
Mortal Soul

Inna is a woman who had a mission. To kill the gods, that was her mission. She had spent the last millenia trying to accomplish this task. Inna is no typical moral, no. She's directly connected to the void. A void-child, if you will. Not many know what that means, but those who do, well, they're scared. Ever wonder what happens when one does accomplish their goal? Because Inna did. She killed almost all of the gods that had somehow pissed her off. She had expected the multiverse to implode, or maybe for everything to stop. Clearly, it didn't. What happens when an adventure ends, and the evil gods are dead? Well, Inna sure as hell doesn't know. Update: 1/7/2023-Writing schedule is chaotic, because work sucks. I also don't know in which direction this novel will entirely go, so it may come across more like a slice of life, though there may be a bit more action scenes than one normally has in those types of stories. PSA: there are large LGBTQ themes in this book, and will run throughout the whole book. If that angers you, then read something else. *Cover is not mine, say something if you want it removed.*

Rhasha_Trulin · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Day One

"Well, Inna, it's nice to meet you. Hopefully, we have a wonderful time here." Ember spoke as she began heading to her room. The living space was very simplistic. The floors were hard wood, and the walls were painted a soft white. The room itself was a square shape, and aside from a small sofa, it was pretty empty. On each side of the living space, there was a door, which lead into the respective bedrooms.

The rooms were painted white, and the bedsheets were all white. Everything was extremely bright. It made Inna feel uneasy, and she had the feeling that she might not have been alone in that feeling, judging from Ember's currently grimacing face, at least.

Inna strode forward into her bedroom. Inky darkness began to swirl around her arms. She held her arms out as she smirked. "Let's get rid of this brightness." The Inky darkness lashed out at everything white within her room. In mere seconds, her room had turned from an all white color scheme, to a black so dark it was difficult to see anything. Not even the windows were spared this treatment, as they were painted over. The windows no longer allowed any sunlight into the room, and the bedsheets became black, though they were still tinged with gold accents. Inna's room was now a pitch black void. She smiled in satisfaction as she entered.

Ember watched on, absolutely dumbfounded, as Inna's room turned from a pure, innocent white, to a dark, pitch black void. It took her awhile before she recovered, but when she finally did, Ember entered her room and began putting her things away. She was preparing herself for the next couple of years as she thought to herself, 'My roommate is very peculiar'.

With the introduction day completed, and the two of them having met each other, Ember and Inna had decided to rest until the first day of class.


Inna sat at the back of the classroom. Her feet were propped up on the desk. She was wearing a black tank-top and dark jeans. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, and she wore black combat boots. She had a pair of sunglasses on for added effect. Inna didn't actually possess clothes. Instead, she manifested them with her own power. Her look was picked up from one of the worlds she had previously been to.

Inna was one of the first to arrive, and Ember followed soon after. Ember wore a green and white robe that seemed to have been modified for physical activity. When the rest of the students began showing up, they all wore clothes similar to Ember's. Inna was the only one who stood out.

Shortly after Inna propped her feet up and finally began to relax, a young man with blonde hair entered. Alongside him was a taller man brown haired man, and a girl who was a tad bit too close to the blonde haired man. Inna frowned when they entered. She had seen people like them one too many times; the ever-present "Hero" type. They were just as bad as the villain type; at least in her opinion they were. She clicked her tongue as they approached the first row and sat down, right next to Ember. She had fully expected them to bother her, but that wasn't the case. Inwardly, she was slightly relieved. Ember and the trio began chatting, as if they were old friends, which Inna definitely took note of.

Inna sat in silence, until, eventually, an older man entered. He wore pure white robes, and had a full head of salt and pepper colored hair, a testament to his age. His face was full of wrinkles and laugh lines. Inna didn't bother to move, even when he entered. He frowned slightly as he glanced around the room. After a few moments, he began speaking. "I am Mr. Kaulo (pronounced: Kowl-O). I will be teaching the theoretical lessons, and Ms. Sersk (pronounced: Sirsk) will teach the combat lessons. Any questions before we begin?"

No one raised their hand, even as he waited. Eventually, he began his long and boring lecture on the history of soul powers. Inna had knew all of this and more. She nearly fell asleep multiple times, which garnered Mr. Kaulo's annoyed glares each time. Eventually, he abruptly cut his lecture off and looked up towards Inna.

His voice oozed sarcasm, and was filled with annoyance. "Miss. Is something boring you? Perhaps you should be taking notes to keep yourself awake. After-all, you need to know all of this."

Inna looked down as the sunglasses disappeared into thin air. Her voice was filled with confidence, an unwavering truth. As if Inna was merely speaking absolute truth, she spoke. "Yes, it is boring. I know most, if not the entire history of souls. I doubt there's anything you could ask me that I wouldn't know. If you did manage to ask such a question, I would be truly shocked."

Mr. Kaulo frowned at that response. He had dealt with people like this before, but never one so confident. He frowned slightly as he thought of a question. "If you can answer this, I won't bother you for the rest of the time in my class. Who created the various souls? What are the different types, and what happens to one's soul should their power be stolen, or destroyed?"

Inna paused, seemingly considering the question. "The person, or entity, who created the souls is entirely unknown. Although, it is estimated that maybe a primordial being, or a higher ranked God had done so. Perhaps the first god, even. As for the various types?" Inna raised an open palm as a pitch black dagger formed, floating above her palm. All eyes were now trained on her, focused with an intense curiosity. She began speaking. "Physical, Versatile, and magical. Those are the three types, well, the three most common types at least. There are in fact two more. Anyway, Physical soul powers manifest as something physical. A weapon, a beastial transformation, natural weapons, Etc. They usually grant the user a modicum of additional strength, speed and vitality, allowing them to wield such weapons more efficiently."

The black dagger floating above her palm began to shift. It transformed into a pitch black lightning bolt that danced around her palm. Again, she began 'her' lecture. "Magical manifestation is just as it says, magical. They grant the user the ability to cast spells. Any magical wielder can use specific spells, called general spells. Most of the time, the spellcasting is focused around a specific element, but that's not always the case." The lightning bolt in her palm began to shift, before long, it had changed from a pitch black lightning bolt, to a small black flame, and finally, to a dark viscous liquid."

Inna began speaking again. "Then there are the versatile users. People who wield both magic and a physical manifestation." The viscous liquid in her palm morphed back into a pitch black dagger. The blade of which was then lit with an eerie black flame. "Versatile souls are considered extremely rare. but even more elusive are the other two types."

Inna continued, her face was plastered with a grin. The longer she continued, the more stunned Mr. Kaulo became. "The Null, and the Augmentation are the final two types. Null type souls can extinguish any soul power within their presence, though that's usually limited by their strength. For example, an exceptionally strong Null could extinguish any soul power within 30 feet of themselves, while an inexperienced one might be limited to, say 10 feet." The black dagger in her hand was suddenly snuffed out, as her palm closed around it. She continued: "The augmentation are by far the most rare type. An augmentor can either copy or enhance one's abilities, making themselves, or someone else exceptionally strong. Though, this does come at a cost. It might be blood, or even years of their life. Regardless, the cost is always different for every Augmentor. Any more questions, Mr. Kaulo?"

yay! first chapter of the weekend! :D

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