
Morgan, there's something wrong with you!,

I am King Lot, the guy whose wife is particularly famous (Morgan) and whose children are also famous (Gawain, Gareth...) Unfortunately, my family does not have a good ending. In order to avoid this fate of teasing people. I decided to eat and wait to die. As long as you don't seek death, you won't die. ……………………………………………………………… .................. My name is Morgan and I just want my status. I thought my marriage would be nothing more than a political deal. But I didn't expect that I could actually hear my husband's voice. [Morgan, she still doesn’t know that the future throne does not belong to her but to her sister. ] [Unfortunately, King Arthur is just a guy who only knows war but not governance. 】 【Development is the last word. Productivity is fundamental. ] ... Lott: So, why did my wife Morgan become a **? Support Me: patreon.com/Nox_Hollow

Nox_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 5

The next morning, Lott and Morgan both got up early.

Yesterday I met my future husband (wife) for the first time, and I was very satisfied with her from the first impression. This state of excitement prevented them from sleeping well that night.

However, both of them are young people. Morgan is an excellent magician, and Lott is also very good as a knight. They did not sleep well this night, which is nothing to them.

Lott happened to meet Morgan when he got up in the morning.

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Morgan saw his expression, and there was some curiosity on his face.

what happened to him?

At the same time, that feeling came over her again.

As long as you think about it, you can definitely hear what Lott is thinking.

Well, three sentences, right? Then I'll try it first.

Morgan began to listen.

[Should you give that thing as a gift to Morgan? It's so confusing! ]

Um? what?

Looking at Lott, Morgan thought in his mind.

Is there something he wants to give me? But sorry?

Is this guy unexpectedly innocent?

Morgan thought of the other noble boys in Camelot and immediately made a comparison.

Then, a conclusion was drawn.

Those other nobles of Camelot.

Not only is he inferior to Lott in terms of appearance, but also in terms of feelings, there is no way he can compare with Lott.

Well, in terms of politics, he has extremely superb abilities, but in terms of emotions, he is just a blank piece of paper.

Such a person is so cute.

Seeing Lot like this, Morgan began to look like he and he were sitting on the throne of Camelot together.

Yes, Morgan has never given up his intention to become the Lord of Camelot or even Britain.

Even if Lott said that she still had a sister in this world, she would not change her mind at all.

Sister, the water on this throne is too deep for you to grasp. It's better to leave it to my sister. My sister is older and has more to bear.

She wanted to ask Lott directly about what kind of existence her sister was, but in order to avoid asking Merlin and Lott directly, Morgan decided to chat with Lott first and then talk to Lott.

"Good morning, His Majesty the King of Orkney." Morgan saluted Lott.

"Well, morning." Lott nodded. Then he said to Morgan with some embarrassment: "Morgan, you'd better not call me Your Majesty. From now on, you'd better just call me Lot."

Lott was not very willing to have others call him Your Majesty.

Mainly it's embarrassing.

The territory is not as big as a city in the previous life. As for the population, it is even rarer. And with such a small amount of land and people, you dare to call yourself king.

Lott only felt like a frog sitting at the bottom of a well.

"Well, I understand."

Morgan did not eavesdrop on this psychological activity.

After all, there are only two chances left today.

"Well, let's take a bold guess. Does Lott feel that his position is not worthy of his character, so he said this? Well, it seems that his ambition is really not small."

Morgan speculated in his mind.

Immediately, she thought for a moment, then showed a curious expression on her face, and said casually to Lott: "By the way, Lott, what do you think of the Kingdom of Camelot? I'm still a little curious. of."

"Under the leadership of King Uther, Camelot defeated countless enemies and made the kingdom of Camelot prosperous. His achievements are unmatched by anyone. I believe that King Uther will be able to unify the entire British continent in the future. "

Lott thought for a moment, then spoke to Morgan.

Well, those are just compliments.

Morgan narrowed his eyes and looked at Lot.

[This time, I will give my future father-in-law some face and give him a hard blow first, so that he will not marry his daughter to me...

Morgan began to listen to Lot's heart. After hearing the first half of the sentence, Morgan couldn't help but want to laugh.

What kind of soul does this guy hide behind his serious appearance?

Morgan continued to listen to the second half of Lott's sentence.

...Sigh, but in reality, King Uther only knew how to fight. As for other things, I don't know at all. After many years of war, King Uther has been winning more and losing less, but the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, while Camelot's strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the people's life is getting worse and worse. In my opinion, Camelot is in danger. ]

Hearing Lott's thoughts, Morgan remained silent.

Regarding this matter, although Morgan said that he felt that what Lotna said was a bit alarmist, after thinking about it, he realized that there was not much wrong with what he said.

Camelot first experienced a palace coup. When his father and uncle finally regained the throne, his uncle also passed away early, and his father succeeded to the throne and led Camelot to be strong. On the surface, Camelot is indeed prosperous, but the number of enemies is becoming more and more numerous.

If it is not easy, Camelot will be in the abyss of eternal destruction.

Therefore, Lott can clearly see the crisis behind this fiery appearance. The political level is really very strong.

Morgan admired in his heart.

Then, she sighed softly and said to Lott, imitating the tone in Lott's heart: "But in my opinion, Camelot is in deep crisis in this prosperous age. I don't know, Lott What do you think about these things? Do you have any good solutions?"

Hearing her say this, Lott's pupils slightly dilated, looking a little surprised.

Did this Morgan actually think of the same place as me?

Lott was slightly surprised.

No, she might be testing me.

As a marriage partner, she is the link between me and her father, King Uther. If I go to tell her something about what King Uther did wrong, then maybe she will secretly report it to her father.

"Your Highness, I am a little king who only knows how to stay in my own castle. How could I know about King Uther?"

Lott thought for a moment, and then said to Lott very cautiously.


Morgan heard Lott say this and looked at his expression, knowing that this guy was not telling the truth at all.

Morgan was a little angry.

In my heart, I wanted to stretch out my small fist and hit Lott on the head several times.

I wanted to ask you about it, but you hid it from me.

Humph, Lot, you are so dishonest.

Morgan glanced sideways at Lot.

"Our enemies are getting more and more. My father has won many battles for so many years. However, our enemies in Camelot have also become more and more powerful. Not to mention other things, it is my uncle. , the humble King Vortigern, and the Saxons are all a very troublesome matter."

She said to Lot.

"This, I believe that with His Majesty King Uther's foresight, we will definitely win the final victory."

Lott said to Morgan with a dry smile.

[Victory is a hammer. Do you know that the war will be won every day? They are all a bunch of idiots! War is a continuation of politics. You know how to fight every day. If this continues, it will be strange that the country's economy will not be poor.

Let alone a more high-end financial and economic war, there is not even a minimum farming war system. Britain has very little land, and you have left it desolate. How can it continue like this? If I were the king of Camelot, I would just start rewarding farming wars.

Moreover, farming is more important than war. Giving nobles to those farmers who are good at farming... This is unrealistic, but even officials at all levels can flock to them. As long as food production increases, it will become very convenient to wage war. It wouldn't be much easier to develop first and then deal with the humble king. ]

Taking advantage of the third opportunity today, Morgan listened to Lott's voice.

"Well, I also believe in my father, and I believe that he will definitely win the final victory."

Then the smile on her face remained unchanged.

But he was cursing secretly in his heart.

Okay, Lott, you actually called us fools, I will remember this account for you.

I'm a very vindictive person.

I will definitely return it in the future.

But putting this sentence aside, Morgan found that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

They always only think about war, but they rarely think about why they want to go to war. At first it was because of hatred between the country and the family, but later he just wanted to protect this piece of British land.

They have only one purpose of defeating the enemy.

What about the others?

Is war a continuation of politics?

Do you start a war to achieve political goals?

Morgan sensed something made sense, but wasn't entirely sure.

But she remembered the second item that Lott thought of very clearly.

Reward farming battles.

Especially to develop farming.

Morgan also knows that fighting requires great logistics. How many times her father, King Uther, sent troops, but they ended up being in vain due to logistical issues.

Regarding the previous methods, King Uther's solution was to collect more taxes from the farmers.

However, farmers did not have much food left.

King Uther also knew that he could not really take away all the farmers' seeds.

So logistical issues have always been a big problem in Camelot.

Now, Lott's approach seems like a very good idea.

We reward farming. As long as farmers work hard to cultivate the land, they can obtain official positions. Then, they will definitely try their best to reclaim and cultivate land for us.

Well, in this way, after I obtain the throne of Camelot in the future, I can easily gather more armies and defeat King Bei and the others.

I'll tell Merlin later and ask him to tell my father quickly.

It seems that this Lott is really capable.

It's just that this mouth is not very good.

Lott didn't know at this moment that he had already been severely marked by Morgan.

He thought he could get away with his casual words.

"We are ready to leave now. I will direct my men to leave. You and Imperial Master Merlin should also prepare early. We still have a way to go."

He said to Morgan.


Morgan nodded slightly.

Watching Lott walk away, Morgan thought for a moment, then turned around and went to find Merlin.

When they arrived at Merlin's tent, before Morgan could ask, Merlin dressed in white had already walked out.

"Your Highness, if you don't go to communicate with your fiancé this morning, why did you come to me anyway?"

He said to Morgan.

"I think you have been secretly observing us for a long time. You must know my intention of coming here."

Morgan looked at Merlin's expression and immediately wanted to call Lott back and beat him up with the two of them.

"I really don't know about this. Your Royal Highness, King Lot is a very special being."