

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Givers and Takers

Coughing, vomiting, weakness, weight loss, nausea, poor appetite, itching, cramps, swelling. All of that, I had to endure all of that. I was never thought of any 'hope' or 'treatment', I treated this like punishment, punishment for my sins in my old life, so I accepted it, and invited it with a smile, atleast this would let me feel enough pain to match the centuries of pain I incurred on the people victim to the 'little boy'.

"Robert.....These are the list of the medical records of the people, who are willing to donate for you. We just need one to match your blood group and other circumstances and its done, you'll be back to 'normal'."

"Normal? You say.....?"

Ever since I came here, I have seen nothing out of the ordinary; in my old life, I was definitely abnormal and not like the average man, but coming here, have I felt any different? It's almost like the situation has turned itself upside down, even though now everyone around me had gotten abnormal, and I was left ordinary just like others, it still became apparent that I was the one who's the odd one out, just like before, when I couldn't share my worries, my troubles, my thoughts, my problems, it's not any different now; who was going to understand all my 'crap', who was going to show empathy, nobody can relate or show compassion towards this messed up life. It was merely not 'possible' for me to keep any hope.

"Doc, do you really think, people would want to save someone like 'me', they don't know the real 'me', I would give them needless pain; forget it Doc, just leave me be like this, I've lived enough, and I mean 'enough'."



*cough cough*


"That's the point...you fool, I've tried and tried, all of these months, until my legs weren't able to stand, I tried to look for a treatment, 'for you', I don't think you realize what you have done for these people....Robert, they claim that 'YOU' saved them, I don't know what you have been through nor do I need to know, what matters is that these people are in your debt, and they are acquiescent to do something that could very well result in pain or even 'death'. So you are going to do this, no matter what, and after you do, that time I'll slap you for real."


I know that if I had asked help from the Guru, he would have been able to search for a donor and plan an expensive surgery without any effort, but doing this with the Doc, it feel's more fulfilling, and now I would be in even more debt to him.

"Alright, these are all the medical records I obtained...Now just need to select only one suitable donor, let them know, and plan the surgery, seems simple, doesn't it?"

"Don't you just have one measly clinic, how are you going to manage the whole surgery planning."

"Oh you dare underestimate me, don't worry, I have my 'connections', and don't call my clinic measly."

All of these months I had seen the Doc nothing but anxious and inundated with tension, but finally he had wore a smile, and so did I, as much as I had hoped to spend more jolly times with the palmer residence, after this surgery, I have to take on that mission, for the sake of the whole world, I have to find a new resolve, I have to defeat Radiant.

"Hey Robert, it's time to ask the million Roland question-"

"Million Roland question?" 

"Oh deary me, have you never seen the show, 'Who wants to be a Millionaire'?"

"Not that I recall of, no."

"My my, we need to work on your memory loss situation son, but nevermind that now, tell me, 'What's your blood group?'"

Unbeknownst to what was about to about to come, I calmly say to the Doctor: "AB."



"Yes, I'm pretty sure I said it clear, "AB."

"This is amazing, when I didn't think it could get any better, Robert, if a recipients blood type is AB, they are pretty much compatable with any other blood type, and specially if they lack antibodies to fight against the antigens of blood types A and B. So out of these 24 people, we just need to jot out the one's with blood type A+ or B+!"

I was not too well versed on my medical knowledge, but it sounded like the Doc was quite estatic, so it must have been good.


"So it's finally going to happen, eh...."


Out of the 24, there came only 11 with the blood group A+ and B+. And those indivisuals are:

'Brandon Lee: Age: 22 Blood Type-A+'

'Obadiah Andrews Age: 29 Blood Type-A+'

'Sibley Kelley Age: 19 Blood Type-A+'

'Harding Coleman Age: 36 Blood Type-B+'

'Elena Hampton Age: 37 Blood Type-B+'

'Jerome Parsons Age: 53 Blood Type-A+'

'Ulva Parsons Age: 62 Blood Type-B+'

'Danielle Walker Age: 28 Blood Type-A+'

'Angella Kirk Age: 26 Blood Type-B+'

'Pamela Simon Age: 33 Blood Type-B+'

'Earl Kelley Age: 20 Blood Type-B+'

"If I had to tell you Robert, I would recommend Brandon Lee, he's a good kid, he's young, healthy, cooperative and understanding, he fits the role perfectly."

"If you say so Doc, hey, I will trust you till the 'end of times', so whatever you say, I will do."

"...Thank you Robert."


The Doc would go on to contact his supposed 'connections', the people of See Green City were notified of the situation. A few days later we were even ready to set a date for the surgery, there was just one problem.

"Robert, you are well aware that all the expenses spended throughout this whole procedure, and that I'm the one who's going to handle that all and later you are going to repay the loan taking as much time you need, I know you that you know that, but, a problem has risen. The transportation of the donor, 4600 miles away."

The Doc certainly had contacts at See Green whom he could approach for the surgery, and we all could have moved there temporarily as it would have been easier for us to go where the donor was rather than the donor coming to us, but, that was not possible because of my deteorating health, so our only option was to transport the donor to us. However....a problem arose there aswell, apparently Brandon was fixated on everybody coming to Oceanica to meet me and witness my treatment, I was of course, very moved and touched that someone would go to such circumstances for a person like me, although this was a matter of economics, the Doc was not financially capable of transporting 40'ish or so people in an aircraft from that afar. And now we had hit a roadblock.

"I'm going to have to convince him, he should oblige soon enough if I explain the situation to him thoroughly-"

"No Doc, we need to honor his wishes, when he's willing to sacrifice this much, we should atleast comply with his requests. Besides, I think I might know someone who could be of help, he's a bit hard to get through though but with your communicative skills and my...my 'presence', he would melt like butter."


"So you're the infamous 'Dr. Rafael Palmer' I presume?"

"Infamous? Someone's been quite talkative haven't they." The Doc glares at me sarcastically.

"It's a honour to meet you Mr. Guru, I-"

"Just Guru would be fine, and I already know what you want."

I wasn't surprised but the Doc put on a shocked expression, 'How-"

"I have my, 'connections'." The Guru said while smirking, then continued, "Unfortunately, I will not be able to help."

"WHAT!!" "WHAT!!"

"You heard me, I won't help, I offered it before, but someone wasn't so keen on accepting and acted rather crude to an elderly."

"If you don't mind, 'Guru', may I remind you that this man is of use to you, and besides for someone who is elderly and is supposed to be 'wise', I think you have forgotten what 'assessing the situation' means; you randomly show up in this man's life and hand him the responsibility of a very unsafe mission that has a high probability of 'death' and you then expect him to trust you more than a person whom has helped him 'a lot'. Tell me who's more crude here, 'Guru'. And I hear your quite a pious person, have you also forgotten the teachings of the Goddess of Mercy: Guanyin, have you no compassion Guru."

As expected, the doctor was a genius in persuasion.

"Child.....Are you mocking me...."

An ominous aura started oozing from the Guru that sent shivers down the spine of everyone present, except...


The atmosphere finally calmed and the Guru started speaking, "Very well, although it doesn't change my anger, I shall accept your plea."


"We sure did Robert."


"Guru, may I ask why you accepted those indisciplined and misbehaved commoner's request?"

"Those eyes my child, those eyes were of someone who stood firm and strong in his resolve, now I see why Robert trusts this man."