

Romantic moment of two special lovers Morena and Daniel, Morena is always saved/protected/innocent, because of her clean hands in everything she does. but a girl named Cecilia is always ready to make things fall apart the evil doer. check or read below is beloved morena be saved from Cecilia trap?

Ibitoye_Timileyin · Fantasy
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Chapter 12

(Chuks Restaurant)

Rafael: I'm glad Mr Rodriguez didn't say he was gonna deduct your salary.

Morena: Me too. Seriously, I'm really tired of Cecilia. She's too saucy, rude and arrogant. No wonder everyone hates her.

Rafael: Don't worry Morena, I'll make sure you don't get into trouble with her.

Morena: Thanks.

Rafael: So, Are you free this evening?

Morena: Hmm, It depends if I get off work early. Why'd you ask?

Rafael: Well, I wanted to take you out. Just me and you.

Morena: Awwnn that's so sweet. Don't worry, We'll do that when I'm free.

Rafael: (smiles) Ok no problem.

(Rafael leaves)

Nina: Wow. Rafael totally has a crush on you.

Morena: Don't be silly, Nina.

Nina: I'm serious, I'm surprised you haven't noticed it yet. The way he talks to you, The way he looks at you...The signs are right in front of you.

Morena: He can't have a crush on me, We're co-workers. That'd be weird.

Nina: So? What about Daniel and Cecilia? Aren't they co-workers?

Morena: But....

Nina: There are no buts. Go for him if you like him.

Morena: Whoa whoa, Slow down there, I don't have feelings for Rafael. I just see him as a friend that's all, Besides we've only known each other for about a month.

Nina: So?

Morena: So I don't have feelings for him.

Nina: Fine.


Andrew: Bro, I heard what happened between you and Cecilia. Damn, That girl is a bitch.

Daniel: Worse.

Andrew: I would've given her a proper beating.

Daniel: (laughs) Yeah, But it isn't right to hit a woman.

Andrew: I know but still, She deserves it.... So you've broken up with her?

Daniel: Yeah.

Andrew: So, How about Morena?

Daniel: What about her?

Andrew: When are you gonna ask her out?

Daniel: Dude! I just broke up with Cecilia, It's too early for me to enter into another relationship.

Andrew: But she's perfect for you. I mean, Morena is everything a man would want in a woman. She's hardworking, intelligent, compassionate... Unlike that hoe you were dating.

Daniel: When the time is right...

(Daniel leaves the kitchen and goes to serve his client)


(Later on)

(A lady enters the restaurant)

Cecilia: Good evening ma, May I take your order?

Lady: Don't bother. Morena will take it, She's a better cook.

Cecilia: (angrily) But what is there that she can make that I can't make?

Lady: I already told you, Morena will take it!

(Morena goes to meet the lady)

Morena: Good evening ma, May I take your order?

Lady: I'd like to order a plate of tamales and chicken to go.

Morena: Your order will be with you in 10 minutes.

(In the kitchen)

Rafael: Morena, Do you need help with anything?

Morena: Yeah, Please help me fry the chicken.

Rafael: Okay

(Daniel enters the kitchen)

Daniel: Hey Morena, Do you need any help with that?

Rafael: As you can see, I'm already helping her!

Morena: It's alright...I could use you both's assistance. Three pair of hands are better than one.

(Cecilia watches in jealousy as Daniel and Rafael assists Morena)

Cecilia: (angrily) Nosy pokers. (She hisses as she goes out of the kitchen)

(Later on)

Lady: Thanks for the wonderful meal. (She gives Morena $300) Here's a tip.

Morena: Thank you very much ma.

Lady: No, I should be thanking you. Your food was amazing.

(When she leaves the restaurant, Morena goes to share the tip with Daniel and Rafael)

(Later that evening)

Guillermo: Morena. Daniel. You both will be working a night shift today.

Morena & Daniel: Okay sir.

(At Diego's house)

(Diego and Isabella watch the sunset)

Isabella: Yellow is such an awful colour.

Diego: (smiles) I like how you hate everything about the world.

Isabella: I don't hate you.

Diego: I don't hate you too.

(Isabella pulls him into a kiss, He breaks it few seconds later)

Diego: Babe, It's been really long since you last cooked for me. And the food you made the last time was delicious.

Isabella: Thanks.

Diego: I wanna eat spaghetti and sauce.

Isabella: (nervously) Umm...Ok, I'll go prepare it.

(In the kitchen)

Isabella: Oh no, Not again. I don't even know how to make spaghetti... I wish I had listened to my mom and learnt how to cook. (An idea pops into her head) I know what to do.

(Isabella orders spaghetti and sauce, When the order arrives, She pours it in a plate and goes to serve Diego)

Diego: Wow, Your food tastes amazing. Where'd you learn to cook like this? I can't wait for us to get married, Our kids are gonna enjoy your cooking.

Isabella: (smiles nervously)


(Uncle Roberto's house)

Juan: Mom, It's past ten and Morena isn't back yet.

Aunt Maria: I know.

Juan: Aren't you worried?

Aunt Maria: I am but...

Juan: Maybe we should call her to know where she is.

Aunt Maria: Don't worry, She'll be home soon.

(She goes into her room)

Juanita: Will you stop worrying yourself about her. Look, Morena isn't a good person like I thought she. was.

Juan: Why're you saying that?

Juanita: Don't you know she's trying to steal Dad's affection from us? Its best if we don't even see her again.

Juan: Who told you that?

Janita: Mom did.

Juan: Why did she say that?

Juanita: Because it's the truth. Morena isn't a good person, Juan. The sooner you realize it, the better.



(At Chuks restaurant)

Daniel: Good evening miss, May I take your order?

Woman: I'd like a plate of French fries and soda.

Daniel: (writes it down) Okay.

(In the kitchen)

Daniel: I wonder what person would come to the restaurant late at night.

Morena: Maybe the person doesn't know how to cook or the person is just returning from work and is very hungry.

Daniel: I'm exhausted. These potatoes are so sturdy.

Morena: Stop complaining. (she goes to meet him) Don't worry, I'll help you with it (sings) You shut it out, And I can't hear a word you say, I'm talking loud not saying much...

Daniel: Whoa, You know David Guetta?

Morena: Of course.

Daniel: Titanium right?

Morena: Yeah. That song is my jam.

Daniel: Mine too.

Morena & Daniel: (sings) I'm bulletproof, Nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away. Ricochet, You take your aim, Fire away, fire away. Shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium, Shoot me down but I won't fall, I am Titanium!!!

(Morena and Daniel smile at each other, Just then, Daniel leans in and kisses Morena)