening lately." I ordered.

"I will, Aelpha Aurora."

"And, I will find my way to be better as well, along the way. I promise, your choices are valid to me." I said.

"Aurora, you're still thinking about it?" He asked.

"Words are never easy to forget, I remember more than a hundred years of memories, Ares. Your words from weeks ago, are still in my head." I said before completely leaving to fetch KAinda at the glade.

"Maria!" I called.

"Aelpha Aurora, here." She said as soon as she saw me.

"Where's your lovely daughter? I need her company today." I smiled.

"I'll call her for you." Maria said and left to fetch Kainda.

"Hi, love...let's go?" I asked.

"Kainda, Aurora, be back before sunset." Maria firmly said.

"We will be, mother. We're off now!" Kainda said before dragging me away.

"Are you ready to pull this off?" Kainda asked as we ran towards the fairy ring.

"Yeah but I am nervous, war could start and we are definitely unprepared." I sighed.

"You and your impulsive promises." She chuckled.

When we got inside the fairy ring, Breza, Elorion and Phoebe were waiting for us.

"Are you all ready?" I asked.

"Ready." Breza answered. "Now, our plan is, we will be at the river to act as if we don't know what is happening, witches are supposed to be at the place of an emergency, specially us...witches part of the coven."

I nodded and we started to be in each of our places,

Kainda and I stood behind a cabin, watching Morgan inside hers and Phoebe going inside her mother's cabin.

We saw as she tried to scan the whole interior of the cabin, before signalling us to proceed.

I waved my hand,

"Aves." I chanted as I closed my eyes feeling and hearing the increase of loud birds gathering at the coven line. "Clamare." I lifted my hand slowly to order the birds to cry.

"It's working." Kainda whispered when she saw the witches panic and run towards the coven line and gather there. "Morgan is running there as well." She said.

I opened my eyes to witness the head witch coven panic and run to see the chaos herself, I heard Breza and Elorion's signal sound.

"The girls are in position." I whispered.

I saw as Phoebe tried searching high and low from one shelf to another, she looked around to make sure no one was watching before looking at us.

She lifted a book and the shelves opened,

"What is that?" Kainda asked.

"A secret door, clever." I smirked.

"Such a genius witch."

Kainda's eyes and mine widened as soon as we saw the blue fog lingering around three books. Before Phoebe signaled a thumbs up and left the cabin, leaving no traces.

"I have to get to the coven line, it would be suspicious if I was not there." She whispered before running along.

I made sure to hear her arrive there before I put my hands down, clearing the coven.

It did not take long before the girls came back to us, completely clearing the tasks without difficulties.

"So, what are her numbers?" I asked.

"As we expected, her numbers are, 19, 20, and 21." Phoebe whispered.

"Great work." I smiled at all of them.

"But we have one problem..." Phoebe interrupted.

"A problem? Did your mother suspect anything?" Breza asked.

"No." Phoebe answered.

"Is this about the birds? I'm sure they'll believe it was just one of the kids, don't worry." Elorion comforted.

"Not that, love.." Phoebe said, brows furrowed.

My eyes were squinted at her, I could have just read her mind, but she chanted a chant on herself as I instructed.

"Then what is it?" Kainda asked.

"Uhm, we do not know where librum 40 is, or whoever has it." She showed us the list.

We all looked at it to witness and prove her right, librum 40 was nowhere to be found.

"This doesn't make sense, they all have three librums!" I groaned in disappointment.

"Do you have any idea where it could be?" I asked.

"No." Phoebe answered, I looked at the other girls and they all tuned their heads, 'no'.

"Oh." I sighed and sat down. "We were so close!"

"B-but I found this." Phoebe handed me a paper with the same blue fog lingering around it, the same fog as the ones around the librums.

I looked at the paper, puzzled but still took it anyway, "111506." I read the numbers out loud.

"Uh huh, I think it might help?" She said.

"This should be something related to the last librum." I concluded.

"Yeah, like a pass code?" Kainda said.

"Or it could be..." I tried to think. "Right, a pass code." I said upon realizing what Kainda said.

"I think I know where this pass code belongs." I whispered.

"Where?" The girls asked.

"There is a shed by the woodland edge, where Warr used to write his books, there is a spot there that is protected by vines." I narrated.

"Vines? Then break it." Breza said.

"No, no..not just any type of vines. It grows back whenever you break it, it is nearly impossible to destroy it and reveal what's behind it." Kainda said, realizing what I was meaning to say.

"So you mean to say, Warr could have been handed the last librum?" Phoebe summarized.

"Possibly." I answered.

"Vines that grow back, have you tried breaking spells?" Phoebe asked.

"No.." I whispered.

"Ecana, she was assigned to master nature's protection. She has the librums that contain almost the same thing as those vines. Where nature helps to protect such things, the ones Wallord used to hide his librums." Phoebe said.

With no second thought, we were all in front of Ecana's cabin. Knocking on her door as if we were trick-or-treaters, as we explained what happened and why we need her help.

"I want to help, but you cannot knock like mad people while I slept so soundly." Ecana said, still in her sleeping clothes, barely even awake.

"Then hurry because we are on a scavenger hunt here." Breza said.

"Is Circe coming?" She asked.

"She's asleep." Elorion answered.

"She's.." Ecana said, opening the door widely. "Here."

"Morning, toast?" She asked, raising her toast up.

"Do you want to come?" I asked.

"No, go along..hurry Ecana." Circe answered.

Ecana was left with zero choices but to come with us, she changed her clothes very fast and we were headed towards the woodland edge together.

"So the witches befriending our pack is true?" Warr asked.

"Yes, Warr. And I befriended them first." I corrected.

"I understand, Aelpha. You take after your father." He said.

"We're off to the shed, we will be back in no time." I said.

"Be careful."

We all left to walk towards the shed, a distance from Warr's cabin.

"Here it is." I pointed.

"Okay, uhm...a kudzu vine." Ecana concluded as soon as she saw the vine.

"Can you undo it?" I asked.

"We'll see." She shrugged before going near it, Ecana knelt down and touched the leaves. "Discede et tolle impositum praesidium." She chanted.

(Leave and remove the imposed protection.)

We watched and waited, violet mists were rising from it, yet Ecana sighed in disappointment.

"I am not strong enough for the protection laid upon here." Ecana stood up in defeat.

Kainda stood in front of us, with her finger on her lip, I stared at her and waited for her to talk.

"My father did say something about fire..." Kainda recalled. "I just don't remember it now."

"Fire?" Ecana asked.

"Uh huh." Kainda answered.

"Fire..." Ecana repeated. "Right!"

We were all looking at her now,

"A fire spell can cast out anyone, any animal, any living. Cast it out on a vine and it will die right on the spot." Ecana's eyes were wide and glad she had figured it out.

"Yeah, okay so I'll just blast fire on it right?" I asked.

"Yes, by the root." She answered.

"And our problem now is...I am bad at fire, I did it once but I'm not so sure if I could do it again." I whispered.

"Oh come on, Aurora. You got this!" Kainda encouraged me.

"Step aside." I commanded.

I raised my hand and closed my eyes, trying to focus very, very hard. Seeing the image of the vine burning, I took a deep breath before thinking about the fire coming out of my palm.

"There it is, Aurora!" Kainda exclaimed.

"We need a bigger fire, you can do it." Breza whispered.

I was feeling heat, feeling the blazing fire on my palm, I knew opening my eyes would make me lose focus so I just blasted it at the root with my eyes closed.

After I did, I opened my eyes to see if it worked,

"I told you it wouldn't." I sighed as soon as I saw zero changes at all.

"You...are wrong." Elorion pointed at the vine, slowly turning to ashes from top to bottom, slowly letting go of whatever was behind it.

We were all in shock,

"A treasure chest." Kainda knelt in front of it. "With a pass code lock."

"111506." I recited.

Kainda pressed the numbers on it according to the order of the numbers written on the paper.

"What is that?" I asked as soon as the treasure chest opened. The same blue fog was lingering inside it. "No, wrong question..what is inside that?" I asked as I knelt in front of it as well.

The girls came to look as well.

"Books?" I whispered.

"The last librum, librum 40 and other history books." Kainda raised it for the girls to see better.

"What are you waiting for? Let's read whatever is inside, I mean the other librums were spells and enchantments, so what could be so special about that book?" Breza asked.

I opened the book, a bright blue light came out of it that almost made us go blind.

"What are you doing?" We heard a voice from the outside, we all turned around to see Morgan Marin.

"Mother?!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Drop the book." She ordered firmly.

"Stay out of this, Morgan." I demanded.

"Under what circumstances?" She asked.

"No one is keeping a secret from me, not here, not on the island I rule." I stood front among the other girls.

"Leave...the book..down." Morgan stood firmly.

"No." I growled.

"You do not understand!" She was so loud and I was honestly scared.

"Understand what?" I asked.

And right before she could answer the question, the wind howled strongly, very strongly. It was enough to knock down the girls but I stood tall.

"Stop this." I demanded.

"No, this is what I meant." Morgan tried to stop the wind by whispering enchants and forming an 'air ball' with her hand.

"What is 'this', Morgan?" I asked, confused now as the wind started to grow stronger as Morgan tried to fight it with her power.

"The fire you used to break the vine, it was not yours entirely." She said.

"Elaborate." I said.

She gasped as soon as the wind disappeared, tired from all the powers she had used.

"Drop the book now." She continued.

"No." I firmly disagreed.

"Then...read it, keep it." Morgan squinted.

"What?!" I asked. "You are very weird, Morgan."

"I said read it, but before you will, make sure you are ready for war. Unless you are, never dare to open that book ever again." She said before leaving.

As soon as she was gone, I looked at the girls who were also as confused as me.

"It's either I trust your mother or start a war, Phoebe." I said, grabbing the history books stored there in the treasure chest with the librum.

"What do we do?" Kainda asked.

"Read these history books, keep that librum safe in that chest, witches. Cast a spell or what, go home right after." I commanded.

I left with the history book and ran towards the bayou.

"Hey, A." Ares greeted.

"Not right now, A." I said before entering my cabin.

I sat on my bed to start reading the book entitled,

"The Starting End." I read out loud.