

Romantic moment of two special lovers Morena and Daniel, Morena is always saved/protected/innocent, because of her clean hands in everything she does. but a girl named Cecilia is always ready to make things fall apart the evil doer. check or read below is beloved morena be saved from Cecilia trap?

Ibitoye_Timileyin · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 21

(That evening)

(Morena returns home)

Morena: Good evening uncle.

Uncle Roberto: Welcome back Morena, How was work today?

Morena: It was alright.

Uncle Roberto: Go and freshen up then you can have dinner. Prawns and cocktail.

Morena: Uncle, I'm really allergic to prawns.

Uncle Roberto: Ohhh, Well then, Your aunt is making lasagna, You can go have some later.

Morena: Alright sir.

(Meanwhile, In the kitchen, Aunt Maria eavesdrop on their conversation)

Aunt Maria: So that girl is allergic to prawns? Perfect!

(She takes some prawns, grinds it very well then pours it in the lasagna)

(That night)

Uncle Roberto: So Morena, I wanted to ask you something about the restaurant you work in?

Morena: Go ahead uncle.

Uncle Roberto: How is the restaurant? Is it productive?

Morena: Yes sir, it is. We get numerous clients daily.

Uncle Roberto: How about your colleagues? You do relate with them very well, Right?

Morena: Hmm...All except one.

Uncle Roberto: Who?

Morena: Cecilia. She's a thorn in the flesh. Ever since I got a job at the restaurant, She never liked me.

Uncle Roberto: Well, I'll advise you to ignore her and focus on your work. Everywhere you go, You must surely meet both good and bad people. It's impossible for everyone to like you.

Morena: Yes Uncle, I'm aware.

(Aunt Maria enters the dining room)

Aunt Maria: Dinner's ready.

Uncle Roberto: Yay!

Aunt Maria: (shouts) Juan! Juanita! Come down for dinner!!!

(Juan & Juanita enter the dining room and Aunt Maria serves them the lasagna)

Morena: (takes a bite) Aunt, It's so delicious.

Aunt Maria: (fakes smiles) Hmmm...

Morena: So Uncle, As I was saying.... (coughs)

Uncle Roberto: Are you okay?

Morena: Yeah, I think so

Uncle Roberto: Sorry. Maybe we'll continue with our conversation later, You shouldn't talk while eating.

Morena: Ok sir (she coughs harder)

Uncle Roberto: Morena, What's wrong?

(She begins to cough uncontrollably)

Uncle Roberto: Juan, Bring her a glass of water!

(Juan does as instructed and gives her a glass of water and she gulps it down)

Morena: Thanks. (She looks at her hand and notices rashes) Oh my God...

(Aunt Maria smiles in satisfaction)

Juan: (shocked) What's happening?

Juanita: As you can see, It's rashes.

Morena: It's itchy!!! (screams) AHHHH!!!!

Uncle Roberto: Sorry!!!

(Morena starts scratching her hand uncontrollably)

Uncle Roberto: (To Aunt Maria) Call Dr Hector, Now!

Aunt Maria: Ok darling (fakes sadness) Ohhh, Poor Morena...

(Later that night)

Uncle Roberto: So Doctor, How is she?

Dr Hector: It's alright sir, It's just a minor problem. She ate a food that she was allergic to that's why she was coughing but she'll be fine.

Uncle Roberto: Thank you very much Doctor.

Dr Hector: (smiles) I'm just doing my job.

Uncle: We really appreciate.

Dr Hector: I should be on my way now, Sir. Goodnight.

(He leaves the house)

Uncle Roberto: Sorry Morena. Maybe you're allergic to one of the ingredients in the lasagna.

Morena: Probably.

Juan: (hugs her) I'm glad you're okay.

Aunt Maria: Me too. I was so scared.

Uncle Roberto: Get well soon...

Morena: Thanks.

Uncle Roberto: (to the others) We should leave her to rest. (To Morena) Goodnight.

Morena: Goodnight uncle.


(Next Morning)

Morena: Good morning uncle.

Uncle Roberto: Morning Morena, How're you feeling now?

Morena: I feel a lot better. Thanks.

Uncle Roberto: Just be careful of what you eat from now on.

Morena: Yes sir.

Uncle Roberto: Take this for transport... (He gives her $100)

Morena: (suprised) $100? (She hugs him) I'm really grateful sir.

(Later that day)

(At Chuks restaurant)

(Mr Rodriguez enters the kitchen)

Mr Rodriguez: Andrew, Where's everyone?

Andrew: They're not here sir.

Mr Rodriguez: I can see that they're not here! I meant where did they go?!!!

Andrew: Morena & Nina went out for deliveries, Daniel, Cecilia & Alicia went to get more food items and today's Rafael's day off.

Mr Rodriguez: Alright then, I'm really hungry. Make me French fries and toast... I don't want them soft, When you're done, Bring it to my office.

Andrew: Okay sir.

(Andrew makes the food and goes to give Mr Rodriguez)

Andrew: Here's your food sir.

Mr Rodriguez: I hope it's not soft?

Andrew: No Sir. I made them hard.

Mr Rodriguez: Good.

(Andrew leaves his office and returns to the kitchen)

Andrew: Morena, Nina. You're back already?

Nina: Yup.

Morena: You made food for a client?

Andrew: No. For Mr Rodriguez.

Morena: Andrew, You need to learn to arrange what you use to cook. Everywhere's a mess.

Andrew: (sighs) I'm on it...

(Just then, Mr Rodriguez angrily enters the kitchen)

Mr Rodriguez: Andrew! What's this?!!! (shows him the food)

Andrew: I don't understand sir.

Mr Rodriguez: The French fries and toast are so hard, I almost lost a tooth while eating them, You need to improve on your cooking!!!

(He looks around the kitchen and sees Morena)

Mr Rodriguez: Morena, Since you're back, I want you to make me French fries and toast. Make them hard but not too hard.

Morena: Okay sir.

(Cecilia goes to meet him)

Cecilia: But sir, I can make it for you....

Mr Rodriguez: No, Don't stress yourself. I want Morena to make it.

(Cecilia angrily goes back to sit down then puts her earphones in her ear)

Mr Rodriguez: Morena, Hurry up and make it.

Morena: Yes sir.

(He leaves the kitchen)

Andrew: What's wrong with this man? He said he didn't want the French fries and toast soft and I made them hard and he's still complaining.

Nina: (sighs) Some people are never satisfied.

Morena: Yeah, Mr Rodriguez complains a lot, He expects everything to be so perfect.

Nima: Well, Life isn't a fantasy world. He should get used to imperfections!

Morena: Exactly. No one is perfect, Even Mr Rodriguez isn't.

Andrew: Shhh...Cecilia's here

Nina: Its alright, She can't hear us. She has earphones in her ear.

(Unknown to them, Cecilia has been listening to their conversation and she records everything they say)


(That evening)

(At the dish washing area)

Nina: I'm so tired.

Morena: Yeah me too.

Nina: What's worse is that I'm working a night shift with Andrew today.

Morena: Oohhh, I sense something romantic's gonna happen.

Nina: (sighs) Andrew and I are just friends.

Morena: (smiles) Hmm...That's what's they always say.

Nina: Well its true in my case.

(Pascaline enters the dish washing area)

Pascaline: Morena, You have a client.

Morena: Alright. (To Nina) We'll talk later.

(Morena goes to meet her client)

Morena: Good afternoon ma, May I take your order?

Woman: I'd like a medium sized burrito.

Morena: Okay. Your order will be with you in 5 minutes.

(Morena enters the kitchen and sees Cecilia searching through her handbag and removing her money and mobile phone)

Morena: (shocked) Cecilia! What're you doing with my bag? (confused) What the...Why're stealing my money and phone?

Cecilia: I'm not stealing it, I'm taking it!

Morena: You're taking it?

Cecilia: Yes! And I'm gonna sell the phone!

Morena: (angrily) If you don't hand me back my money and phone right now, I'm gonna...

Cecilia: You're gonna what?! If try anything funny, I'm gonna report you to Mr Rodriguez and tell him that you and your cohorts insulted him and called him unprintable names!

Morena: What?

Cecilia: Yeah that's right. And I have evidence!

(Cecilia plays the video recording of Morena, Nina and Andrew talking about Mr Rodriguez)

Morena: But Cecilia, You don't have to do this. That money is all I have and the phone is the only way I can communicate with my family and friends.

Cecilia: Do you think I give a fuck? (She puts Morena's phone in her pocket) Listen, If you tell anyone about this then you can say goodbye to your job.

Morena: But I went through hell to get this job...

(Cecilia ignores her continues searching through the bag and she removes all the money in it)

Cecilia: Okay good. That's all the money.

Morena: Cecilia please....

Cecilia: (hisses) Get out!

(Cecilia pushes Morena aside and leaves the kitchen)