
C1: "Aelpha Aurora"

TW: Language

My story starts way back in the year 1440, when the first ever sailor has seen the Island Old Rhieo. The island was a myth to all humans, some even believe it's a joke. But the sailors eyes were wide open when he saw my home.

And as any normal, human bastard would do, he turned his ship around and sailed back to the connecting islands where cities are located. The cities that humans live in and call, home.

He was laughed at for being such a kid, it's what they call those little creatures that keeps on whining and can't keep their useless ass shut. Know one ever believed that the Island Old Rhieo was true and existing, for it can only be seen whenever it wants to be found. It's as if the island is alive and thriving like all of us.

It was described as dark, cold, scary, a pathetic, and lonely island. Old Rhieo was far from all the other connecting lands. It was an isolated land. Covered in big trees that protected the inside of the island.

It had magic of course, its own magic has been protecting itself from the voyagers who are eagerly so thirsty for an information about our home.

Despite the image it shows on its outside layer, the inside layer of our island was colorful. At peace and just lovely, to sum it all up. Wizards live here, though they are hidden and never really wanted to socialize. They care for the animals, but they never really was fond of it. The wolves' population took over the island for centuries.

The wanker, mouth-babbling sailor never had a proof to show that he really was chosen by Old Rhieo. He was chosen to be played at that day, he looked crazy when he returned home and told all his friends that he saw the mythical island. The island sure knows how to give a laugh.

The humans never believed that our home existed since then until 1442, when the wolves started howling because the strongest alpha in the Mother pack was dying. Oh, I haven't tackled about the wolves, have I?

The wolves are divided into three packs, each pack had an alpha. They were united. Three Alphas was never a problem in Island Old Rhieo. There was the Warrior pack, the wolves who fight and protects whenever the island was in danger. There was the Howl pack, they are the most important pack for they have the strongest howls and they warn the warrior pack for incoming danger. The Mother pack, the strongest out of all three.

The mother pack gives birth to all the wolves in the island, its Alpha is of course, a female wolf. They have all authority, leadership, and strength to tear down their own kind whenever they feel threatened. A betrayal, a disrespect. They communicate with all the living in the island. All wolves do, but the mother pack has a different sense of instinct.

Theresa, the strongest in the mother pack, she had ruled and led everyone in the island for centuries. Their life span is long because...come on, we're talking about Island Old Rhieo. Everything is magical.

Well, back to it. She was dying and the wolves performed a howling ritual to send her off peacefully. It stayed like that, every single night. It was the beginning of the humans' sudden belief that the island really does exist. They hear the howls, it made their nights cold and scary.

It stayed like that for days, months, years. 3 years to be exact.

1445, the howling stopped. I reckon the humans were confused why, but I don't give a damn about them. The howling only stops when a new leader is chosen.

But, this time it was not any wolf from the mother pack.

Crazy thunders and rain storm took over the whole island for a week. A loud howl was heard, it was the loudest anyone has ever heard for the very first time, and it was the last ever since.

1445 was the year Ririel was summoned into the inner layer of Island Old Rhieo. Yes, my father.

He ruled the island for everyone believed he was a gift from Old Rhieo. He was in a human form, but he turns into the largest wolf amongst any of them. He was not seen as a threat, he was seen as the Aelpha.

An Aelpha is the highest Alpha of the pack. He was just a baby, but the mother pack raised him as if they were their own. The Aelpha binds the three packs and the three Alphas altogether. He is the highest and most respected as instructed by Old Rhieo to the oldest wolf in the mother pack, Maria.

He was considered to be Old Rhieo's son. One and only. The first human form on that island.

When my father grew to be a young and lovely lad, he soon noticed and realized the absence of a living in an image or form like him. He was given a lovely house by Old Rhieo, it allowed Ririel to cut off branches from the island to create a house for himself.

"I ask for permission, Old Rhieo." The trees were swaying as the island was called by my father. Maria then walked up to him to give him a 'go' signal that Island Old Rhieo was listening. "Allow me to visit the wizards and witches."

He was granted of the permission, he went with one of his bestfriends, a warrior wolf whom he named Warr. They took off and never stopped running until they reached the wizard's place.

"May I present myself to all of you?" He called, and soon after, small flying creatures gathered in front of him. He said they were like fairies, but the uglier kind. Fairies were ceased to exist in the island. They never reproduce so they got extinct.

"Who are you?" A wizard with a long white beard asked.

"I am Ririel Rhieo, the Aelpha of Island Old Rhieo." He introduced.

"So the rumors are true then?" A witch spoke.

"Very true, I suppose." He chuckled.

"What is it you came deep in here for?" They asked.

"A gift." Ririel answered.

"And what is that?" They asked.

"I will ask Old Rhieo to turn all of you into my form. A human form." He smiled.

"We despise humans!" They threatened, Warr immediately stood on guard to protect his Aelpha.

"It's okay, Warr." Ririel calmed him down and watched as the wolf backs down and returns its guard by his side.

"I am a human, yet I don't do you harm." He defended.

It took a few negotiations, here and there. Until the wizards and witches agreed, now the island was jollier than ever. Ririel was a friend to the wizards and the island was open for them to walk freely.

1450, when Ririel was sitting under the shade of a well grown tree. He was bored but never dared to question the life outside the island for he had everything he needed. He had everything, but a human. A human he wishes to love.

Island Old Rhieo heard his desires, a lovely young lady walked out of the thick bushes. Wet and pale.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Ririel asked.

"Lana, you are?" She spoke. Her voice was as calm as the meaning of her name.

"Ririel, the Aelpha." He introduced.

"I was summoned here." Lana started the conversation.

"I was, too. I'm from the remains of the strongest wolf that the island used to have, Theresa. And you?" Ririel asked.

"From the remains of the dead bodies that lies at the very bottom of the ocean that surrounds Island Old Rhieo. I came from the dead." Lana answered.

"A vampire?" He asked.

"Yes, a vampire in control of the waters. And you?" She asked.

"A werewolf in control of the land, the dirt." He answered.

"I am given an element, I'm suppose to use water for the island's own good. I assume you use the land for its own good as well?" She was very well spoken.

"Indeed." He answered.

Centuries passed by and the two fell in love, 1650, leading to Lana bearing a child whose blood is half of each of theirs. Creating the first ever wolfire in the island. Me.

I was stronger than anybody anticipated, I was never trained nor was I taught how to do things. I discovered everything on my own.

"Mother, the eyes I have, changes depending on the time of the day. Is that even possible?" The little and young me, was confused of how things worked before but it did not take me long to understand.

"Your eye color changes on whatever skill you use, my love. It depends." She answered.

It was ironic as to how I tend to ask mother all sorts of things, like those. She rose from the dead, magically, she picked up everything that the dead bodies know. The human life and everything about it. She was smarter than anyone else. But father was the quick to think, nothing escapes his mind.

It did not take long until Lana started to crave for human blood, which of course was needed for her to survive as a vampire. Her blood-sucking mouth has began to feel thirst when she gave birth to me, Aurora.

"You have the power of wind, the strength, the speed, the fierceness of a vampire. You also have the power of fire, the hunting skills of a wolf, undeniable strong grasp of our jaw that can crush an enemy with no effort." My father smiled as he walked with me through the forest.

"Our house is the center of the island, it was the only time that Island Old Rhieo let anybody cut anything from the island." Mother joined. "You channel both our powers, my dear Aurora. You have the super speed, which both me and your father has. The sensitive senses, which again, we both have."

"You are the first wolfire in this island, the future leader who will soon help this island grow like how I helped it. Use your powers in the right manner, Aurora. Remember, every living here is your family. Your people are your family. They come first before anything else, even before yourself." Father said.

His words were remarkable. We were happy until Island Old Rhieo never spoke or communicated to any of us in the island ever again. It let us made decisions on our own, and face the consequences that comes with it.

It was simply satisfied with the people that the island has, and trusts that every living can protect the home that once stood unseen. The living and the ones risen from the dead that was in the island started seeing the other connecting lands. Letting mother and I feast on a few bloody useless humans.

"Do not hurt children, Aurora." Mother firmly reminds as we feast on useless thugs around the streets. One human per thirst. Meaning, one human every dawn after the full moon has risen.

The attacking has threatened humans, and one day, they were now meters away from the island that was once unreachable.

"I can handle them. Watch, Aurora." Mother smiled.

She wiped them off with a few waves of her hand. The water came consuming all of them. Voyagers comes every now and then to take revenge, but none of them ever succeeds.

Not until, 1700. Somehow a group of vampires, just like mom who rose from the dead bodies that used to lay down from beneath the surface of the ocean came attacking. There was one of her against many. It was magic we believe only Old Rhieo can do.

Blaming the island for its magic spells that will harm both its people and itself.

"Aurora can't fight!" Mother argued.

"Mother, I assure you, I can!" I fought back.

"Your powers are in you, but you do not know how to use them just yet. Leave, now. Hop away, isolate yourself and the pack with you." She ordered.

Father built a temporary island for all of us, he let us flee from the chaos and fight it on their own.

"I won't leave!" I cried.

"I order you as the Aelpha of Island Old Rhieo. Leave with the pack, now!" Father shouted, the wolves couldn't do anything but to take me away.

I keep sending crows to watch the island and give me some reports. Events I couldn't see but my birds can.

"The vampires has been defeated, Aurora." Warr assured.

I was rejoiced, I knew mother could do it!

"But, they are more water vampires coming. And when the full moon arrives, the humans will set sail to defeat both of them." He added.

I was devastated.

"They can fight them, right?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, we have no idea how and why...a girl with a much stronger power has become the vampire's alliance." He reported.

I was calming myself down, hoping I'd return to my parents and all will be well.

"The moon." Warr said.

"I know, Warr." I sighed with him.

Hours went on and I can hear my father's howls and my mother's feisty hiss.

"The war has started." I reported for only I can hear the noise from the Island Old Rhieo.

"What's happening, Aurora?" Maria asked.

"My mother and father are fighting, I can't hear more." I cried.

"Try again." Warr comforted me.

I focused hard, but the ringing pain in my ear is my sign of the limit I reached.

"Pests! If only I can hear more!" I shouted in rage.

"You develop new powers as you grow, Aurora. Your mother was right, it's not enough yet." Maria tried to comfort me.

"I'm sorry, Maria." I sobbed.

"H-hey, s-stop..AAARGHHH!" She started shouting in pain, knee was bent to the ground and started to transform back to wolf form. It was forcibly for sure, or it shouldn't have hurt.

"Warr, what's happening?" I asked.

"She..she's transforming but not on her own will." He answered.

"Bloody hell, I know that! I meant, why?!" I was panicking.

Warr howled and every wolf I was with gathered.

They started howling so loud, they were transforming one by one.

"Aurora, the war has ended. Visit the island." Warr said before he transformed.

I knew what was wrong, but I was denying it in my head.

"Father!" I called, crying and barely seeing anything because of my tears. "Father, it's me! It's Aurora! Where are you?" I called again as my voice echoed throughout the island.

"My dear, Aurora." I heard someone call. It was my mother on the ground, a dagger on her heart. Cursed with its light blue rays shining through.

"Mother." I kneeled to touch her and cry.

"Be strong, rule this island and fix whatever the mess we made. Save them, save your family. Save the island." She said so weakly, held my hand and closed her eyes before passing.

"Mother!" I shouted in pain.

"Aurora." Father called weakly right beside her.

I walked towards him and kneeled, "Father." I cried.

"There was a girl, she was not of herself. She was cursed and used by a channeled power, a combined power. One stronger than mine, and of your mother's. But definitely, yours is superior. Practice it, live with it and find it out for me." He reported.

"I will, father, I promise." I cried.

"Be strong, remember who you are." He said as he cupped my face with his bloody hand and his yellow eyes were starting to fade.

"I am Aurora Rhieo, daughter of the Aelpha, Ririel Rhieo. The strongest water vampire, Lana Rhieo. We are the Rhieos and we are strong." I relayed what he have taught me all my years.

"Very well, my dear child. You are the first wolfire. Command and rule for your families. After all, we are the Rhieos." He smiled

"And no one dares to threaten a Rhieo for we are Mortiferum." I finished his sentence for him.

"I love you, my dear Aurora. Remember me in every dawn after the rising of a full moon. I named you after it. My dawn, my Aurora..I love you." He said before passing.

"I love you too." I whispered.

Closing his eyelids for him, I was young and devoted. Eager to find whoever has cursed the girl to kill my parents. Who she was and why was she chosen, who chose her?

Determined to seek for answers, I have lived my life without the love of my very own, immortal life. I wanted to find the cure to reverse the curse on the dagger in order to keep myself safe. My immortal mother was killed by it, my mortal yet strong father was ended with no mercy.


"Try again, Aurora." Maria was very strict, she's helping me be in control with my own powers. "You have plenty of abilities you can master, yet you lack faith!"

"I do not need my powers, Maria. I need to be trained how to fight like a wolf. Fight using my own body and not just wave my hands or focus my brain." I whined.

Sweaty and frustrated in the deep forest of Old Rhieo, far from anyone else to prevent hurting my people with my powers that are yet so stubborn and are too hard to control. I sat down on the rock to give myself a break while Maria stood tall in front of me, with her hands on her waist scolding me for not trying hard enough.

"You should trust your powers and trust yourself, without doing so, everything we're doing is useless." She sighed, observing my every move.

"Powers cannot save me or my people, Maria." I sighed.

"How so?" She asked.

"The powers that my parents had were strong, yet it was not enough to protect themselves." I answered so firmly.

"You hard-headed bastard, your powers are stronger than theirs. Control it and you can prevent history from repeating." She was very determined to get me to focus.

"I want to fight fairly, no powers. Just me and my skills." I smirked.

"You want a fight, against me?" Maria puts on her boastful face. So full of herself.

"Yes, you are the strongest after all." I teased.

I knew no one in the island can beat me in a duel, I am in for the tease.

"I will fight you, if you manage to burn these pile of dried leaves with your brain. Come on, I know you can do it!" She smiled.

"You know I can't, I'm starting to think that you all look so highly of me and no one wants to accept that I am powerless." I rolled my eyes at her before focusing my mind on the pile that Maria has prepared for me.

"Powerless? The first wolfire thinks she's powerless?" She chuckled. "A Rhieo? Aurora Rhieo, thinks she's weak." She teased.

"Powerless, Maria. Not weak." I scoffed.

"You are not powerless, Aurora. Try again, have faith. I believe in you." She smiled.

I looked at the pile, with the thought of seeing it burn. The image in my head and the desire to make it happen was my way of channeling my power from my brain towards the leaves.

"It's...It's smoking, Aurora! You can do it!" Maria exclaimed.

"Is she doing it?" Warr came running in his gray colored fur and yellow eyes, he transformed into his charming, human self.

Broad shoulders, long hair up to his shoulders, sharp jawline, darker skin tone and yellow eyes that pierces through you.

"Oh," I sighed in disappointment. "I got distracted, I'm sorry."

"You can do it, Aurora. Try again." Warr was putting on his shirt.

"I'll try, one last time. If I manage to do so, both of you...fight me with no mercy." I smirked.

"With pleasure." Warr scoffed.

"Boastful." I joked.

"Weak." He teased.

I looked at the pile of leaves again, focusing really well. The image of the leaves burning to ashes in my mind was now very clear.

"Here she goes." Maria whispered.

I see the smoke turning dark, turning thick. And eventually, the leaves were on fire.

"Easy." I boasted.

"As promised." Maria transformed into this beautiful wolf, she was stunning. Her fur was shiny and healthy. Her body's fur was in a shade of peanut brown while her fur on her under belly were white. As white as the clouds on a fine day.

All wolves in the mother pack has a white under belly fur, for short, all female wolves has it. An indication of difference, a sign of power in their bellies that carry the unborn pups. Their strength and the reason they are highly respected. Their eyes are black, as dark as the aura of the outside layer in Island Old Rhieo.

"Gorgeous." I hissed. I turned to look at Warr.

"Transform, or I'll turn you into a wolf myself." I smirked.

"You can't even burn a pile of leaves with your brain, forcibly transform me into my wolf form?" He chuckled.

"I am training for my fire and wind element, Warr. I'm born with powers I don't even have to learn about." I whispered.

Waving my hand into the air elegantly, while his knees forcibly started to bend and his body was forcing to land on his own hands.

"Okay, argh! S..top. I-I will t-transform. Aurora!" He shouted for mercy.

I stopped waving and kept my hand low, "Sorry. You shouldn't have provoked me." I laughed a little.

He transformed into his usual gray fur-ed self. All wolves in the warrior pack has only one whole color, yet their eyes takes upon my father's eye color. Yellow, close to gold.

"Should I transform as well?" I teased.

"Play fair." Warr growled.

"Fine." I smiled before transforming into a wolf, my father's own kind. I had white fur, just like him. A white fur-ed wolf are those in our bloodline, the Aelphas. I did not take after my father's yellow eyes though. I had the eyes in the shade of my mother's, deep red, the color of blood on my mother's pale lips whenever she quenches her thirst with me.

"Ready?" Maria asked.

"Since birth." I howled as they did, an indication of a playful fight.

I gave them a jump and they backed off, using my paws to fight and my daws to help me jump and attack. My sharp teeth and strong jaw to playfully bite either of them. As they tackle me, I fight back. I tackle them and keep them in place.

"Aurora, no bone crunching!" I hear Warr growl.

"Sorry." I growl back.

I transformed back into my wolfire form, "I don't want anything bloody." I smiled as I was turned against them, changing into my clothes

"Your wolf abilities are as strong as always, you are big. Just like your father, like two wolves in one." Maria was panting.

"I always believed that my father is with me, that's why I am big." I joked.

"Let's test you vamp abilities." Warr suggested.

"What do you want me to do? Hunt?" I chuckled. "Bite you perhaps?"

"Telepathy, go." He commanded.

I looked at Warr to read his mind, "You desire to...sleep?" I laughed. "How baby-ish."

"So what? I'm tired, been hunting all day." He whined.

"Can't catch a prey?" I teased.

"No, just playing with them. A good chase until they die from tiredness." He answered.

"Childish." I blew raspberries as I rolled my eyes.

"Next, Aurora. Atmokinesis, go." Maria interrupted.

"Find shelter." I commanded and they hid under the shade of the big trees.

I closed my eyes and focused, soon after I felt the raindrops on me. Feeling the sudden change of the weather before I opened my eyes and fair weather came again.

"Impressive." Maria applauded. "Telekinesis, go."

I looked at the rock she was sitting on, within seconds she was floating.

"H-Hey! I did not say move me up and down like some sort of rock!" She whined.

"I'm sorry." I let out a short laugh.

"Pyrokinesis." She smirked, she knew controlling my elements, the fire and wind was my weakness. Specially fire, it was impossible to control.

"Maria.." I smiled in defeat.

"Hearing?" She asked.

"I was born with sensitive senses, I can hear Ares coming." I sat to rest and waited for a while to prove that Ares really was about to arrive.

Not long enough, Ares D'neraux emerged from the deepness of the forest.

"What is it with the howls? A fight that I'm not invited in?" He laughed as he shook his beautiful tail.

Ares, the Alpha of the howl pack. His fur was in a shade of black, the wolves from his pack had white fur on their ears and mouth. And indication of their purpose, to hear and to howl. Their eyes were of the color the same as the mother pack.

"Three against me?" I answered.

He transformed into his human form upon realizing I was there and gave curtsey. Bowed his head and bent his knees. "Aelpha Aurora."

"Alpha Ares." He stood up as soon as I acknowledge his presence.

"Forgive me, I did not know it was you they were against." He politely said.

"Oh, come on Ares. You act such a dickhead when you're alone with me." I chuckled as he walked towards me.

"I thought the way I act so dick-ly with you is a secret between both of us, you butthole." His brows furrowed. "Are you planning to get me killed?" He said as he glanced at his uncle.

"Warr D'neraux, calm down. Ares has my permission, we're friends for Old Rhieo's sake!" I smiled seeing his own uncle's threatening eyes, yellow fierce eyes. Fangs and 'ready to fight' hands.

"You are a threat, Ares. Move back." Warr firmly said.

"You are my uncle, geez." He stepped back and raised both his hands in the air.

"Fangs in, Warr." I commanded but he was firm. "Warr!"

"Disrespect is considered dangerous, Aurora." His eyes were glaring.

"Warr, don't overreact. He's Ares, a howl pack Alpha." Maria calmed him down.

Warr backed down to the warning of Maria, "Thank you." I smiled at her. "What do you want?" I turned to Ares.

"A fight has been detected further north in the community." He reported.

"You could have just howled." I rolled my eyes.

"My presence bothers you that much?" He joked.

I scoffed, "Between wolves? Animals? The wizards?" I asked.

"Between wolves." He answered as the three of them followed me towards the north side of our community. "You still believe that the wizards would live in the community you rule?" He teased after a moment of pause.

"Yes, after all, I rule this island. Every nook and cranny, every corners. Even the ones undiscovered." I playfully bragged.

"Boastful." He scoffed.

I looked at Warr's contemplating face, "You know I could tear you down in a snap, right?" I joked.

"Try me." He smirked.

"Warr?" I called.

"Aelpha Aurora, here." He answered.

"Mortem." I snapped my finger in command.

Warr's fangs showed and so did Maria's.

"Hey, hey! I was joking!" He raised his hands to surrender.

Warr was ready for my 'go signal', he was contemplating if I was sure or not.

"Warr, no one disrespects a Rhieo. Specially not a wolfire, not me, not Aurora." I smirked, not taking my stares off of Ares.

"Aelpha, agreed." He confirmed.

"Let Ares know that a Rhieo is Morti-"

"Aurora, you really want me dead?" Ares asked, pissed off.

"Warr, claws in." I commanded.

"Nope, just wanted to mess with you." I laughed patting him on the back. "No one will hurt Ares D'neraux. He is the howl pack's Alpha, he is important. And he is my friend." I glanced at Ares and back at Warr.

"Aelpha, obeyed." Warr bowed his head.

We walked further down north to locate the fighting wolves, "Pause!" I shouted and all has looked my way. All eyes were on me.

"Aelpha Aurora." Everyone spoke and curtseyed.

"What's this fight for? Kainda, Hunts? All bloody and dumb." I firmly said with an annoyed expression.

"He started it! I never would have and never will like fighting someone like him anyways!" Kainda, my bestfriend. A part of the mother pack, she's not a mother yet. She's a female.

"How did it begin?" I asked, calmly.

"He provoked me." She answered.

"What's your side, Hunts?" I asked.

"Y'know what? This is stupid." Hunts walked his way home with a bloody mouth and a scratch on his arm.

"Hunts!" Ares called. "Get back here!"

Hunts looked at his Alpha, annoyed but he had no choice than to follow.

"That's Aurora you're disrespecting, do you have a death wish?" I heard Ares whisper.

"I ask for forgiveness, Aelpha Aurora." He bowed before me.

"Forgiveness granted, Hunts." I looked at him with a straight face.

"Now tell me, how did you get into a fight with Kainda?" I asked him.

"She was being a wanker!" He reasoned.

"Enough for you to provoke her and get into a fight?" I asked.

"Yes, for sure. Now give out your punishment, I have to get somewhere." He looked away.

"Hunts, are you really that annoyed of Kainda?" I asked with my brows furrowed.

I am friends of both, Kainda and Hunts. I just don't get it why they can't keep themselves shut when they're with each other!

"I've been hearing and witnessing how you two just can't get along. With that said, for being irresponsible wolves, from this day until the next 5 full moons, both of you will work together. I must see both of you together, you both must know where the other is, that's my punishment." I firmly said.

"No way, Aurora!" Kainda walked towards me.

"Yes way, Kainda." I smiled. "Now, off you go Hunts."

We all watched as Hunts stormed off to wherever he wanted to be.

"Aurora." Kainda called, she was pissed.

"Leave me with Kainda, please." I smiled at them.

"May we all excuse ourselves, Aelpha Aurora?" Warr asked politely.

"Alpha, excused." I granted.

I waited until all of them were gone, "What did you want to say, Kainda?" I asked to tease my bestfriend.

"That was the worst punishment I've ever had from you!" She whined.

I desired to take a little walk around the long river, Kainda followed me wherever the hell I wnet.

"I know, you deserved it." I joked.

"Being with him, working, for 5 whole fucking months!?" She was clearly very pissed.

"No punishment is made to harm you, Kainda. If anyone ever dares to do so, I would kill them myself." I calmed her down. " My punishments are lessons." I smiled at her.

"Lessons my ass." She scoffed.

"The river is nice, back in the day, when my parents were still here with me. Whenever I couldn't find them around the bayou, I would find them here. In this long river." I reminisced.

"The bayou is the place were wolves gather, your home, the house your father built. It is the best place that a home would be, I couldn't think of any place here in Old Rhieo that would be a good spot for that house." She looked at the sight of the sparkling and clear river.

"How do you rule a pack, Kainda?" This was the lingering question inside my mind that I can never seem to get rid of.

"What do you mean? You are an Aelpha, Aurora." She looked at me in the eye and cupped my cheek.

"You see that's just it, I was born to be one. I am an Aelpha, but I never really knew how father ruled this pack that he left for me.

"I see, you feel pressured." She concluded.

"Indeed, I cannot even control my own Old Rhieo-given elements. Neither the wind or fire."

"It's not about that, Aurora. What's important is that you care, you are chosen to protect us and this pack." Kainda assured.

She is a wolf of her own choices, she knows what is right to do and so she does it. She doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do. Which amazed me, that's why I saw her different from all of them.

She corrects me as I ruled and made choices for the pack, and if she saw that the choice I was about to commit me was wrong, she will slap me with reality. Kainda never offended me, she was like my guardian wolf. Who teaches me and reminds me of the consequences I'd face for the choices I make.

"Do you think I'm ready for battle?" I asked her.

"Battle? Do we have enemies? That's impossible, we are unreachable by humans, vampires from the underneath the water are easy to defeat!" She panicked.

"No, not that. I meant, my parents. My father to be exact, that girl.." I was looking directly at her.

"The mystery girl who put a cursed dagger in your mother's immortal heart, and the same girl who mysteriously defeated your father?" She asked.

"Exactly." I answered.

"Do you think you are ready to fight?" She asked.

"Whatever she is, she is strong. She has powers, and its limits and capabilities are yet unknown."

"But you're not answering my question, Aurora."

"I think so." I answered.

"Then, let's find that girl. Let's start searching for her." She smiled and held my hand. "I'll be here always, to help you, no matter what."

"Thank you, Kainda."

"Where do we start?"

"The wizards and witches, they have books. Enchants, spells, talismans. We can find leads from them."

"Them? Aurora, you know the wizards are mysterious. You know they're abilities and their characteristics are still unknown to all of us! They are dangerous." She warned.

"Yes, I know Kainda. But my father has given them the ability to transform into a human form, just like he did to your kind. They are nice people, my father saw kindness in them...and if he did, so will I." I said firmly.

"Well, you're right. But, I will come with you. You'll never get to the fairy ring even if you use your super stamina and your super speed." She chuckled.

(fairy ring: a group of redwood trees growing in a circle; where the wizards and witches' community is located)

"Fine, I'll let you come. But, tonight, the full moon of the month will rise. And tomorrow at dawn, the period I'll get thirsty for human blood. I will go to the connecting cities to hunt for humans, when I return, we can start the journey." I smiled.

Returning to the bayou was comfort for me, finally, peace. Without fixing quarrels and guiding my pack. I feel a sense of comfort inside my home.

Not so far from my house was the howl pack's tent, where they spend the afternoon making campfires and cooking dinner. Singing, dancing, and telling stories to the pups.

"Would you come for dinner, Aurora?" Ares asked.

"As usual, Ares. Since when did I ever miss a dinner with your pack?" I smiled.

"I'll wait for you."

"I'm going to the city tomorrow at dawn."

"Would you listen to The Howl with me tonight?"

"Of course, I will not miss that."

I walked in through the small door and into the inside of my house, I have a deck outside, standing firm on top of the shallow waters in the bayou. A house that is so sturdy it lasted and will last for centuries.

The Howl, is what they call it. A celebration for my father's birth. The wolves were never really dependent on the lunar phases. It's just, the full moon marks the first time an Aelpha was present inside the isolated land, Old Rhieo.

"Full moon, it is again that night of the month that my powers are at the fullest." I sighed.

The dawn is the only time my mother told me to hunt, during the full moon, a vampire's thirst for human blood is at the strongest. To hunt during night time is dangerous, for we could not control our thirst and would kill many innocent humans. The dawn is the best time to quench, the sun is rising which means lesser time to hunt for preys. And at this period of the day, humans are asleep and the preys on the street are limited.

I took my brush and looked at myself on the mirror, my black hair was perfectly healthy. My pale was not too pale, for I am not a full vampire and I have not risen from the dead. My lips were red and plump, from the warmth of my blood that I inherited from my father, a wolf.

My jawline was sharp just like my father's, my nose was perfect for the size of my head, my head shape that I got from my mother. I see both of them on every angle of my face, which makes me love myself even more.

I don't desire to be anything more beautiful, nor do I desire to change anything on my face. Because my features were given by my parents, I see them in me.

"Aurora, dinner time." Ares knocked on my door.

"I'll be there!" I shouted from the inside.

I put down the comb and opened the door, seeing this beautiful wolf in front of me. Ares' face was full of warmth and happiness.

"What do we have for dinner?" I ased as we walked towards their tent.

"My pack's specialty." He answered.

"Good evening everyone! May I join you?" I asked.

"Aelpha Aurora." They bowed for curtsey.

"Have tea, Aurora." A wolf gave me a cup.

"The Howl is tonight." I reminded them.

"We stay on watch, Aurora." A beautiful wolf smiled at me.

"I am as well, but I'll be leaving later, this dawn."

"Let's eat." They gave me my dinner.

I sat down to the bench a little distant from where the others were, with my food in my hand, staring on the body of water in front of me and the sky with the full moon we await.

"May I sit?" Ares came.

"Alpha Ares, granted." I smiled at him.

"How are you?" He asked staring at me.

"I'm good, Ares. Why'd you ask?"

"You've been distant, clouded or so." He chuckled lightly.

"Have I?" I smiled at him. "If I was, I am so sorry. I never meant to do so, and I am very well."

"Yeah?" He asked to make sure.

"Yeah." I answered.

Silence has filled the air as the bayou's calm waters sparkled and the clouds slowly showed the full moon.

"Now we wait." I sighed, looking at the clouds moving away to slowly reveal the full moon.

"Are you feeling something?" Ares asked.

"Thirst, slowly growing stronger." I chuckled a little.

"Your power?" He asked.

"A growing energy, like I was not tired at all. It's as if I want to run, jump, hunt, or whatever I could do to release my energy." I explained.

"Aelpha Aurora, join us as we wait." A wolf came, gently patting my back.

"Request, granted. I'll be there." I smiled and whispered.

Ares led me to their pack and I followed, the wolves were already in a circle, watching as only a little bit of cloud is covering the moon.

All of them transformed into their wolf form, the wolves from the mother pack and the warrior pack came to join us.

"It's time." I whispered.

All of them started howling, it was like music to my ears.

I walked towards the center as all of the wolves gathered to witness, I closed my eyes and focused.

"La naissance du fils, le don, le chef. Mon père qui a sacrifié, nous nous en souvenons tous. La naissance du fils, le don, le chef. Mon père qui a sacrifié, nous nous en souvenons tous. La naissance du fils, le don, le chef. Mon père qui a sacrifié, nous nous en souvenons tous."

(The birth of the son, the gift, the leader. My father who sacrificed, we all remember.)

I chanted as they all howled, I was shining with light from the moon. Strong winds has been summoned and the circle that surrounded me has lit with fire. The wolves stepped back, as I felt the warmth of my father's embrace. A single tear fell down from the right side of eye down to my cheek.

A sign that our howl went through.

When I opened my eyes, the fire and the wind disappeared.

"Maria!" I called as I let the howl pack finish the ceremony.

I ran towards my home, a good distance from The Howl. My eyes caught Maria running towards me as I called her.

"Aelpha Aurora, here." She transformed into her human form.

"I did it! Did you see that? I summoned fire!" I exclaimed.

"I saw, congratulations, dear Aurora." She smiled and embraced me.

"I controlled the fire, I did it!" I exclaimed still surprised of whatever I did there.

"I know, I was shook but not surprise at all. I knew you could do it." She gave me a light kiss on my cheek an returned with the others.

For almost 3 centuries, we have done The Howl with only the wind. Hoping someday, I'd be able to control my fire elements.

I went inside my cabin, my home. Sleeping safe and sound, as I listen to the howls of my pack outside. I had to regain energy, as a wolfire, I get tired too. Using all those powers of mine has exhausted me.

When I awoke, the wolves has returned to their own homes. The bayou was peaceful. They all have left to rest in their own safe places just around the small community we all have agreed on to keep the wolves in one place.

I got ready to jump from this island to another, walking through the forest.

As I was walking, bright trees helped me see my way. It was because of the ray of the sun. I am a wolfire, the sun doesn't affect me.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun." I smiled.

Now I can see the dark forest, the outer layer of our land. I ran as fast as I could, and not even a second, I was now outside the layer. I see the connecting cities from where I was.

"Laisse moi passer."

(Let me through.)

I whispered and waved my hand. A what was once an invisible bridge made out of dirt and bushes was now visible to the creatures living in my land. As far as I know, only I, has knowledge to the chant used to open this door.

To be honest, the island is near the other islands, yet it is magical. It has a magical illusion that makes it seem far and unreachable. That whoever tries to get inside will never succeed, for they will think that the island is near, but as they sail farther, the island looks like it's moving away from them.

I walked for a little and reached the humans' land in no time, it's dawn, it's my time.

I smell the blood of humans, I never thought I'd miss hunting this much. I stood on stand by, watching whenever early, morning people goes out of their homes.

I smiled when I saw a useless thug, smoking weed, right around the hidden corner. It's my den, mom taught me that this area is where food usually serve themselves to us.

"Weed, this early?" I scoffed and zoomed my way towards him. "Hey!" I called.

"A chick, you want to smoke?" He asked.

"I want to eat." I firmly said.

"I'm a three-course meal." He smirked showing off his incredible fat body.

"Oh, I know." I seductively said, pushing his back onto the wall. Holding his neck into place.

"We can do it in my place." He held my shoulder.

I took his hand and pushed it back onto the wall as well, holding him without any chances of fighting back.

"No, I'd certainly want to do it now." I sarcastically answered.

"I'm down!" He smiled.

"Oh, you are so, so down." I smiled and without any given chances of escape I bit his neck and sipped out the blood I have been craving for, for weeks!

"De~licious." I smiled and let him bleed to death.

I was about to head home, my quest is done, I don't need any other victims. When suddenly I heard shouting,

"Stop, stop! Please!"

I turned around to see a man, holding her, I believe they call it forced intimacy.

"Oh, fuckers." I sighed and zoomed across the street. Holding his neck, choking him...not really.

"Who...are...you?" He said struggling for his life.

I let go of him, "Lucky you. I prefer alive humans, your blood is luscious when alive."

He was choking, "Dramatic." I joked with a straight face. "You." I pointed at the poor woman.

"Yeah?" She was gasping for her breath.

"Run." I commanded.

She ran off like a poor duck that escaped from the boiling pot.

"And, you." My attention went to the smelly man.

"What?" He asked, looking so mean.

"Die." I bit his neck as he screamed for help. When I let go, I wiped my mouth with his blood stain.

"Why does it taste better when they scream for help when I bite them?" I joked and walked away.

"Aurora!" I heard someone call me.

I smiled, recognizing the man's voice.

"Vexon!" I ran towards him, he gave me a light kiss on my lips. "I missed you."

"So did I." He smiled and embraced me. "Two victims, huh?" He smiled.

"It was supposed to be one, but this bastard has hit a nerve." I chuckled.

"Where are you headed now?" He asked.

"Home." I answered.

"That quick?"

"Vex, you know I can't stay." I sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry." He smiled tightly.

"Walk away before anyone else sees you with this corpse laying here." I kicked the douche bag's body.

"I will, when you leave." He smiled.

"I'm going then." I smiled before giving him a light kiss.

"Take care." He smiled.

I waved my hand, "Laisse moi passer."

"Bye, love." He smiled.

"Good bye." I walked and returned home before anyone else in the island wakes up.

When I returned to the bayou, I saw Ares leaving my cabin.

"Ares?" I asked.

"You're back, I just checked if you have returned." He explained.

"I just got back, two useless munchkins for the month." I joked.

"It took you longer than it should have." He whispered.

"I'm sorry, I should have been back here before anyone else was awake." I apologized.

"No worries, I understand." He smiled at me. "You met your human lover, right?"

"Y-yes, I have. I won't be late again next time." How irresponsible of me to be late because of dumb reasons.

"No, it's okay. I checked around the community for you. I knew he'd be waiting, I thought you'd arrive even later than you did. So I did your morning tasks for you."

"You didn't have to-"

"Vexon surely missed you, and that feeling is mutual for you, isn't it?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you for fulfilling my tasks for me. You sure are a reliable friend." I was smiling so wide, tapping his shoulder before going back inside my cabin.

"Reliable friend." He repeated before walking away.