

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Leap of Faith

"What do I do? What do I do?!.....That's it!" Robert had saw something peculiar to where he headed towards and grabbed instantly, it was a rusted wheelbarrow with one small wheel that was broken, it made scratches so loud that it would let the whole world know of it, to rub it in, the wheelbarrow didnt even contain its handle, Robert started panicking even more and started looking around in the hospital or in the surroundings in hopes of fixing the wheelbarrow or finding something seperate that could help him instead but unfortunately, he couldn't find anything, and was left clueless on what to do as his friends were taking their last breaths, his heart beat became louder to him, and his vision became teary. "I have to find something!" He kept saying to himself over and over until......


"Where am I? Is this the hospital....uhh....why am I in the bed again?.....Wait, was that.....my precognition?" He jumps out of the bed and screams in pain but doesn't let it stop him and keeps running to get to where he was once again, he goes by the corpse and the spilled blood and gets back to the broken door, where he finds the collapsed bodies of his friends once again, and there was Woods calling out to him "Rob...here", Robert had realized what was happening but this realization didn't fell short as it gave him the idea for how to save his friends, "MY POWER, maybe I can use it to help them, but how though. Whenever I use this thing, either I am able to interact with people, or I can't interact with people, I don't even know how to use it at will, they say headaches or pain is sign it will happen but sometimes it happens after or sometimes it happens before, sometimes it doesn't even happen, do I access the power in my dreams or do I access it in real time, as whenever I have used it, I've either been in bed or collapsed, Ah! How can I make this happen?"

"Robert...." A raspy and faint voice was continuosly calling out Robert who was busy in his own thoughts, until he finally noticed, "Woods! I know what's happening, so calm down and relax, you don't need to explain it to me, I have seen this before through my precognition, and I will try to find a way to get you guys to the the doc so shut up for the moment."

"Alright, I still don't know how this fully works but there's one thing that's certain, when I first used this power, the time when I was out with the Lawsons, and the son had given me money to buy that kid's ice cream, it was right then when the sign fell on me and I awoke again in my room, but...this time....with the money that I didn't have before, one more thing I have noticed, evrybody who has observed this ability says the sign it will occur is headaches or pain, now that might be true but it's not all; everytime I wake up after using the power is due to either dying or panicking, right when I met that thing in the lab, it had stomped me, also when the sign fell on me, and this time when I couldn't save them and started panicking. And this is just a hypothesis, maybe if I were to do these things on purpose, I might be able to trigger it; I know it's somethig very, very, very foolish and it could cost me my life but its better for one person dying instead of more than one. So let's think of ways to die shall we....."

His heart beat starts to raise even more but he couldn't help it and tried to control it, he had faced real fear before, he has died thrice in his life and somehow got back, but everytime, his weakness revealed itself and it made him realize how fragile humans are, how mortal humans are, once they die for real, they will never come back, and this was the same for Robert who believed that the chance he was given surely wasn't to be given again. This single thought had motivated him to keep living as much as he could but now in this situation, he is driven to die by himself.

"Don't panic, relax, take deep breaths, this is to save them...." Robert looks up and closes his eyes, constantly breathing in and out, but when he opened his eyes, he saw what could be his potential paradise, or his awaiting hell, "Dear God, why did I have to look up?"

His feet were trembling, and his teeth were shivering, he was walking up on a narrow and cramped staircase, it was a long one at that as no matter how fast Robert worked his feet there was always one more stair to climb. "*Sigh* I made it," He collapsed on the floor while sweating and breathing vigurously, "I wonder if Woods and all are still alive, well it's kind of good for me if this doesn't work, I mean, if I die and they die too, I won't have to live with the regret, and show my face to everyone, of not being able to save them. And if it works, that's in itself, another miracle, what am I waiting for, let's die already......."

"Okay, here this goes........wait....have I even thought of what will I do, I mean, all that time, I was wasting on the wheelbarrow, and now I say I will use my power to do what exactly, I reviewed every possible thing that could happen through this power, how will I even put it to use...think...think....think now.......THE SHIP...Yes, the ship, I know that whatever I hold onto in that time stays with me when I come back, but does that same policy apply to people, if I were to take hold of the captain at the moment, will I be able to take him with me. Then they would either have to find someone else and that would certainly take time or take some other means of transport, but from what I could remember, their are no airports nor a railway in this city, so the harbour is their only choice. If taking hold of the captain doesn't work, I might just have to muster up courage and die again, I mean if I do it once, I can probably do it again...right?"

"Let's not blabber around too much. Right now, I just need to succeed in this, what happends then will be of concern then...alright...here it goes..."

Robert plants his hands on the floor, in a straight alignment, shoulder width apart, with his back and head also aligned, his feet, he placed to his advantage, to run the fastest and take the biggest jump he could, then he closed his eyes to fully embrace the moment and not chicken out. And off he went, crossing the ledge, floating in the sky for a millisecond, right above his friends now dead corpses, and soon gravity started its work. Robert did not scream, of course he was nervous and shaking, but this was what he had to do to save his friends.......



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