
More Than one 40 short stories

more than one is a set of 40 short stories with five categories, and a few have their own sets of mysterious tales. romance, royal, horror ( crime/mystery, death/hauntings), fan fiction, and the supernatural world( vampires, witches, angels/demons, and fairies)

LegendsLostStories · Fantasy
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40 Chs

the prince of blood and ravens

Once upon a time in afar away land- there was bloodshed and mayhem all because of one little slip-up. You may be wondering what the slip-up is. According to everyone in the kingdom, I shouldn't be on the throne. I am apparently from not royal blood. My dad is a hero and my mom is the step witch of cinderella.

Kingdom of nalia

Castle drach

"I dont care, we can not go to war with them." I asked, " Can not go to war with whom? What did you do now Elisa?" She snapped, "I didn't do anything. We are trying to avoid a war with a kingdom trying to take over ours, and not even a few days ago, your father was almost assassinated." I growled, " How did you know that only he and I knew and he hasn't said a word not even to you?"

Soon enough we heard a loud crash, and doors slammed open, " You can't go- in" " Well isn't this a lovely surprise? I haven't seen my dear old family in years." The minute we saw her was the minute hell froze over. " The Queen Of Deception. Thought you died, dear sister." She smiled with a pair of raven eyes and said, " No, but I did come back for one thing though brother. I want my crown back. And the throne as a plus."

My wings grew and I snapped, " Over my dead body. You gave up the throne the minute you were banished for treason. You were the one that killed our mother." She laughed, " Did dear father not tell you what happened that night?" "We all know the story you didn't get your precious little way and killed mom."

She said, " No that is not what happened, dear father decided to make a treaty with the neighboring kingdom- and you know which kingdom that is-" " Mysteria." " Bingo. Dear father tried to keep the peace but you want to know what mother wanted to do. She wanted to marry me off to keep her little secret safe. According to her im adopted, and mom had an affair with dear old uncle Quinn- dad's brother." " Hang on mom had an affair?"

She nodded, " Yep and so to try and get rid of me, mom hired an assassin who also was going to be my future husband but he was just trying to get to the fortune and throne. But turns out mom overheard and got caught in the crossfire. So no I didn't kill mom. Dad's little mistress twisted the story and got me banished so technically im next in line for the throne."

To be continued...